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Article Comments posted by WeiryWriter

  1. 48 minutes ago, Wetlander said:

    You might want to go check your source on this; as it stands, it's a glaring misquotation.

    Looking at the original source, I think Brandon's phrasing is ambiguous enough that it could be either way. I.e. "this character only has one viewpoint in part 4 but has more in other parts" or "this character only has one viewpoint in the book which is in part 4". I don't think it is fair to call it a "glaring misquotation" as it is a reasonable, if potentially incorrect, interpretation.

  2. 19 hours ago, Mason Wheeler said:

    WRT the question of how enmeshed Sazed's two Shards are, I asked Brandon several years back at a signing event whether, if Sazed were to be killed, he would drop the two Shards Ruin and Preservation, or one single Harmony, and Brandon said he would drop Harmony.

    That doesn't necessarily resolve the issue however, all it says is that Sazed's death would not be enough to split the two Shards, not that they couldn't be split in other, more directed ways.

  3. 17 hours ago, Edonidd said:

    Stop saying Avalanch!  Mountains have avalanches.   Books, Movies, TV shows, and other stories have climaxes.  You can't just rename things. And even if you could why would you?  Climaxes are way better than avalanches anyways.

    Brandon avalanche has been a term in the fandom for over a decade, its not a term that is going to change. It is also not exactly the same as "climax", Brandon avalanche refers to the way Brandon writes some (but not all) of his climaxes.

  4. 7 hours ago, Czernobog said:

    Not Cosmere, but the character of Cody in The Reckoners referring to individuals as "y'all" caused me to--for the first time ever--literally throw my Kindle across the room. And then his using "all y'all" to refer to groups of individuals was even worse. Make up in-world slang all you like, Brandon, but please use existing English slang properly! "Y'all" is very much a plural term. When addressing an individual, use "you", and when addressing two or more feel free to use "y'all."


    It's funny because Brandon has talked about how half of the South has the exact same complaint, and the other half is excited that he actually got it right. (I think @FeatherWriter is one of "all y'all" Southerners, but don't quote me on that)

  5. 1 minute ago, king of nowhere said:

    I'm pretty meh.

    White sand already showed that sanderson's style is not fit for graphic novels. too much plot and dialogue to be conveyed.

    I'm hopeful because this is a very different situation. I genuinely feel that the White Sand graphic novel suffered because it was being adapted from an existing prose novel. The were trying to retrofit a story into a medium it wasn't meant for. Contrast that with this comment from Brandon (from the announcement linked above):


    Dark One is my first project that absolutely didn’t want to be a prose project. After five false starts, it came to life when I imagined how it would be if the pictures I had in my mind were actual pictures. And then all of a sudden, in a couple weeks, a full and rich outline came together. I’ve since been excited to find the right people to adapt this into the visual story it wanted and needed to be.

    Dark One was fundamentally NOT working as a prose novel, it wasn't working in Brandon's traditional style. The medium of comics might fit it better. Can we be certain it will? No, of course not. But personally I choose to be hopeful, not dismissive.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Cephandrius Everstorm said:

    @Chaos @thegatorgirl00 @WeiryWriter @Argent as always, I love your discussions and theories,be they crack or otherwise. I was just wondering if you know from a WoB ot if you have speculated yourself about the possibility of someone taking up the power of a shard but having a separate intent after the vessel has long since died. I am specifically thinking of the possibility of Dalinar becoming a shard called Unity instead of taking up Honors splintered investiture and ascending to that shard and it's intent. If the shattering of Adonalsium created the possibility for 16 individuals to take up a seperate divine attribute,then could not the shattering of a single shard (Honor) also create the potential for subcategories of that divine attribute (unity, the part of an oath that binds one person/spren/etc. to another) 

    Basically I am asking if you guys and if others here on the 17th shard think that either the intent of a splintered shard that is unified can change or whether that shard being splintered can create the potential for people to ascend to a different but related shard or perhaps demi-shard, which could be what is happening with Dalinar thus far.

    Thanks for consistently great content guys and gals! 

    We actually have an episode where we talk about this coming up in a couple weeks.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Cowmanthethird said:

    These look amazing and they already have my money, I do want to know one thing though:

    Has anyone bothered to translate the steel alphabet characters yet? :P

    The translations are on the actual Kickstarter page. It's not anything spectacular.

