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Posts posted by Dunkum

  1. 1 hour ago, Oltux72 said:

    Go back from Gagarin's flight by 80 years and you end up in 1881.

    sure, but there is a HUGE difference between orbiting the planet or even going to the moon vs travel between stars. it's been 50+ years since the moon landing and we still haven't sent a human to even the closest other planets to say nothing sending manned voyages outside the solar system. sure Cosmere folks will have magic, but thats still an enormous leap

  2. one thing to consider on his age: Mistborn Era 2 takes place within a few years of Stormlight 1, last I heard anyway, so Scadrial has to develop from early industrial to spacefaring in less than the time it takes for Sigzil to get from Roshar to Canticle. 50-80 (for age between 80 and 125) years seems awfully low for that level of development

  3. 5 hours ago, Briar King said:

    Big question is can you tell the difference from J to S’s style? I think he was a bit shaky with some things but S really started gelling in bk 2 with a J like flow. I’ve only read his 3 once so I’m looking forward to seeing the flow once again once I finish 11. I started that today and I’m really hoping it doesn’t take me months to get through like 10 did this time around. Ugh that was painful.

    I distinctly remember that Mat felt really off in The Gathering Storm when I read it, but hes better about that by Towers of Midnight

  4. 10 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    Mat is a character that really grows on you as the series goes. Perrin gets all the immediate meat right away, but Mat is the slow burn. He starts fairly unremarkable but as the series goes on he just slowly becomes the best character. 

    I don't know about that. at least once you start getting his PoVs in book 3. one of the first things he does is trounce Gawain and Galad in a fight - still one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. he was my favorite PoV character starting as soon as he got PoVs.

    for me the ranking is:

    1. Mat
    2. Perrin
    3. Egwene, but 2 and 3 are VERY close. Late series Egwene is arguably better, but judged across the entire series, Perrin wins for me.
    4. Rand 
    5. Elayne
    6. Nynaeve

  5. 3 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    Egwene is so based this book, this is the most based she's been, people dislike her after this??
    Also Nicola is actually being not awful. Wonderful

    Do people dislike her? I kinda get it in the earlier books, but of the 3 main female leads, Egwene wises up the fastest. basically she starts getting good once she starts hanging out with the wise ones. by the end of the series, I rank her over Rand, and during the Shaido stuff, her chapters are often better than Perrin's. Mat is #1, obviously

  6. 1 hour ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    Oh my god Lews Therin made a moving Gateway gilloutinne that's so sick

    not JUST guillotine. Trollocs die if they pass through a gateway. Myrdraal too, I think. so even if they don't get cut to pieces, the mere act of going through it will kill them. I also liked the laser fingers

  7. yea, a whole bunch of big stuff, plus some more minor stuff as well. I remember when Brandon was picked to take it over, and it was announced it would be three books, that there were people complaining (not sure how extensive that was, but i encountered some) because Jordan had said he'd finish after 1 more book. and I was listing those dangling plot threads out to myself and thinking there was no way 1 book was ever feasible. pretty sure Jordan said that only because he knew HE wouldn't manage more than 1 with his declining health, and wanted to finish.

  8. 42 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

    Almost (AoN Spoilers and Spoiler Spoilers)

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    Aether of Night contains 4 known Aethers, though they work more like Twin Soul's use than in Tress. The bonding process is a bit different from TwinSoul's and entirely different from anything seen in Tress. Aethers in AoN have no water consumption as part of the bond.

    Verdant - pretty much identical to what we see elsewhere

    Amberite - Very similar to Roseite - there are some properties we have not yet seen in TwinSoul's use of Rosite, and some uses of Rosite that were not present in AoN.

    Bestarin - Animal Aether, which allows any wound to be healed instantly by grafting animal skin/limbs over a wound (e. g. an early Bestarin shown has an Owl Eye replacing one eye and an Eagle claw replacing one hand) They are the primary soldiers and warriors.

    Ferrous - Is the Aether of Metal and has some normal effects in communicating with Fabrials* and other metalworking. Ferrous Aedin show an emotional detachment due to their bond. A Ferrrous Aedin may voluntarily become a Corpate (a type of Aether Fabrial) which can have one of a number of forms, but once bound to a form, the change is permanent and only a Ferrous bonded still in human form can communicate with a Corpate. 

    Then there are the Vo-Dari - the priests that can use a Sending (a Gift of the ancestors to the priesthood, which is open to all races and ethnicities) to teleport things and people nearly anywhere. 

