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Cheese United

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Everything posted by Cheese United

  1. (That was mean panda) Cheese flew off into the sunset, knowing that the DA had to win this battle for the anti DA to win the war
  2. You'll never guess what lighteyes look like thes Pre Recreance KR!
  3. Cheese landed a chopper on the roof top, because he likes to screw with peoples brains. (Think of all the annoyingness I caused you when you go back to the DA )
  4. Well wouuld you look at all the smart people! Actually, I hope some of this stuff makes it into the azlatianainain. It would be nice for us "Not as smart as Kalyna Anne/The only Joe" type people to have that type of thing explained by Brandy Carpenter Kid
  5. Umm... yeah I don't think you can spike chess pieces. On the other hand though, Chessboards are a wonderful thing with which to hit Spiked peoplpe over the head with!
  6. Nope. I'm not actually sure if rivalry is the right word anymore.... Okay change rivalry to "competition" It should hopefully open more paths that I feel may have been blocked out by the word "rivalry
  7. Cheese chuckled as he saw Voidus stabbed again. 'I sure do love stabbings!' Everyone in the general vicinity could not even. They were so done with Cheese.
  8. Cheese calmy took a bite of his zucchini. 'I sure wish I had some pizza to go with this zucchini' he thought to himself. He was seated jn his lawn chair about 100 meters awa form the fight. 'I should probably help someone. Nah, it's all good'
  9. No, downvotes are no longer required. I have been to the other side, and returned. Few people would ever be able to come back from such an experience. I shall not require my followers to put themselves through such an act. The knowledge could tear you apart
  10. That one kid who lift saved becoming the king or whatever? ( been a while since I read WOR
  11. Even when not in the kitchen, the DA is great at finding new ways to spread their goods. (Even when it does ruin a perfectly good zucchini in the process )
  12. Yes Bronze. I like the way you think! Have a zucchini.
  13. GrantedYour art is so beautiful and majestic that anyone who sees it melts. You are put under arrest, and spend the rest of your life in prison. Finally you draw one last illustration, killing your gaurds as your mind snaps. Uou conquer the known world, until no one contests you. You end up never being able to satisfy your broken mind, and lock yourself away until you rot and turn to dust. I wish I had the Shard of Pizzas. ( totally real )
  14. Aaargh. I can't even upvote you all anymore. Foiled Again
  15. So far there are only Zucchinis, and Zucchini Born, but if I can figure out the right alloy we may get gaucamole in on this too. Hmmmm. Feruchem-ole...
  16. Vasher/Sasharahshash ( Whatever her name is ): First to Awaken Steel Vasher: First to awaken bones encased in steel Yesteel: First to discover ichor-alcohol
  17. Bronzeheart, if you want to be a zucchini, do it. You wil gain Zucchini born powers, and offer people Zucchini, pizza, and zucchini pizza. It's great fun.
  18. Foiled again! Susebron: First god king to regain his tounge. ( Really reachin' on that one ) Adonalsium: First to hold all of himself
  19. Yea I've just been Lurking since about December. I actually only joined because I couldn't see an image without joining. Now here I am
  20. Drats! Sazed: First to hold two shards Kelsier: First to kill an Inquisitor ( I think )
  21. I'm not that massive jerk user though am I? I am just a simple slice of cheese, bent on bending the world to it's knees with my Zucchini-born powers. Woops. I mean spreading peace and love
  22. I wish everyone would convert to Zucchini-ism, including Brandon . Join the Zucchini-born!
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