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Everything posted by queensteph

  1. I already said that I had Magnified Persuasion so it's no surprise. Kipper, if it weren't for my PM with Arraenae I'd be trying to kill you. I don't like how set you are against Kamyle and myself, all based on a theory. (I'm honored to have your longest post be about me though.) If you guys do end up killing me (and find that I'm an EPIC) I'd suggest going after Lopen and Elkanah. I don't think Kipper is evil because I don't see why a Reckoner would be so set against trying to kill an Epic (me) because it wouldn't be in his best interest once I'm killed. Ninja'd by Kip Ok maybe not, before I posted this I didn't see his post but the time looks like he posted a while ago so idk!
  2. Ok, I made the list since I had a few minutes C1. Lopen: Your target protected someone. C2. PK: Your target followed someone. C3. Clanky: Your target attacked someone. C4. Hellscythe: Your target followed someone. C5. Elkanah: Your target followed someone. I don't really see how this list helps but you seemed to want it.
  3. I didn't make the post because I was using my tablet (which is all I've used this game which makes it extremely difficult to use with PMs) plus it was at 14% aka would die in 2 mins bc the battery sucks and I didn't(and don't) have access to a computer. I'll make the list tomorrow,but for now I sleep. And yeah, sorry Lopen, I realize I'm kind of tunneling you, but I really don't have any other suspicions. I trust Kipper since Arraenae said she was suspicious of him, but I'm not sure of much else.
  4. I don't see how 2 votes is "clearly a bandwagon" especially since I'm the second person that voted and since like 2 cycles ago I've been publicly suspicous of Lopen. Please don't kill me. I wouldn't say this except for the fact that there's not many players left and I know it'd be wasting the lynch on an Epic(me). I didn't say what any of my results were because almost 3/6(?) times I scanned someone they ended up dead in the new cycle so it was already public info. If you'd like I could list all of the players I've scanned and what the results were. I don't see how it would help much though. Edit: The reason I never voted was because of my Magnified Persuasion because I felt like it had too much power and since never had a solid enough suspicion to get someone lynched I didn't put in my vote since I didn't want to be the cause of an Epics death. The first time someone used Illusions on me I just thought it was a GM error. Then it happened again and I was still confused, but Phatt confirmed with me that it wasn't an error in PM / and then he posted about the Illusions ability in thread.
  5. OK, Lopen. Idk what you've been doing with your power, but it certainly hasn't helped the Epics. I didn't want to do this, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Lopen has Forcefields (unless he has Heat Vision) and we haven't seen much protection going on. It's not something huge to go off of but there aren't many players left and we need to get rid of the Reckoners before they get rid of us! Lopen, do you have anything to say about this? (Sorry for outing your power I know you hate when people do that but I don't know what else I can do )
  6. In response to Clanky's other question about Lopen's power, I don't want to confirm or deny without Lopen's approval. (In the post before this I said Lopen's 'role' but I meant power.) Also, I'm open to suggestions on who to scan. Seeing as how the cycle is almost over I'll probably pick someone myself, but next cycle I'll gladly hear your suggestions. P.S. Why am I always in the vote tally in the writeup when I didn't vote?? Is there a hidden power that makes you be able to make someone vote?
  7. Clanky, I was the other in a PM with Arraenae. I had found out what Lopen role was & needed to confide in someone, but when Arraenae PMd me something felt off to me so in the end I never told her what Lopen's role was. I just told her that I was suspicious of him for his role and then gave her a list of players I thought might be Reckoners and why / then asked if she'd give me a list of who she thought could be the eliminator team...which she never did. The only 'suspicion' she gave me was that she thought you were possibly a reckoner. Which now leads me to trust you more. Edit: sorry my mistake, but it was actually kipper who she said might be a reckoner.
  8. Lopen, I voted on you based on your power, but I didn't say so then because I hadn't revealed that I had invisibility/ plus I didn't want to say what your power was so I couldn't really explain. I took my vote off because I don't have any real proof that you're a reckoner and if you're good, I don't want to lose you.
  9. If I was a reckoner why the heck would I out myself when Ripple was already asked whether he was followed or not? I chose to back up PK because I had the info on hand to do so. Plus, it seemed like a good idea since I was the only one who had real confirmation that PK was telling the truth. I'll try to post again later, but for now I have school.
  10. Yeah I noticed the BB vote when I was making the vote tally but wasn't sure what the rules for unvoting/voting were, I guess I should've pointed it out. Also, phatt, I didn't have a vote placed at the end of last cycle, and I never voted on Adavantos C3. Idk if this is a mistake or not. @Telepaths I'd like a PM if one becomes available. I'm placing a vote on Lopen. I have my reasons for being suspcious, but it doesn't seem wise to state them here which is why I'd like a PM. Adavantos, Heat Vision just informs you if you're being followed, it doesn't block invisibility. Edit: ^my bad, this is incorrect.
