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Everything posted by Tetriona

  1. The writing styles aren't exactly similar, but R.A.Salvatore's Drizzt Do-Urden books are AMAZING! Plus the entire series of books is very long so it will keep you busy for a while... (I suggest starting with his Icewind Dale trilogy and go from there)
  2. Okay, so this has probably been brought up a hundred times before and I just couldn't find it, but.... what exactly is our official Brandon Sanderson fan title???
  3. Welcome, welcome, welcome! It is always nice to meet a fan of both Brandon Sanderson AND J.R.R. Tolkien! I myself am an ENFP! As to anything else we all were wondering......ummm...... Who's your favorite female character in any of Sanderson's books? Male character?
  4. I know what you mean.... I quote Jasnah every time I go to parties....
  5. I am begging for Brandon Sanderson to give us some more background on Heleran Davar! I only met him for five minutes and even so, I really liked him! I need to know more!!!! Please?!?!
  6. Greetings, friend! So far, who is your favorite character? As to the fact that you are a lighteyes and therefore believe that you are superior to most of us.... alas, I am afraid that you will find that you are not the only one of noble birthright here.
  7. You know.... it's kinda funny.... my last name happens to be "Sparks" so when they first started saying it, I realized. . . "My name is now a curse word..."
  8. YESSSS!!!!!! I love that song!!!!!!!! I kind of picture Megan in the first book when I think of this song. Her inner turmoil knowing that nobody knew what she was... (Second verse of the song applying to Epics) I never said that I want this This burden came to me And it's made its home inside
  9. This is- *hiccup* -great game!
  10. Is it weird that I just sang both songs very loudly while reading these?
  11. Welcome, welcome! It's always nice to meet a fellow nerd! Are you a Lighteyes or Darkeyes?
  12. Oh......... ...........Thank you..........
  13. I'm going to have to say Shallan's drawing pencils. Those did more good for her than any weapon did...
  14. "Try not to flirt with the girl," Wit whispered. "Young Adolin seems to be growing possessive. Or...what am I saying? Flirt with the girl, Kaladin. It might make the prince's eyes bulge." Kaladin snorted. "She's lighteyed." "So?" Wit asked. "You people are too fixated on that." "No offense," Kaladin whispered, "but I'd sooner flirt with a chasmfiend." I love Wit!
  15. Am I the only one that wants Brandon Sanderson to write an entire short story on Heleran Davar? I would really like to know more about his backstory! Any speculations on as to how he got his shardblade?
  16. Another one... "You all seem odd to me," Syl said lightly. "Everyone but Rock, who is a complete gentlemen." "He thinks you're a god. You shouldn't encourage him." "Why not? I am a god." He turned his head, looking at her flatly as she sat on his shoulder. "Syl..." "What? I am!" She grinned and held up her fingers, as if pinching something very small. "A little piece of one. Very, very little. You have permission to bow to me now."
  17. Of course! My apologies for forgetting to mention it....
  18. So... I can honestly say that there have been many parts in the Stormlight Archive that have made me burst out laughing very loudly, (thus resulting in my family looking at me like I'd lost my mind...) The one scene that stands out in my mind is the part where Shallan and Tyn encounter Kaladin on the road for the first time. "I offend!............Boots!!" What line/scene has made you laugh the hardest so far and what character do you think is the funniest???
  19. Wow... I don't even know if it's possible to have only ONE favorite Cosmere character. I know it sounds weird, but I love all of the parts where there is a lot of dialogue with Syl and Pattern the most. As to my favorite HUMAN character, I'm going to have to say Kaladin! (But then I also love Shallan, Dalinar, Wit, etc.) *sigh* You get the point....
  20. Thanks! My eyes are bright blue. The Stormlight series is probably my favorite (so far)...
  21. Uuummm.... Is there a button that allows me to pick multiple people??? WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE ONLY ONE?!?!
  22. Hellooo! Tetriona here. I'm relatively new to both Brandon Sanderson and the 17th Shard. My brother told me about Brandon Sanderson two months ago and I can truthfully say that I have already bought and finished eleven of his books! I am now, officially, a DIE-HARD FREAKING FAN!!!!!! *ahem* Anyway... just wanted to officially introduce myself..... -Tetriona
  23. Great! Now the only voice I hear in my head at that part will be Groot's....
  24. Wow.... I came here to see if anyone knew the name of David's father and a few minutes later I was on my way to the refrigerator to get some slices of cheese....
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