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Article Comments posted by thegatorgirl00

  1. I'm definitely more opposed to Dova being Battar based on what we know than any of you. He claims that's how he knew of the Desolations, but we know he learned about it from Gavilar's visions. And he wouldn't necessarily be exposed immediately @Windrunner. Dova is part of the Diagram. She could hide out somewhere and Taravangian could just say she left. 

    The binder of gods thing reminds me of the dawnshard "known to bind any creature voidish or mortal". It's most likely unrelated, but still the first thing I thought of. 

    I don't think any of you called the Eighty's War by name, which amused me. Which brings up the question of why it's called that, there is no obvious reason we know. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Chaos said:

    Guess who forgot to post this news post and tweet this yesterday: this guy! 10/10 great job Eric. 

    I 100% thought you were just in one of your busy/tired/annoyed at editing moods and decided last night 'Storm it! I'll write the post tomorrow." 

    I like how no one mentioned Ben's mysterious disappearance between episodes, even though they were recorded consecutively. @Overlord Jebus, make a YouTube video about the exciting adventures you had after being kidnapped between episodes! 

  3. 4 hours ago, ccstat said:

    The reading was from the prologue. In the main events she is 17 (per the sample chapters linked above).

    After reading the sample, I'm even more excited for the book. I still can't figure out what continuity it belongs in. The world doesn't match any of his other works that I recognize. An argument could be made for Firstborn, but I don't see it. That Brandon is being cagey about confirming any connections to other works makes me think that the reveal will be exciting for anyone who catches it.

    I've thought from the beginning that it's Defending Elysium. Ive only read the prologue, but Cytonics seems to fit with the aliens being able to sense human gatherings. And


    the story ends with a giant war about to begin, and only a very small number of humans who all work for the Phone Company actually knowing Cytonics, which would let the knowledge die quickly. My guess is that Spensa will rediscover it in the trilogy. I also have a theory that the AI isn't actually an AI but is instead the result of an experimental mind swap into a machine. 

    I should probably go make a topic explaining my reasoning and theories. 

  4. I disagree with Jebus's theory about the bridge pretty strongly. It's clear Ulim knows something was going on with Eshonai, and he seems happy she died because of it.


    “Respect for what? It’s for the best that this one died.”

    “For the best?” Venli said. “For the best?” She stood, confronting the little spren on Demid’s outstretched palm. “That is my sister. She is one of our greatest warriors. An inspiration, and a martyr.”

    Ulim rolled his head in an exaggerated way, as if perturbed—and bored—by the chastisement. How dare he! He was merely a spren. He was to be her servant.

    “Your sister,” Ulim said, “didn’t undergo the transformation properly. She resisted, and we’d have eventually lost her. She was never dedicated to our cause.”

    I think this is one of the situations where the simplest solution is the correct one. The bridge is a bridge between two peoples. The Diagram doesn't want that because it would interfere with Mr. T's plans to create chaos and disunity so he can become king of everything.

    Now that you mention it in predictions, it makes perfect sense that Venli would be the one to discover how to break away from the gods again. Her whole thing has always been about rediscovering the forgotten knowledge of her people.

  5. I think Iyatil's job as babsk is mostly limited to off-world things. Mraize can make decisions by himself while on Roshar, but he listens to her while off-world.

    Seeing Kaladin use Stormlight and surges pushed the listeners into taking up stormform, so maybe that's the reasoning behind Nale's flawed logic.

    You guys didn't include Worldsingers on your list of potential secret societies?

    Here's what I got from this podcast:

    • Sons of Honor- Start the Desolation to bring back the Heralds. Worst plan ever.
    • The Diagram- Negotiate with Odium. Worst plan ever.
    • Skybreakers- Listen to an insane Ishar. Worst plan ever.
    • Envisagers- Try to kill yourself to become Knights. Worst plan ever.
  6. Nice catch on the salut, didn't notice that myself. 

    Random Voidbinding chart fact related to Truthwatchers you guys missed. Unlike the other orders, neither Truthwatchers or Bondsmiths have lines connecting the order symbol to the surges on the chart. It could just be stylistic, but it is far more interesting to speculate that it is because of their abilities. 