  11. @Ada Ok, ok, I get your confusion as to my playstyle, but the reason I was barely involved in LG15 was because it was my first game and I had no idea what I was doing. Plus, since it's a QF I have more time to analyze things since there aren't as many players/posts. I was rethinking my vote on Maillaw and I actually placed it because I was confused over something you said at the start of the cycle. You said "I'm glad I don't have to worry about being lynched by my teammates now." And I was thinking that meant you were somehow proven to be an Epic from something I had missed but hadn't had the time right then to read over things again. Hopefully this explains some of my actions so far. I'll take my vote off of Maillaw since it was placed on a misunderstanding. I have to go somewhere with my family right now and won't be back on until after rollover. Updated Vote Tally Maillaw(3): Kipper, Adavantos, Orlok BB(2): Araris, Maillaw Kipper(1): Arraenae
  12. Hey Adavantos, just wondering, but what happened to you being so suspicious of me? At the end of C2 you said that out of Clanky, Orlok, and myself that I was your biggest suspcion (because of gut feelings). And then at the start of C3 you say Orlok and Clanky are your mains. Did something change where you began to trust me or did the gut feeling just leave? I mean I've got nothing against being free of suspicion, but it seems strange to me that you wouldn't even mention me after stating that I was your biggest suspicion. Also, is it normal for Maillaw's playstyle to just post a vote? Strange.
  13. To help clarify the votes, I have Magnified Persuasion. Not Enhanced Relationships. I normally wouldn't confess my power, but seeing as how its a pretty obvious one, you all would figure it out soon enough anyways. Also, Maillaw, I'm purely voting on gut feelings and will change my vote if I find someone better to place my vote on. Edit: I don't think Kipper's play style has changed, granted I've only played LG15b with him so far, but he seems the same, and in LG15b no one questioned his play style so I'm assuming it's normal.
  14. Idk if this is helpful, but I did a vote tally/sum up of all votes placed in Cycle 1 so I'm going to post it. Total Votes Lopen: Anamaximder, Steph, Adavantos Kynedath: Lopen Steph: Lopen Anamaximder: Orlok, BB, Hellscythe, Maillaw Adavantos: Araris, Arraenae Arraenae: Hellscythe, SilverDragon Araris: PK Clanky: BB Elkanah: Elbereth Orlok: Adavantos, Arraenae, PK BB: PK PK: Arraenae Vote Tally: Lopen(1): Anamaximder Anamaximder(4): Orlok, BB, Hellscythe, Maillaw Adavantos(1): Araris Arraenae(1): SilverDragon Elkanah(1): Elbereth Orlok(2): Adavantos. PK PK(1): Arraenae Final Votes after power usage: Anamaximder(5): In which his own vote on Lopen was placed onto himself by the power of 'Illusions'. Ada(1) Elkanah(1) Orlok(3): Adavantos and PK do NOT have Magnified Persuasion, but someone used the power of 'Illusions' to place SilverDragon's vote from Arraenae to Orlok, therefore making the vote total be 3. PK(1) I think this is right, but correct me if I made a mistake and I'll fix it! Also, on the matter of Orlok I'm taking my vote off since Kippers(?) explanation made me realize my theory was just a theory and had no evidence. I'm not sold on Adavantos being evil either, but think it's more likely than Orlok. So, Adavantos, sorry pal. Ninja'd by like 50 people... Ok, so Silver's post reminded me about Enhanced Relationships. So that leaves 2 possibilities: 1. 2 Illusionists used their powers. (As stated above.) 2. 1 Illusionist used their power to place either the Lopen or Arraenae vote onto Anamaximder, and either Lopen or Arraenae (whichever one's vote wasn't changed by the Illusionist) had Enhanced Relationships.
  15. @Ada The reason I was asking so suddenly was because I was thinking that the rollover was at 3pm but now realize it's at 5pm[edit2: I'd accidentally written 6pm]. So I was confused as to why you weren't removing it so close to rollover. As for me, I haven't decided whether or not I still think Orlok is evil, but I'm leaving my vote there for now. P.S. Could someone do a vote tally? P.P.S Also, Lopen, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the whole Orlok thing. P.P.S I wouldn't mind getting a PM. Ninja'd by Clanky After reading through everything so far if I change my vote off of Orlok it'd probably be onto Ada because his posts are confusing me and I can't tell whether he's trying to protect or kill Orlok. u feel?
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