    Era 1 boxing: "one imperial" / four numeral 1s

    Era 1 clip: "one clip" / copper symbol & four numeral 1s

    Era 2 boxing: "Elendel one boxing" / four numeral 1s

    Era 2 clip: "Elendel" / "one clip" & copper symbol & two numeral 1s

  8. 58 minutes ago, TheRealKelsier said:

    When you guys are discussing the storms on Roshar, I believe there is evidence that there were already multiple storms circling the planet. When the main character from the Parshendi parts goes to bond the void spren she mentions storm riders or something like that. She mentions that there are multiple storm riders which implies multiple storms.

    Eshonai only mentions a single Rider of Storms, which is the listener name for the Stormfather.

    And there is WoB somewhere where Brandon says that traditionally people believe each highstorm is a new storm created at the Origin, but that the current scientific opinion of the stormwardens (among others) is that there is only a single one that goes 'round and 'round.

  9. 2 hours ago, Landis963 said:

    "This star chart is useless for figuring out distances."

    The physics of the Cognitive Realm suggests otherwise, especially in an era before honest-to-God-Beyond space travel.

    The point I was trying to make is that this is the view of the night sky from somewhere. If you go outside at night and look at the stars make a star chart like this, by plotting each star's location on a 2-d plane like this star chart (which isn't actually possible to do accurately, you need the inside of a sphere to do that, but that's beside the point). Given just that star chart, you cannot accurately determine the distance between stars, because it does not take into account how far each star is from the observer. That is the z-dimension I was referring to.

    2 hours ago, Landis963 said:

    "If you look at Puritan names, they get super weird."  

    Even in Shadows for Silence, there's a petty thief mentioned named "Lamentation."  Can't get much weirder than that. 

    I was thinking of names more along the lines of "If-Jesus-Christ-Had-Not-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned", but yeah Lamentation is pretty weird.

  10. 1 minute ago, FeatherWriter said:

    "Is it Thursday yet?"

    Also Spook, bless his heart, he tries. (Oh my god does he try)

    Also I'm just... so incredulous that hemalurgy could recreate a body like that. Even from just the bones that is some extremely extensive regeneration. I could see hemalurgy letting you like possess someone else or maybe reanimate a corpse, but fully reconstructing one? How do you spike a skeleton anyway? Sure I guess you could Bloodmaker yourself up some new flesh with enough gold power, but what are you gonna do to get started? Just slip the spike between the ribs and hope that counts?

    Also anyone have any questions or topics they'd like me to discuss in a follow up recording at all?

    Oh the pain when I remember that this week's episode isn't until Saturaday...

    And if he is using his original bones (which I'm not totally sure of, but I'm unwilling to decide either way yet) I would say there would definitely be some gold Feruchemy going on but I really don't know.

    I have no specific questions or topics, I just can't wait for Edgedancer.

  11. Yay! I've been waiting for this for sooooo long.

    On the glowing of metals, I disagree with Landis' interpretation, I would argue it is less Preservation's proximity as it is the natural Realmatics of Scadrial.  But setting that aside and discussing the actual mechanics of what is happening I think it's more like how gems glow when infused with Stormlight.  In that Brandon has said that the light they emit is not actually the Stormlight leaking from the gems but that they act sort of like lightbulbs screwed directly into the Spiritual Realm.  Likewise metals glow because they are the focus of power on Scadrial and there is the potential for power from the Spiritual Realm to pass through them.

    On the Perpendicularity, it's not the atium, it's the Pits themselves.  You were right in referring to them as places where the Three Realms intersect (or at least to the extent of our knowledge).  The Pits are where Ruin's power naturally collects, and in the case of atium, leaks from the Spiritual Realm.  Same thing with the Well and Preservation's power.

    No Cephandrius is /not/ Hoid's original name.  Cephandrius Maxtori is the pseudonym he uses in Dragonsteel and is one of the oldest pseudonyms he has (though not as old as the name "Hoid" itself).

    Personally I greatly dislike the use of Shadesmar to refer to the entirety of the Cognitive Realm and use it exclusively to refer to Roshar's subastral.

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