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Everything posted by Canucck

  1. It depends on the spren. Pattern cannot hide himself completely like Syl or Ivory. One of Syl/Pattern/Jasnah mentioned that specifically, I can't remember which though. Wyndle is kind of an in-between. He can mostly hide himself from people, but his "dead vines" that look like ash show up for everyone.
  2. Was hoping we'd see Szeth "bring justice" to the Stone Shaman like Nale told him to. Not sure if that's supposed to have already happened though since we've seen him just casually rolling around with Nale in Edgedancer. Maybe it will happen or get a recap in one of the OB interludes?
  3. He's supposed to be very hard to notice unless you know what to look for. Like when Pattern went into the arena during the duel, Shallan remarks how painfully obvious he is to her, yet no one else in the crowd notices him moving. He also sits in spots where his pattern could belong, like on her dress. The walls of Urithiru are already covered in patterns too, so he'd be very hard to notice there.
  4. Do you think this mean that if an unsheathed Nightblood struck a spren he could possibly kill and/or break them directly? If a spren can't be "struck" in the physical realm, even by Nightblood, what would happen if he was brought to Shadesmar? I've been assuming that there is either some kind of restriction on summoning Blades (or spren becoming weapons) in Shadesmar, or that they wouldn't have much if any influence there to begin with since they work on the spiritual level. But Nightblood isn't a spren and he isn't summoned. He's also presumably been there before. I don't think anyone is going to take Nightblood on a Shadesmar rampage, but if spren suddenly had to worry about their safety (beyond any bonds) when Nightblood was around things could get interesting. I didn't notice any WoB close to this but there are a lot of those now, has anything like this been asked/discussed before?
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