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Everything posted by TheBlueShifting

  1. Hurt Hoid, Heal Sylphrena 1. Kelsier 11 HP2. Kaladin 8 HP 3. Vin 10 HP4. Elend 7 HP5. Shallan 11 HP 6. Dalinar 6 HP9. Adolin 9 HP14. Marasi 7 HP15. Wayne 8 HP16. Sylphrena 11HP17. Lightsong 9 HP20. Marsh 11 HP24. Hoid 8 HP25. Jasnah 9 HP
  2. So I was checking up with my Deviant Art when I found this recent pic by Jazzy-Kandra (Please check out the link and tell him hi) http://www.deviantart.com/art/Melaan-621536006 When I saw it I instantly thought, "What if we were to write a story about the characters from Alloy of Law as if they were High School students attending a Elendel High School as normal students? Heck what if we did that with ANY of the Brandon Sanderson books!?!" Now I know this is probably not the first time someone has thought of this. I am reminded of the `Attack on Titan Junior High' series. Literally just using the characters in a completely different/more normal setting. But if there is anyone who fancies the idea, write a quick scene as how you would see the series. If you know of such a project that already exists, please leave a link so we can all check it out! I look forward to all the submissions, and when I can I'll write up one myself. Have fun!
  3. @Spookypandagirl It really wasn't bad at all! Plus unless you plan to make a lot more vocal content you proably don't need a super nice one.

  4. @TheAn1meMan @akidearest Why do people not understand that?

  5. We learn the ways of the Force, but there is a darkness we must face... #starwars #letsplay #sith #redemption https://t.co/0JxN8P0R3D

  6. Do you ever consider making this a podcast with multiple people? I'm sure you get asked this all the time but it might be nice to have a dialog between multiple people. Although I have only listened to this one so far.
  7. I'd Rather be a Seeker, then I can find where people are burning what, become like a P.I. or something. But I'd rather have my power help me do something, not hide others. Would you rather fight an Inquisitor or a Chasmfiend?
  8. Took a short walk, and I gotta say, love the view. Plus the Pokémon were out in force. #sunset #PokemonGO https://t.co/ihjxOyoQUJ

  9. RT @OfficiallyMJB: Don't throw your phone it doesn't work #PokemonGO https://t.co/vT3DhrsRJ5

  10. That would be more in line with controlling, and in all honesty I doubt Shallan would ever have enough Stormlight to do most of anything in this post. But Brandon really did mention the lasers...
  11. Oh the more I think about Hoid, the more freaked I get. I mean, just imagine what he could do if he wanted to? And for that matter what does he want to do?
  12. @rikadoh94 @Lost_Pause_ @LilyFoxMechanic Have you considered doing whole series of comics? The art is great and the content reads well.

  13. I would suspect that even in the best conditions, some power is still lost. I mean you are talking about ripping and stapling soul matter from one person to another. I am sure that the initial damage is enough to loose some power, although in your situation it would be minimal enough that it might not be noticed. I am reminded of a Horcrux from Harry Potter, you can split souls, but the act of doing so weakens the parts that are produced. Also we cannot forget that as you add spikes, you yourself become less human. So in the end, are you even the person you were before?
  14. This is fairly straightforward. We all should know that one of the fundamental laws of the Universe as we understand it is that Matter cannot be created or destroyed. Technically you could argue that matter is organised energy levels but that's only speculation. However when a Allowmancer burns metals, they vanish completely. As it is said many times, these metals are poison to the body normally and they don't really just "pass" in a healthy way. So what actually happens when the metal is burned? Because we know that the Investiture doesn't come from the metal itself, but the metal acts as a conduit and determines the application of the power. So where does the metal go?
  15. You could be very right, I would speculate that they would at least be up to par, but we really need to see what they can do before we can really speculate properly.
  16. Infrared is one part of the Electromagnetic spectrum. All Light carries heat. Technically Radio waves, Infrared, visible light, UV light, Gamma Rays, are all the same thing. They differ in wavelength and frequency. Large Wavelength and Low Frequency (Radio Waves) Have very little energy. Short Wavelengths and High Frequency carry a large amount of energy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_spectrum
  17. @TheAn1meMan Sword art online is the best anime of all the anime.

