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Posts posted by Eki

  1. Something weird is going on with light and time bubbles, because it should be red shifted. So there definitely is evidence that light behaves differently from other things.


    If the deflection wasn't random, Wax would have learned how to shoot through Wayne's bubbles long ago, I think. 




    In the end, the reason bullets deflect is probably just to stop shooting inside a time bubble from being too overpowered - if Wayne could slow down time while Wax just picked off every opponent with careful shots, the books wouldn't be as interesting.

  2. The damage was still there, though. The spike just gave Ruin an in that he wouldn't have without it. (Even Kelsier, as connected to Ruin as he was, as broken as his experiences made him, did not hear Ruin's voice) Of course, it quickly became a moot point because Vin Ascended not 2 minutes later.

    No, this was earlier, in Fedrex (?). I think it was when Ruin found out the atium wasn't in the city.


    My point was that in that case, the connection to Vin was broken immediately. Maybe that doesn't mean that the 'hole' in the spiritweb was gone though, I dunno.

  3. A question: you're parsing the URL to get the topic and page, right?

    But how do you made it recognize capitalized letters and apostrophe? In URL it's just "...mestivs-signature". How does it recognize that there is an apostrophe in "mestivs"?

    I think it's the actual page the url points to that's being parsed, not the url itself. The topic is the title, so it should be easy to find. (It might break in topics/subforums with dashes in the name though...)

  4. Nah. It's in SoS, in the scene where he's in the bar and thinks of it as a temple. He says something about people "contemplating the mysteries of the cosmere", lowercase "c".

    I think it's just Cosmeric word for universe.

    But in BoM, when someone mentions the Cosmere, Wax sounds really confused, which implies it's not a common term...

    Maybe I misunderstood Wax' confusion there though. I dunno.

  5. (I haven't read SH yet)

    I've thought about this, and the only thing I can think of is that he used his personal connection to Spook, rather than Preservation's power. Perhaps the connection was augmented by Preservation, but the actual 'link' was Kelsier's own. If that's not it, then I don't know.

  6. As far as we know, the closest they've gotten are the ettmetal bombs, which aren't even close to city-busters in strength.

    We don't know how strong the Hunters' temple bomb was though, and I think the Set has that now. I doubt it was nuke-level, but probably much stronger than most other explosives.
  7. More of a multiliner, but anyway:

    “How do you fight someone smarter than yourself? The answer is simple. You make her think that you are sitting down across the table from her, ready to play her game. Then you punch her in the face as hard as you can.” - Rand al'Thor

  8. Not sure "shardpools" means exactly the same thing as "perpendicularities" cause the pits of hathsin were a perpendicularity.I was thinking of perpendicularities as something like "physical representations of a shard's power" or something

    The pits actually were Ruin's shardpool. I think it's unclear if the pool was the actual pits, or if there was a real pool somewhere below the mines.

    That said, in WoR Jasnah exits the Cognitive Realm somewhere that probably isn't a shardpool. Of course, she's special since she can Elsecall, but if you read that extra scene with her that's posted somewhere (from Oathbringer, or just a scene on its own? Not sure), it seems like you can't just exit from anywhere. That implies there are other, perhaps 'lesser', perpendicularities.

    Also, doesn't Hoid use worldhopping to travel faster on a planet too? We used to think Hoid used worldhopping to get to the WoA before Vin, but that's not the case (anymore)... If he does, then yeah, shardpools can't be the only naturally occurring perpendicularities.

  9. Scientists want to do a few experiments with gravity? Throw a few lashings their way and watch them squirm as objects fall to the ceiling.

    Better yet: give just a few objects lashings in directions that are almost straight down.

  10. There are contradicting WoBs, one saying the planets were all there before shards got there (the one Obi-WanLebowski posted above), and one (some?) saying Ruin and Preservation made Scadrial. I was just trying to reconcile the two.

    In any case, I don't doubt a shard could have the power to create a planet on their own.

  11. ...Except that Honor himself tells Dalinar that to see what is to come is forbidden. Doesn't sound like the sort of thing you say about a power you deliberately granted mankind.

    I don't remember that... But at least one of the visions Honor sent to Dalinar was a prediction of the future.
  12. Consider the spren, especially- they are most likely little what it "split" into. You know, tiny pieces of cognitive investiture, and so on.

    Spren existed before Honor splintered though - the Knights were around before then. I don't think we know if the lesser spren existed, but (some of) the more sentient spren definitely did. Maybe the sentient spren were splinters Honor (and Cultivation) made while he was alive, and the lesser ones the result of the splintering? But some lesser spren seem to be more aligned to Cultivation... I think many spren might be splinters of Adolnasium itself, though.




    WoB that Ruin and Preservation created Scadrial


    That could just be a reference to them creating life on an existing lump of rock (or one with life, but no people), though.

  13. Odium is more knowledgeable, I think that's his biggest advantage (regardless of if he truly is opposing Harmony at the moment). I don't think he has absorbed power from the other shards, since apparently he doesn't want his Intent changed. Absorbing even pieces of other shards would probably do that.

  14. It'll be the same as a metal in our world, but the Rutherford experiment wouldn't pick up the Investiture that makes atium, lerasium, and harmonium "godmetals."

    But that would mean it would technically be possible to create a god metal through fusion or fission. Feels a bit odd to me... Unless of course it's the investiture that turns the metal from a normal one to a god metal.
  15. I believe this was kind of... retconned a few months back, so that Hoid DID know where the Well was, but had other things to deal with in the north. It should be Brandon's last post on these forums.

    Here you go: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/52594-mistborn-secret-history-continuity-notes/

    I guess it technically contains spoilers for M:SH, but I haven't read that yet so I wouldn't know :D

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