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Everything posted by Gyuldenir

  1. What will it cost me? Surely such a wonderful thing cannot be simply given. What is the cost?
  2. It's very stringy, however, I have to compliment you on the use of essence of bean as a sweetener, never would've considered that.
  3. Voidus, your tone reminds me on an ancient spindly man tending a apothecary and conning highprinces. Maybe I'll bake some cookies of my own. Do you enjoy feeling strong after eating cookies?
  4. Thanks! I've never had a bamboo cookie, I think I'll try one! Mhmm, It was the first author I really read growing up. I probably have around 200 of his books. I'd say either "In Freedom's Cause" or "With Moore at Corunna/Under Wellington's Command" How about you?
  5. What about Adonalsium: Odium anlas (when I looked up anlas, it linked to anlace, which is "a medieval short dagger with a broad tapering blade" (dictionary.com) What if Adonalsium wasn't the name of the god-like being before the shattering, but was either what killed the being, how it was done, or if Adonalsium is what Odium uses to kill other shards. To further support this, examine the Shard names we know: Ruin, Preservation, Cultivation, Harmony, Honor, Endowment, Devotion, Dominion, and Odium. I think the intent's of them all are so obvious given their names except Odium's. We know Odium is hateful, but why not name him Hate? Every other shard's name is intuitive(in my humble opinion), but Odium is the only word that is extremely uncommon, so why not say Hate, when that's what he is. I think Odium was named so to fit a puzzle, and what better puzzle than what is Adonalsium?
  6. Redbird: Thank you! I've read all of Sanderson's published books, including the short stories posted on his site, except for Mitosis, Firefight, Alcatraz, and Shadows for Silence. I've also read the Malazan Book of the Fallen, Lord of the Rings, many Tom Clancy books, and I have a huge collection of G.A. Henty as well as many other authors. So, I read a lot ... It depends, what kind of cookie? Voidus: Thank you so much. I truly appreciate it.
  7. TLDR; Hi, I'm new, How do i make spoiler sections? and what counts as spoilers? Hello, I guess I should post here. It's my first post on 17th Shard, but I've browsed and observed for quite a while before finally making an account. I've loved reading Sanderson's books ever since I picked on The Way of Kings in a Denver airport after finishing my other three books I'd brought to read on a family trip. I'm a huge fan of his worldbuilding in particular, though I also am constantly intrigued what twists he will pull on fantasy archetypes next. The reason I finally decided to make an account was because recently, in about my 7th rereading of the Way of Kings, I got really interested in Hoid (Wit) and Dalinar's conversation in Part 4: Storm's Illumination: Gibletish. I noticed something and wanted to share, and from what I've seen on the related forums, this tidbit has not been thrown around yet. However, I'm not sure how to make spoiler sections, nor what is considered spoilers. So, please let me know what that is so I don't offend anyone, but I'm eager to join the fun of the site, all the jokes, and especially the incredible (and incredibly loony) theories. If you have read this far, thank you so much, Sincerely, Yet another huge Sanderson fan.
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