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Status Replies posted by Unodus

  1. Wow, when you said you were a lurker, you weren’t kidding :D 

    THAT GIF IS AWESOME. Did you make it? Is it available for having? :ph34r: 

    1. Unodus


      for context, I didn't draw that gif. I just animated Shallans doodles :ph34r:


      I'll have a check to see if I still have it and get back to ya ^^

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Shells are just pastas that didn't exercise. Spaghetti are pastas that exercised too much. Macaroni is pasta that exercised just the right amount.

    1. Unodus


      Does that mean Gnocchi is pasta with cancer!? D:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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