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Posts posted by Dunkum

  1. the Coppermind is a good start.  there is a link to it above. it is more or less a cosmere wiki with information on lots of thing.  that said, it does have spoilers, so you may prefer to read some of the books you haven't gotten to yet before digging too much

  2. 12 minutes ago, Werewolff Studios said:

    I don't believe we've ever seen Aons used anywhere except on Sel, for the reasons that you've said. All Selish magics are heavily Connection based, and require the user to be near their magics country or culture of origin. 

    Now, there are ways to unkey the Dor to use it elsewhere theoretically, but we haven't seen it thus far to my knowledge, and certainly not on many worlds. 


    I believe we've seen Aons used on Roshar (unless that was a Skaze, but same restriction should apply either way) by the ghostbloods. presumably they use the same purified Dor stuff that we see in Secret History, but i couldn't say for sure.  it's also possible that they can survive/operate on any external source, like the Returned can.

  3. 47 minutes ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    Then again, the Keepers had no idea about it's existence, so that's a point against that theory.

    But Rashek could have just suppressed the knowledge as hard as he could. Or perhaps the Non-Feruchemists left over from Rashek's Ascension did not know everything about Feruchemy and some knowledge was lost that way.

    So maybe they did have electrum, maybe they didn't.

    also possible the version that they had available wasn't any were close to the right mixture for ferruchemical purposes. they might have had electrum, but not ferruchemical electrum

  4. 20 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    Stormlight and Breaths have similarities, but they aren't the same. Stormlight is ambient Investiture that flows around everywhere while Breath sticks to the soul and originates from a person's soul at birth. You can be born with one just as one can be born with Allomancy, so I'm not quite following your logic with it.

    You can store a Divine Breath into a Nicrosilmind, which you could theoretically compound. 

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    kingbirdy (paraphrased)

    Could Feruchemical nicrosil be used to store other Invested abilities, such as a Returned Breath or the abilities of the Knights Radiant?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    Yes, that's possible.

    So technically you could store a type of Breath and compound it, but I guess you can't store regular Breaths?

    I dunno it just doesn't quite make sense to me. 

    wasn't aware of that WoB.  I'd agree if you can store the divine breath you can almost certainly store regular ones.

  5. To be clear - so far with Nicrosil we haven't seen someone store just raw investiture like breaths or stormlight. we can't actually be sure that is possible.  instead it seems more like Tin where what you store is a discrete ability - the allomantic or ferruchemical ability itself. so in keeping with that, it would seem like you might be able to store the capacity to awaken, rather than the breaths themselves. at least that would be closer to the uses we have already seen

  6. 1 hour ago, SpinningSky said:

    I think that if you mean:

    • "body" as a manifestation in the phisical realm
    • "sentient weapon" as weapons which have a counterpart in the cognitive and spiritual realm (shardblades, nightblood)

    Then the weapon IS the body you speak of.

    If you mean attaching the cognitive counterpart of the weapon to a human, I think the concentration of investiture required to make shardblades\nightblood would not be well handled by the poor human, as shown by how humans tend to react when "spiked" by such weapons:lol:

    Or did you mean something else?

    you might be able to do it with Spren. i imagine that there would be a way to make that work pretty similar to how Kelsier himself staples his soul to a body with a spike. I don't think it would work with nightblood, though.  spren have manifestations separate from their shardblade forms - and those manifestations are a LOT closer to Kelsier's cognitive shadow form.  I don't get the impression that Nighblood has any such thing - he is the sword and is bound to the sword so I don't think he has a separate manifestation that could be stapled to a body the way a cognitive shadow can be.

  7. We only know Atium and Lerasium at this point, and i think there is a WoB to the effect that the "Atium" we are familiar with is not properly Atium at all, sinc true Atium would be able to be burned by anyone

  8. 2 hours ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

    As for what an Atium Fabrial would do...I have no idea. It would probably have something to do with the future, based on it's allomantic properties, but I really have no clue.

    I want to highlight this because we have seena  little bit about how Fabrials are made and at least a few of them use metals that are viable for allomancy and have related effects to the allomantic effects of those metals. which suggests that looking at what a metal does in allomancy (and to be honest the other metallic arts as well, i'd bet) is actually a very good way to guess at what it could be used for in Fabrial creation.

  9. On 11/25/2022 at 5:09 PM, SandersonFan123 said:

    Yes I see this as fission explosion (splitting apart of different atoms.) I wonder if a fusion reaction could possibly happen although i don't see this happening until era 4.

