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Posts posted by breakingamber

  1. 11 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

    Argh, this is complicated. I think I'll do this, with a bit of handwaving. 

    I'm skipping this problem by flat out saying, 'it's magic brought about by sheer willpower'.

  2. 1 minute ago, kenod said:

    Going by wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominance_(genetics)#Co-dominance), having two dominant genes will generally cause both of them to express themselves. On the other hand, having a large variety of powers would mean that a single gene probably wouldn't be enough to decide your power type, so the mixing of a number of genes is what causes people to only manifest a specific power, similar as to how something like eye color works (this means that someone from the third generation could potentially have the same powers as one of their grandparents did, even if their parents didn't).

    Oh right.


  3. Just now, winter devotion said:

    I figured someone with two powered parents would have more of the default portfolio (natural stat boosts when it comes to healing and strength in exchange for being even hungrier) but only one of the actual powers, cuz otherwise things would get unbalanced really quickly. 

    Realistically, they could easily have both powers. 

    But I guess one could argue that superpowers are relatively recessive for whatever reason (maybe because it makes you hungry and whatnot?) and that the odds of inheriting more than one or two or three or fifteen are dependent on the genotype of both your parents.

  4. 1 hour ago, winter devotion said:

    Thank you! I’m really excited. I love the way of sorting powers I’ve come up with! In accordance to Sanderson’s laws, every power has a cost and limitations! In general, using the superpowers (which everyone except stuffy scientists who insist on being technical just call superpowers because who are we kidding here, they’re superpowers) makes people hungry, with extra downsides to specific categories or individuals. There’s mutations, which are just inhuman looking people. Usually based after animals or mythical creatures (like FRICKIN DRAGONS). They need to eat more than most, but consinstently and in less extreme amounts than some more active categories. Mentalists, like mind controllers, need to touch people with their hands to activate their abilities. Swarm types (basically like Taylor from Worm with a wider variety of things they can control based on the individual) get nauseous. There’s a whole bunch of these types, with some subsets. Right now, I have about 137 abilities, with the second generation only have copies of their parents and absolutely no people with multiple abilities.

    Does anyone who can science know how genes decide which trait to exhibit if two different dominant genes are passed on? Ones that don’t share or mix at all?

    Alright... I'm stupid and literally learning about this in Bio right now, so I'd recommend discounting my advice.

    In any reasonable scenario (I think?), science should decide that superpowers are a dominant gene and if offspring has the superpower gene, then they should have superpowers. If two different 'dominant' genes are passed on to offspring (though most genes are usually either expressed or not expressed), then the more dominant one should show, though the less dominant one will still be there.

  5. 53 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

    I'm editing in the words for the first page of my superhero comic! (That one I asked for help coming up with powers for.) I did a sort of prototype for my school newspaper, but this is gonna be the real deal! I think when I've got a good chunk of pages ready, I'll start uploading them to a webcomic site one at a time! Or something. 

    Good luck!

  6. 5 minutes ago, Kobold King said:


    somewhere luminous and cloudy

    "Welcome, Professor Cardinal. Now that you have... apparently chosen to die, you have passed on to the true next life. Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven."

    "My head hurts... wait, where am I?"

    "The Kingdom of Heaven. I'm St. Peter and I'm here to show you the ropes. Now, I know what you're thinking, but now that you're free of Calamity's corruption nothing you did as an Epic is held against you. We judge you solely as Thomas Cardinal, and-"

    "The idea of 'heaven' is a childish comfort for the superstitious."

    "...hah, that's not an uncommon reaction. But as you can see, it's very real. Now, let us just-"

    "There is no reprieve from the tyranny of death other than my Army of Light."

    "...now now, you seem to be stuck in ol' 'Lightwards' mode. Remember, Calamity has no influence here, and... what are you doing. Your pockets are empty, Professor Cardinal."

    "I need my gun. You are to become my first Warrior before I take over."

    "Professor, please. I'm trying to tell you-"

    "QUIET! You are speaking to your better."


    "Where are my dinosaurs?"

    speaking into a radio : "...hello? Is this our colleagues downstairs? We have a Code Deathwish for you to come pick up."

    response: We're sorry sir, but there is no Code Deathwish. If you were thinking of... that..., then sorry, there's no Coke in Heaven, it's all Pepsi up here.

    EDIT: Dammit. I can't read.