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    Over the course of the book, they learn that :

    Illuminous - the true bond of the Vo Dari, kept secret - allows the user to teleport other people (not yourself)

    Night - the titular Aether of Night -  similar to Midnight Aether in Tress, but also capable of teleportation (only self, not others) and can also be used to augment other Aethers, if somebody has two bonds. 

    Ch 17:


    **Using "Fabrial" here in accordance with the WoB that says eventually Fabrial will be the Cosmere catch-all term for any MagiTech - not just things powered by Stormlight.


    yea, that's a lot more detail than my mostly half-remembered read from a few years ago.

  9. Aether Of Night contains at least 3 Aethers that were not in Tress. It also has "Amberite" instead of "Roseite" but in practice they are the same thing, and as has already been stated, it isn't canon, so it isn't clear how reliable it is as a source.

    Aether of night spoilers:


    Aether of Night contains 6 Aethers, though they work more like Twin Soul's use than in Tress. in fact I don't thin they ever appear as spores at all:

    Verdant - pretty much identical to what we see elsewhere

    Midnight - the titular Aether of Night -  pretty much identical to Tress

    Amberite - same thing as Roseite

    Bestarin - i don't remember the details precisely, but I think this one transformed the user into something that was partly animal. don't have time to search my copy for the exact language.

    Ferrous - encases the user in metal. in AoN this appears to be permanent, though again i'm a bit sketchy on the details.

    Illuminous - allows the user to teleport people (and maybe objects - don't recall if it is ever used that way)


  10. 22 minutes ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    It was rhetorical. I was making a theory. I feel quite confident in this theory as well. I don't believe that story about him being a cousin of Jain, but I also don't feel it's necessarily entirely a lie. I assume Noal's true story is said in the series?

    you'll get a pretty definitive answer by the end of Towers of Midnight

  11. 3 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    Hmmmmm very interesting. I've been wondering about Noal's identity for a while now. Is he Jain Farstrider? Did something similar to what happened to Birgitte happen to him? This man has a story to him for certain, and this conversation about Jain Farstrider is very interesting


    yes, he is. and no, he's just old. I had assumed he was historical and long dead as well at first, but apparently "The Adventures of Jain Farstrider" took place only a few decades ago.


  12. 2 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    They didn't say outright that that was what was happening, they implied that it was something to do with the harbor but I think they left it up to implication what was happening. Or maybe I'm just dumb and missed it.

    could be i'm slightly off on when stuff gets discussed openly - might be one of Egwene's first chapters int eh next book that they talk about it, but there are at least some hints if you felt like digging for them. like the fact that Leane and Egwene are the best at making Cuendillar

  13. 8 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    Welp, Egwene's been kidnapped. What in the hell was she even trying to do? Should I know that yet? I'm genuinely not sure if I just don't remember what she's trying to do

    I thought the answer was provided in that chapter, but she was trying to fuse the chains they use to block the harbor into solid bars of Cuendillar, which would permanently block the harbors (since its unbreakable) and make it harder for Tar Valon to resupply and bring in soldiers unless they removed them altogether (by literally breaking off parts of the walls they are attached to) in which case they couldn't block the harbors from hostile ships. as-is they can raise and lower them at will to let in ships they want and keep out ones they don't.

  14. 31 minutes ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    I just don't get the hope thing. I don't think Rand hopes to die even after Tarmon Gai'don, not unless he does go mad which is less likely now than ever

    best guess: part of one of his answers from the Aelfinn was "To live, you must die." so probably its related to that

  15. 4 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    Ohhhh right, I forgot that vision. It was like Alivia is going to be related to Rand's death right? Cadsuane didn't bring up the viewing in her narration though. She did get a lot of information out of Min, hell she learned that she bonded Rand, but I'm not sure that was one of them. Her narration was like "there's a connection there based on how they look at each other", instead of "there's a connection there because that girl will be the death of him". And if it was related to the vision, then I'm not sure what the "Alivia's gaze was filled with determination, and Rand's with hope" would be about. 

    It's been a while but I think Alivia is going to "Help him die" and yea it sounds like Cadsuane doesn't know that specific thing, but Rand certainly does and it makes sense that it would carry in his body language.

  16. 7 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    Alviarin believes Shaidar Haran is the Dark One (interested if this is true), and Shaidar is influential enough to punish a Forsaken whenever he wants (idk if we knew that before but we do now). If he IS the Dark One, then that makes sense. If he isn't, then what in the good god damn. If he isn't the Dark One himself, I wonder if him or Moridin is higher up on the food chain.