  18. @sekaiproject @TheAn1meMan Sweet Nekos that is the best news of the year!!! #Neko #lifeisgood https://t.co/Ry3KaKVkzt

  19. Now you are on the right track in some areas (I'm not a particle theorist mind you, but I am a Physics major on my way there) But yes, the thing that makes Gamma Radiation so dangerous is effectively the high levels of energy that it holds. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, making a gamma ray would require insain amounts of Investiture. Also, heat is just the transfer of energy through a medium. The sun burns your skin because the UV radiation sheds heat into your cells as it contacts your skin. It's part of the natural decay of high-energy matter/photons.
  20. Actually that might be along the lines of controling tension and cohesion. We don't know much about that yet, but I'm excited to see what Stonewardens can do. I think breaking down cohesion in it's simple form will be similar to using the tensers from the Reckoners series.
  21. After a brief conversation with Brandon on the matter, I think I might be onto something. This theory revolves our current understanding of Physics so it would be some time in the timeline before we could confirm these theories. However I cannot stop thinking about these ideas and Brandon confirmed a couple of my speculations. But if the skills that Shallan has displayed, along with the words of Pattern, we can extrapolate incredible future abilities. Now I could be wrong simply because we don't have an understanding of all the radiant groups as of yet, but here me out about this. So what do we know are Shallans abilities? Well the first and probably the most powerful (that we KNOW of) is the soulcasting. Shallan can separate her cognitive mind from her physical body and interact with shadesmar directly. Once she masters this skill she will be able to use storm light as a bargaining chip to convert matter and form. I'm excited to see what this entails and if there are any real limitations to this power. Like can they only soul cast into one essence at a time? Why do the soulcasters in the Alethkar army look like they have stone for skin? So many questions, but despite this ability, I want to focus on lightweaving itself. i just feel that transformation is "more powerful" than progression. No the ability to manipulate light is the real power here. Although "Lightweaver" is a deceptive name. Remember how Pattern said that Shallan could manipulate sound as well as light? When I read that the second time through I did a double take. I mean, on the surface these two are vastly different. Light is a collection of photons, where as sound is a vibration in moving particles. The only thing that these two truly share is that the nature of light and sound is determined by the waves and wavelengths that they maintain. So how could this be? If Shallan is creating false light barriers, then that should be the extent of her abilities. it would still be amazing and incredibly versatile, but that's it. Including the ability to affect sound waves tells me that there is something far greater going on. If Lightweavers actually shape the wavelength of physical particles and energy waves, then her powers become nearly unlimited. First I'll start with sound. If Shallan as a Lightweaver can control waves of vibration to create sounds, then what else could she do (Assuming stormlight were no object for the sake of speculation) Well she could most likely stun people with powerful sound waves. Especially in the water, large enough shock waves can actually stun of kill. Remember a noise is simply a managed vibration in particles including liquids and solids. If you can manipulate shock waves and add enough power, stunning people would not be too far fetched. Even Earthquakes are effectively massive shock waves that travel through the soil. They seem vastly different from a verbal shout, but on the large scale they really operate on the same physical premise. And we now know Shallan uses her powers to effect shock waves, so far just on the small scale. So we can presume that with enough stormlight, Shallan could cause an earthquake. Now to the real power. Light manipulation. Often times we get comfortable in our spectrum of light. We have the colors of the rainbow and every shade in between. Shallan had displayed the countless applications of light manipulation in stealth and espionage. However we are not so limited in Physics. Visible Light is a tiny part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The levels of light along the spectrum are only different in their wavelength and frequency. This is where things get exciting. First lets go to the large end of the spectrum. So if we have two lightweavers, perhaps standing on the peaks of two different mountains. If the lightweaver can manipulate radio waves, using stormlight to create a variable radio broadcaster and receiver, we would have the perfect way to communicate without anyone being able to listen in. This could be very useful, although span-reads honestly are better at this, so this is less exciting. More likely Lightweavers would become radio hosts in the future as they transmit music and voices into the homes of radio owning families in the future. I can imagine Lightweavers as traveling radio performers sharing their skills as actors of comedians across the radio waves. But it's the other end of the electromagnetic spectrum that gets really crazy. Imagine how soon x-rays for medical diagnoses could be used when your doctor can literally create x-rays out of thin air? Crime scene investigators will have a local Lightweaver create UV lights to help reconstruct the crime scene and look for trace evidence. But the ultimate form (That Brandon said would be too much to be practical both in needed stormlight and application) would be the control of Gamma Radiation. If this could be harnessed, Lightweavers could literally become mini nukes, or death guns. The biggest downside to making Gamma radiation would be the damage the lightweaver would most likely suffer. So gamma radiation is impractical but its a fun thought experiment. So that's the end of my thoughts, I just see people talking about how Lightweavers are cool, but not as powerful as Windrunners. Now you know the possible future of lightweavers! The best part of this whole speculation was how excited Brandon was about my train of thought. I don't know if anyone had brought up this train of thought before. But he was happy to remind me that things will get pretty interesting when Lightweavers discover lasers and start using them in combat. Seriously, he said that, I couldn't ever make this up. Hope you enjoyed!
  22. @Spookypandagirl I know right? I'm here watching my feed explode with Anime Expo and RTX tweets and I'm like... Sigh, Top Gear anyone?

  23. RT @TheAnimeBase: Anime

  24. No weird in the slightest, although superheroes tend to be broken and not follow well designed rules (In my opinion) So I think Brandon Sanderson's heroes are much more interesting. Have fun on here, and hopefully you can get involved!
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