    Maybe if you found some isolated atium and lerasium and brought them together? the implication from the book is that the two want to be together as harmonium because the shards they comprise are currently melded into that state. so it stands to reason that they might try to fuse with each other if brought into proximity. might need additional pieces, like electricity/energy and/or something like trellium to push them closer and closer together.

    I also wonder if there might be a godmetal out there with the opposite reaction as Trellium/Bavadinium. one that wants to merge with other investiture. possibly Ambition's godmetal.  of the shards that I can think of offhand just now, it seems the most likely.

  10. 15 hours ago, Fish613 said:

    You might be interested in this Word of Brandon:

    My understanding was that Feruchemy was a balance of Ruin & Preservation's power (with Hemalurgy mostly linked to Ruin and Allomancy to Preservation, though we have other WoBs confirming that both shards could power all three metallic arts).

    I'll second this.  I don't think we have any reason to believe that Trell is involved at all.  it isn't impossible, WOBs are only canon until they are contradicted, and maybe Brandon will decide he likes the idea that Trell has invested somewhat into Scadrial. but until we see otherwise, it is pretty safe to assume it comes just from the interaction of Ruin and Preservation and Scadrial itself.

  11. 15 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

    Alright I am SHOCKED no one has mentioned The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. It is so well written and hits the same beats that I love about Sanderson. Long story short, it’s about gay necromancers learning the secrets of immortality in an ancient mansion in space. It is insanely good, with amazing everything. 

    pretty sure that one was suggested to me by one f my friends, but I haven't been in the right mood to try to pick it up

  12. 3 hours ago, Cone Slice said:

    I know this isn't realated to the book I'm currently reading, but should I read the malazan trilogy? Some people say it's really good, but I've heard a few people say that it's kind of confusing. I'm not a very "experienced" reader compared to the people at my schools book club btw :rolleyes:

    which trilogy would that be?  I get 2 results when I google it; and of course the Malazan Book of the Fallen series is 10 books not a trilogy but is also where my mind goes first on any reference to Malazan

  13. Finally picked up a Switch, but I need to ration myself on games - $60 per game is a bit steep so I can't get a bunch at once.  Starting things off light with Kirby and the Forgotten Land, which is pretty fun so far.

    planning to probably pick up Pokemon Scarlet in the next couple weeks (I read somewhere there is supposed to be a sale the week of Thanksgiving, so will probably wait until then).  and BOTW2 when it comes out, for sure.  beyond that, I'm not sure what all else I need to grab.

  14. 7 hours ago, hwiles said:

    Doesn't becoming a tin savant make one nearly senseless if they run out of metal to burn?

    I'm thinking this would go very poorly for the de-spiked savant...

    I think that was just relative to the feeling of flaring tin beyond the normal limits. Our main POV for it was Spook, who was pretty much flaring tin constantly at that point. I suspect that compared to that, baseline human senses would seem like nothing

  15. 1 hour ago, ImportantQuestions said:

    fair enough, but I think that if the Misting/Mistborn had enough copper, they could stop it because I think of it more as a knife stabbing into rubber or paper or something but the farther it goes, the duller it gets and so it's eating up the copper but if there was enough copper, and they could burn it fast enough, it could stop it. I agree that It would take a freaking ton of copper (to release Investiture) to equal the Radiant's Investiture in the form of the Lashing. Or, I guess compounding could possibly equal the Investiture.

    yea, I was considering a different analogy, closer to the one you use, but didn't feel like retyping the post.

    the problem with just adding more copper is that there is a hard cap on how much a misting can burn and how fast.  With Duralumin it may be possible, but that's one shot and all your metals are gone, plus it requires a second allomantic ability, which complicates things.  someone with both Nicrosil ferruchemy and Copper allomancy might be able to manage it as well, but in either case I don't think they could sustain it very long (basically no time at all in the duralumin case).

    Nicrosil Compounding +  Copper Allomancy is probably the best bet, but that requires 2 types of allomancy plus a ferruchemical ability to boot, and even that depends on how tapping more of an ability that you already have actually works and/or how increasing your allomantic power actually works (does it increase the rate of burning metals or how much investiture you get from burning a given amount of metal?  or both?  something else?). it should increase your power cap, but might (????) increase the rate you burn through your copper as well.  but rationed correctly, I think this one might be able to hold its own against a KR by flaring bronze and Compounded Nicrosil to drastically increase the coppercloud strength in short bursts against the KR powers. unless you are fighting in a highstorm, in which case you may as well just give up, because the radiant isn't running out of power anytime soon. and of course, a coppercloud isn't going to do much good against just plain old stormlight enhanced punching.

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