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Posts posted by breakingamber

  1. Just now, winter devotion said:

    ...Alright, To Be Fair, I'm Probably Overreacting. But It's Not Like We're Your Obnoxious Next-Door Neighbors Playing Annoyingly Loud Rock Music; The Way I See It, We're Your Mostly Quiet Neighbors Who Don't Do Much AndOccasionally Mow Our Obnoxiously Long Lawn. Could You Please Not?

    It is not creativity that makes an Epic, but gratuitous and overused capitalization.

    And superpowers.

  2. 1 minute ago, Sherlock Holmes said:

    Having to click on it to make it go unbolted again is annoying.

    Other's peoples' enjoyment being your extremely mild annoyance is reason to mildly complain about it?

    ...alright, to be fair, I'm probably overreacting. But it's not like we're your obnoxious next-door neighbors playing annoyingly loud rock music; the way I see it, we're your mostly quiet neighbors who don't do much and occasionally mow our obnoxiously long lawn. Could you please not?

  3. 2 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

    There! Very effective and not at all contrived time skip with amazing ambiguity! 



    I'm very happy.

    (not sarcasm by the way; I'm just happy that the gears of the 17thshard Reckoners RP may or may not be slowly grinding together again)

  4. 1 hour ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

    Okay.  MrakeDarshall hasn’t visited the shard in over a month.  I think that we should just fast-forward through the Jacklyn scene, and maybe work it in later?

    I'd be fine with that, but I left my sister behind at Disneyland this one time, so prolly shouldn't listen to my advice. 

  5. [should I put an image here?]

    Still now

    The more Karina thought about the world, the less sense it made.

    To be fair, she'd mostly gotten used to it. She could handle there being reality-defying people with superpowers from comics and movies and really bad books. She could even accept that every single person with those powers was a sadistic murderer (well, if they could actually sadistically murder). It was a pattern. Easy to follow.

    It was the exceptions that made Karina uneasy. The exceptions that made her wonder, Could it be that not all Epics are evil?

    She was jarred out of her thoughts by the probably-(hopefully)-not-evil Epic beside her, who snarkily asked if she was an angel here to smite her. Karina laughed again, then replied, "Nope, not an angel. Just trying to help, because hell, I mean, you kinda look like you need it? You were sitting in the snow wearing a t-shirt crying. And here we are." Karina walked through the open door, then smiled. "Wait here, I think I can get some food."

    She walked upstairs. First, she entered the bathroom and popped open the medicine cabinet, which had been completely unraided all these years. Cough medicine...Benedrill..."Yes!" she whispered quietly while snagging a half-full aspirin bottle. She popped two pills then left the bathroom and entered her bedroom, which, just like she'd remembered,  was completely empty. Well, unless you know where to look. She pulled up on a certain part of the carpet, revealing a small compartment, undisturbed for years. A weathered almost-unreadable cardboard box lay inside. Covered in dust and cobwebs and nearly full of plastic wrapped little cakes, she smiled and walked downstairs, looking for MV. When she found her, she smiled and tossed one of the packages towards her.

    "Want a Twinkie? These things last forever."

  6. 28 minutes ago, Voidus said:

    I only just noticed that I'd left a scene for like a month without a response. :wacko:
    Sorry @breakingamber

    This was always here

    I believe you, don't worry.

    On a side note, I thought of this on the bus, and thought it was too funny not to share.


    Regular name: Arthur Cepa

    Epic name: Windbreaker

    Primary: He can manipulate smells in an area around him through a gas he emits.. The closer it is, the more intense the smell. Said area usually stretches out to ~10 yards or so, but can be more or less on a good or bad day. This gas can be either deadly or nigh-addictive at either end.

    Secondary: He has minor control over winds; he can't pick a particular item to move or move anything particularly heavy, but he can make pretty strong breezes

    MO: He has no sense of humor, and seriously considers himself a threat to people (which he is, surprisingly). When someone, with a straight face, suggested Windbreaker as an Epic name, he accepted it and then killed the guy by making him strangle himself to death.


  7. 1 hour ago, winter devotion said:

    I can justify a time skip to the meeting pretty easily, if we need to. Filling in the details through flashbacks that we’re still role playing would work fine with how Kokichi’s powers work— it wouldn’t just be a contrived way of pushing the scene forward.

    Anyway, more fun Portland AU concepts: MECHAS. Either Epics pilot them or maybe they are the giant robots that the vanilla squad pilots. Or the dinosaurs are the mechas? Lots of ideas. It’s still civil war, but Portland is a lot bigger. 

    So, Portland WITH MECHAS?


    EDIT: Doesn't Portland already have mechas?

  8. 6 hours ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

    We don't actually know that, as EVERYONE got powered, so there is no normal people to have children with.

    Oh, and @Comatose, weren't you going to post on the cake scene?

    Last edit was made 6 days ago by anonymous


  9. 6 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

    Hey guys, anyone got any ideas for an unnecessarily long and scientific sounding term for superhuman that could have a possible shortening? I'm just going to have them say super power, but I need the scientific term as a set up for a joke. Also, worldbuilding. 

    Go with Di-Enzyme Recalibrant Powered People, or DERPP for short.

    (I have no idea what recalibrant means)

  10. Just now, Kobold King said:

    No clue. I am not, technically speaking, a member at this point. :P

    I know that at some point Comatose was going to get me character profiles for Jenn and Connie so I can write them as needed. (Mostly as Karina's supporting cast, I imagine.) Currently I do not have those profiles, and Karina doesn't appear to be walking through the doors of a Reckoners base as of this very moment, so I don't have anything to write.

    If Karina does, in fact, walk through the doors of a Reckoners base at any moment, I'd be very surprised.

    At best, she's a bumbler. The only reason she might get involved with the Reckoners is because of a random phone she picked up, which I suppose was kind of the point.

  11. 2 hours ago, winter devotion said:

    Trying to look for anything remotely consistent in comic books is like... it’s like piecing together a giant puzzle made by different people, each with their own highly biased and judgmental view of the others, with the help of an absurdly big and highly motivated mob of nerds, each with their own agenda and view of how it “should look.” Sometimes these nerds end up becoming creators of the puzzle eventually— it never stops growing. Pieces flat out refuse to fit, sometimes because of small inconsistencies but usually because of big ones. This is why “who would win in a fight” arguments about comic book characters bug me, especially ones relying on the worf effect, because COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS HAVE NO CONCIEVABLE BENCHMARK FOR THEIR STRENGTH. With the exception of independent writers, whose stories aren’t set in the disasterous snarl of continuity that is DC and Marvel. To be honest, I love that disaster. It’s like, where else could Leonardo de Vinci just... randomly show up to talk to Iron Man and his adopted genius daughter?

    To be fair, most writers and artists are on a deadline, and they don't have time to think, 'oh, can Batman actually lift this boulder? I should check the weight for an average boulder of this one's composition and either modify the size of the boulder or think of something different'. 

    They can't all be Death Battlers.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

    Or maybe the specific power is shaped by the environment? 

    Epigenetics vs. actual genetics?

    Considering comics have likely tossed around both words as an explanation, we're probably never going to get to the bottom of this.

  13. 2 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

    Yeah, and it's even worse when it's completely different mutations that are somehow connected under the mantle of "superpower." Like, shape shifting and fire powers would be completely different systems? 

    Uh, uh, uh

    it's the same 'magic' gene as all the other mutants, just expressed in a different way thanks to various other genes

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