    Time to test this  



  7. A lot of the issues you mentioned about worldbuilding and characterization are why I haven't read the prose yet. I've seen so many comments of people complaining about things the prose did better that I decided to wait until after all three graphic novels before reading it so I wouldn't have any expectations. 

    I was one of the people who was really excited for volume 2, and the hype has definitely gone down each time they moved the date.  I won't believe it's coming out this month until I've actually bout it from Amazon. 

    I kind of have a soft spot for the graphic novel since it's what really got me into Coppermind editing  

    Does this mean we're getting a video podcast next week? 

  8. Speaking of confusing fanon terms, can we please try not to use the word aspect to describe those Autonomy things while the concept is still malleable so we don't end up giving it the same name as a the entire magic system from Legion? 

    I'm curious, what is the does hosting one of these actually entail compared to just being a guest, @Chaos? As a listener, I didn't notice a difference except who does the intro and closing stuff. 

  9. To me, the obvious question about spren being of Cultivation is did Honor and Cultivation come to Roshar because the spren have a large amount of Cultivation's investiture? 

    The Eila Stele does say the humans came using powers singers were forbidden to touch. That implies to me that surges were forbidden before humans came, and it's not due to Odium's influence. 


    They came from another world, using powers that we have been forbidden to touch. Dangerous powers, of spren and Surges.

    If you can power Surgebinding with Breaths and Breaths are stickier than Stormlight, would a Full Lashing powered with Breaths last longer than one powered by Stormlight. 

    Great episode, lots of really funny moments. 

  10. In reference to long podcasts, I think the day before the next SA book in 2021, you guys should record an eight hour preparation/hype podcast with everyone who guests rotating in and out throughout the episode and release it the Thursday before the book comes out. 

    Would I spend eight hours on Saturday before an SA book comes out listening to a bunch of people talking in preparation for that book? Absolutely. 

  11. I interpreted Cultivation's words about wanting a piece of Dalinar to be more about Connection. We know that the more Connected a person is to a Shard, the easier it is for the Shard to influence them. It's also necessary for things like Ascension. It's clear Dalinar was already Connected to both Honor and Odium. In making the deal, Dalinar became Connected more strongly to Cultivation as well. 

  12. Another great episode. I'm glad you guys brought up the idea of spren being involved with the Recreance. All the spren we've heard about the Recreance from were children when it happened, and the previous generation was massacred. I'd be very surprised if those spren got everything about the Recreance right. 

    Mathis made me wonder when and how the shattered plains were shattered. If it was done using surges, could it perhaps have served as further proof to the Radiants that they would destroy Roshar and contributed to the Recreance? 

    I would really, really like a podcast on the legend told by Puuli's grandfather about sailors coming from the Origin, but I know there isn't much material there. Maybe a podcast on all the random interludes with that included. 

    A YouTube video where you guys analyze which Shards you are sounds fun. I'd watch it. 

  13. 5 hours ago, NamelessThirteenth said:

    What world?


    We don't know. His exact words in the announcement are


    As I’ve played with Skyward over the years, I tried to pull it into the Cosmere, then found it didn’t work there. However, it is in the continuity of something I’ve written before. Something that isn’t the Cosmere, and isn’t the Reckoners. And no, I won’t say anything more for now.


  14. I'm kind of disappointed you guys didn't mention that Skyward is in the same world as a story he wrote that isn't Cosmere or Reckoners. That was the most interesting part of his post on that. 

    Edit: You did mention it ten minutes later. And you need to read Firstborn and Defending Elysium @WeiryWriter. They're both short and free online. 

  15. 1 hour ago, thejopen27 said:

    I think I dropped off before that. I just disagreed and with no one arguing my point of view I decided to move on. I was more dramatic in the first post than I actually felt. It was three people on one side, and the other two leaning that way. 

    I would definitely suggest going further if you stopped when they all said their opinions. I completely understand why that would make you not want to listen, but I thought they did a good job of calmly analyzing the situation. They couldn't be completely unbiased, obviously, but the definitely tried to look at it from both sides. I thought they had some really good insight. I found @Chaos's insight to Kaladin particularly interesting to listen to. 

    Besides, if you disagree with a point they made, you can come down here and explain your reasoning for why you disagree. Or if you continue to find it too hard to listen to, you can still stop. 

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