  7. 1 minute ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    "I will find the lame ducks of the world and bring them into my Army of—" 


    "Sparks. That one almost wasn't worth the bullet." 


    ….I'd say we have Pixar, but that makes everyone cry, so never mind. :P 

    Hey, you didn't let me get halfway that ti-



  8. 1 minute ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


    "Seriously, guys? I spent three hours coming up with that last speech! THREE HOURS!"


    Eventually, Lightwards figures out that they're only killing him because he's giving speeches, but he keeps coming up with them and trying to give them anyway.

  9. 35 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

    It’s a few things, all at once.

    I’m actually a very likeable person. Other people genuinely have trouble “being themselves,” whatever the heck that means, and to those people, my complete lack of comprehension to that does genuinely come across as brave. They’re not being insulting me. I’ve also made a difference in someone specific’s life— she said she thought she was straight but she’s been questioning that a bit and, in part, my complete inability to shut up about my UNDYING LOVE for anything female has helped her. Also, I could probably change people’s opinions easily, if I stopped approaching every disagreement as if it was a fight.


    Edit: Also, rad! 


    ...ahem. Sorry.

  10. 1 hour ago, Kobold King said:


    I literally cannot even imagine them as a happy couple.


      Hide contents

    "I bought you a box of chocolates for Valentine's Day."

    "Aww. They almost look real."

    "They are real."

    "Yeah right. I guess you expect me to believe we actually had a date at a nice restaurant last week, too."

    "We did!"

    "You can't prove that. Or maybe you can. Maybe the Thoughttown governors caught it on camera, all Orwellian-like!"

    "Oh, I see. Nothing I do is good enough for you, is it?"

    "I can't even tell if you're doing anything! I don't even know for sure if you're wearing pants right now, Milton!"

    "They are pajama bottoms but they still count, Samantha!"



    THIS perfect demonstrates the problems of two different dating scenarios:

    1. The problems of dealing with an illusionist
    2. The problems of dealing with a pathological liar

    Of these two scenarios,  I thankfully have not encountered one but the other is my sister :P

  11. 10 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    Hey, lookie there. Part three of the Newcago Office bonus episode is up. :ph34r: 

    On one hand, my inner grammar Karabiner wants to criticize the spelling of Nighweilder.

    On the other hand,


    *laughs repeatedly*


  12. 43 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

    I'd say that in Russia, someone somehow brought the cold-war-era government to the future, and now they're actually one of the most benevolent governments.

    Wow.  You know things are bad when you wish you lived in Soviet Russia.

    In Soviet Russia, Epics are killed by you!

    Wait, that's the Dalles. Scratch that.

  13. Just now, winter devotion said:

    In Turkey, they're called non-powered people. 

    Sure about that?

    See, Turkey was renamed to the Jerkish Overlords of the Khan Empire after the conquering by an Epic who believed himself to be the reincarnation of Genghis Khan. The former people of Turkey resented this and insisted on being called, well, you can guess, just to spite them.

    Also, they haven't come up with a good acronym.

  14. Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    I feel a mixture of irritation and amusement—which means this was a very good pun. :P

    Not to mention the naming of 'maples' immediately made me think of maple syrup

    In China, vanillas are  called 饭。

    In Britain, they're called fishies.

    In Mexico, they're tacos.

    In Dutchland (the Netherlands), they're called cookies.

    In my house, they're called the Joke that got repeated until it wasn't funny anymore.

    In Germany, they're called beans.

    In Austria-Hungary...

  15. 2 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

    What was the plan for that, anyway? Would he figure out the weakness or just accidentally trigger it? 

    (I honestly assumed the plan was the Alastair method, aka killing him until he’s so stupid that he can’t hurt anyone)

    I think that something would've happened to Remington, where he didn't care anymore, and he just decided, 'storm it, I'm going to shoot this slontze' and he shot him.

    And then Lightwards died.

  16. Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    ‘Twas me. Though it wasn’t quite the method that was thorny, but more the situation surrounding it. 

    Yeah, I can see that.

    Poor Remington. We all have to remember that even the most badass people have limits too, and eventually those limits will be reached.

    See Batman, that guy from the Watchmen, and Chuck Norris (he's dead).

  17. Just now, Kobold King said:

    Also Lightwards. If you manage to set off his weakness, you've already lost more deeply than any fight could inflict on you.

    That is a very... eloquent way to put it.

    I remember someone mentioning that Remington was planned to kill Lightwards in a 'thorny' way.

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