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Cheese United

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Everything posted by Cheese United

  1. Vin: First one to do the horshoe trick with Allomancy. Raoden: First one to try to help Elantris
  2. Hey Sylfan! Welcome to the forum. A good peice of advice for you: Don't take food from the forumers. Ever. Unless they're me. Have an upvote and some zucchini pizzas
  3. Hey. Being a zucchini is not LOW it is the greatest achievment of all time
  4. I I would not be surprised in the slightest.After all, Peter does have the Shard of Trolling
  5. The DA Hmmm? "We here at the Zucchini guild do not endorse Hemalurgy or anything derived thereof." However, if you spraypaint the spike heads red, they do look an awful lot like the pepperonis in our pizza....
  6. I'm good with what I have. Why hit below zucchini when you can not hit below zucchini? Thanks for all the stuff though
  7. Yeaaaaa, I'm pretty cool like that. Bow down to your zucchini overlord peons! I mean, ummmmmmmmmmm, have a nice day. Yeah ( Thanks for all the help guys. )
  8. Hoorah for thread necro... I hope. "Wait was that a figure of speech or did old dalinar finally, how do we say uuh, kicked it?" Sahlllan sounded like a gangster for some reason
  9. Come one, Come all! Join the beautiful Zucchini Guild! For all those who have ever wanted to be a zucchini, I have gone to the other side! And came back a new cheese sclice! Join if you want to experience being a zucchini, without actuallly losing your reputation. We alos have Awakened Pizza, with the command " be delicious!" Same thing to the tacos. It's a real party over here in the Zucchini Guild.
  10. Thanks! Man who would've thought an internet forum would be full of people who weren't just a bunch of trolls
  11. Thanks to anyone who downvoted me, and helped me achieve my goal. However I'm now a lamespren. We should change that, get to the green and all that
  12. Because I want to put my achievment where everyone can see it: on the internet
  13. Wait. How do you add images to your signature? Once I figure that out I can go up
  14. Hhhm good idea. The zucchinis will take over the entire universe! (Once we figure out how to become sentient that is....
  15. You guys can feel free to upvote me now, for whatever reasons. I am very proud of what we have done. I am now a full Zucchini born cheese slice. Thank you all! Upvotes for people who helped me! Yay! now how was that for an introduction?
  16. Man, you got to be smart here. Let me tell you Feruchemical steel would be VERY useful for a certain olympic event or two. Just spend a few days in slow mo, then win gold on the 100 meter dash
  17. I think we can agree this si the only time someone has been happy that someone else used their entire downvote quota on them.
  18. Woops. Forgot to thank you all. Thnak you for putting up with my dreams of zucchinis
  19. Almost halfway there you guys. Soon the Zuchinni born will rise to destroy you all... I mean upvote you all. Yeaaaaaa
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