    He isn't - if the Dark One were out and able to physically manifest and walk round, EVERYONE would know. I don't think we ever get much more information about him.


    7 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    very interesting that they had the same idea as the Aes Sedai with Rand, I wonder what the deal is with that

    Aes Sedai gonna Aes Sedi. if they can't control things one way they will try to ontrol them another and the Warder Bond (Usually) provides for a lot of control


    7 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    elaida is gonna ruin everything my god

    she's very good at that.


    7 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    Cadsuane believes there's a connection between Rand and Alivia

    Believe this is due to one of Min's visions. I don't think Cadsuane was round when she had it, btu I do believe she got to spend some one-on-one time with Min and extracted A LOT of information from her by sheer force of will

  17. 2 hours ago, Wayne's Pickle said:

    I'm not sure I agree with you in this assement of why Moash is disliked. I agree with you that Kelsier probably killed more people than Moash. But I don't think the reason most readers hate Moash has to do with how many people he killed (They might say that's the reason, but I think the strong gut reaction most people have to Moash runs deeper). Kelsier and Moash were both fighting against injust goverments/systems and I would say pre-Oathbringer, a lot of people probably felt Moash was pretty justified in what he was doing. 

    The reason why Moash is so universally hated now, is because he started out trying to fight a tyrannical system, failed, then decided to join a different tyrannical system that was oppressing the same people he was ostensibly fighting for even more. Moash didn't just betray Kaladin and the Alethi. He betrayed his own ideals as well. You could argue that he was manipulated into it by Odium. But a lot of his decisions happened before he became 'Vyre', and intuitively it's hard to absolve Moash of responsibility because of all the poor decisions he made then. 

    For all that Kelsier was a pretty brutal person, he stayed remarkably consistent with his goals and motivations, and even grew in his moral understandings throughout the books, as opposed to Moash who kept making morally worse decisions as time progressed. 

    I Think this is a lot of it, but its also partly about perspective. Mistborn is primarily told from Vin's perspective where Kelsier rescued her from the streets and basically is the first person to show her any kind of concern in years. Plus he is fighting against precisely the kind of problems she was suffering from as a child. She sees him in an extremely positive light, and so we get the same. If Mistborn were written from Elend's perspective, we may have a very different view of Kelsier.

    In Stormlight however nearly all of our interaction with Moash is from Kaladin's perspective, where Moash is his foil. their problems and the causes for their slavery parallel each other, don to having the same root cause; so at the same time that we see Kaladin fight through his darker instincts and come out better, Moash falls and lets his darkest instincts guide him. we can't help but compare him to Kaladin and he comes up wanting; for that matter, he is part of what drags Kaladin down in the first place, which isn't helping his case.

    TLDR version: Kelsier lifts Vin up, and we see him from her perspective, while Moash drags Kaladin down, and we see Moash from Kaladin's perspective.

  18. 6 hours ago, Config2 said:

    What do you mean by "low points"? Like difficult to read, or poorly written, or boring?

    The difficult to read thing I get. Both OB and ROW get pretty dark at times, especially for folks with personal connections to the various issues explored. 

    OB is my favorite so far, though Navani's portions of ROW are my favorite individual passages in any Sanderson thing so far. Science is fun!

    For unpopular opinions, I guess I really don't like TLM; it seemed super unfocused.

    I mean sort of low points for the characters, the points when they are at their darkest, most broken, most hopeless. the books tend to lose some of their energy there, and it makes it harder to keep going; at least for me.

    Mind you I'm not criticizing that particular choice. like I said, for me I think the Climax of Oathbringer pays all of that off, but that doesn't make it any easier to read the parts where characters are beating themselves up

  19. 9 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    ikr? Oathbringer is my fave stormlight novel.

    I know the low parts of Oathbringer are very low. I'd argue more so than the two preceding books (actually I think each successive book has lower lows than the prior ones) and personally those were hard to get through at times. that said, for me they make the high points in the climax hit that much harder, so I tend to like it, but I'd guess that may not be a universal opinion.

  20. 28 minutes ago, boolamoo said:

    It almost certainly is the most powerful. It's just the most restrictive. I'd also guess it takes the most time to perform so it'd be slower than other magics like Allomancy or Surgebinding when being used in combat.

    but to some degree it could be set up in advance. we see Aon "tech" in Elantris with the light panels, for instance, which only need to be touched to activate. presumably you could create something akin to a DnD wand with Aons if you were sufficiently skilled.

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