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Tamzin Ashevai

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Posts posted by Tamzin Ashevai

  1. All I have to say tonight is that I'm not one much for chat. While I'm not opposed to it, I'm just reserved.

    Edit: I thought I should explain myself further.

    I'm kind of afraid. Despite however much I want to contribute, I'm a very solitary person (and used to it). I do what I want to simply because of that and I'm reluctant to be challenged. Whew!

    Okay, that was huge!

    Edit: Maybe not so huge. Are there more women here though?

  2. I'm just going to jump in here without having read everything (albeit, I honor all commentary as valid) because I believe this is really all about Shadesmar. While Jasnah might be my favorite character for her beliefs relative to my own, I think that Shallan is far more important, specifically considering her fledgling ability to connect with Shadesmar and her heinous memory of killing her father with the use of a Shardblade. So much more is going on here than we know! I can hardly wait for the second installment of The Stormlight Archive!

  3. I like James McAvoy as Elend but I think Robert Downey Jr.'s presence in the cast (even as Breeze) would overwhelm the rest of the actors, simply because his reputation as Iron Man (in the franchise and in The Avengers), plus as Sherlock Holmes (in recent films) is way too present. Further, I can't support Dakota Fanning as Vin because she just doesn't have the grit I think necessary to the role. Also, I'm not a fan of Adam Baldwin. If it came down to a choice between brothers, William would be my choice for the role of Marsh. Why? In a word, Sliver!

    Clubs? Jackie Earle Haley, of course! (I've asserted this elsewhere - i.e.: in another query of the same nature!)

    Sazed needs to be someone like Billy Bob Thornton (i.e.: skinny, lanky, removed from the mainstream and ... unpredictable, but ultimately completely trustworthy).

    Ham needs to be fatter and older than Chris Hemsworth. (I still don't have a suggestion for this role.)

    Vin: This actress needs to be someone who is fearless, dark, slight, aggressive, and deceptive. These are characteristics I'd appreciate; these are characteristics I know others would demand of me knowledge.

    Vin ... might be someone I don't yet know.

  4. Hello, Mistsailer! I'm really new here too and I still haven't figured out what the spiking of new members is all about. Let's just say I'm wary and don't know why. Maybe you should be wary too. I don't know. I just want to do good things here!

  5. I'm so far behind all of these discussions so, no matter what I say, I'm going to be out of date. I don't want to contribute something that might be ridiculous in the forum continuum.

    I'm happy to be here but I'm so young as a contributor. Really, it's daunting ... but I'm trying.

  6. Hmm ... obviously, I missed this. I'm a local, so this kind of sucks. Anyway, I've never attended a Con; only book-signings. I guess I need to plug myself into the Con-Sphere if I want to attend. Any suggestions?

  7. I'm confident that I first heard of Brandon's Mistborn trilogy within the "Other Books" discussion in www.terredange.net. I'd not known of Brandon's work beforehand, but as soon as I read Mistborn, I was hooked! The Mistborn trilogy remains one of my favorites amongst fantasy series that I've read.

  8. I've not at all found myself contemplating the answer to this question. Ultimately, I've never read a novel in which I've become so engrossed as Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Dart.

    Despite having read and loved Frank Herbert's Dune series many years prior, once I encountered Carey's Dart, I was smitten ... and remain so. Nonetheless, through my connection with readers of her novels I came to know readers of Robert Jordan (who's works I've still have yet to read). Further, I came to know Brandon Sanderson and a great deal more about the author's works (i.e.: Elantris and Mistborn).

    So, I came to Brandon kind of sideways ... with no regrets.

    Why am I editing now? Because I forgot. I forgot about The Count of Monte Cristo. I'll never forget about the story of this classic!

  9. Mmm. This idea has been discussed before. It's possible the Memories are something different from the other magic, but probably not. The connection goes as this:

    Shallan uses Memories to see Truthspren -> Truthspren bond with her -> Shallan soulcasts without a Soulcaster

    which suggests that the bond between Shallan and Truthspren is what allows her to Soulcast, much like the bond between Kaladin and Syl allows him to Surgebind. Since the Soulcasting is definitely part of the standard magic system, the memories just seem to be an unexplored part.

    Given all of this, Shallan still doesn't really know what she's doing while she's doing it; to her, it's just happening ... at least, initially. She does harbor a memory that she loathes ... with a sword. Nevertheless,for her recklessness, Jasnah (as her almost-unwilling mentor), is her best bet for a compatriot. Jasnah's ultimate choice is yet another thread that will push this new epic forward.

    I'm so looking forward to the next installment!

  10. Since I decided to follow and record so many other things as I read TWOK, I paid no attention to typos within the novel. However, I recorded many other things! I'm sincerely hopeful that what I recorded will be absorbed somehow and useful to this forum with regard to this initial novel in The Stormlight Archive.

  11. Szeth and Kaladin, however, are not alike! Szeth knows a reality ... as the being that he is ... which is quite unlike any reality that Kaladin will ever know! Kaladin, through Syl, is only beginning to know just what might be available to him ... as we learn at the end of TWoK.

    All this aside, I love Szeth! I love the intrigue surrounding him! Even so, despite all the focus within TWOK on Kaladin and his cohorts, I'm kind of like the Olympic athlete on the podium waiting for the decision from those wielding the rules controls.

  12. Okay, I don't quite understand the forum implications of waffles or cookies but I hella know what spikes are! What do you mean I'll last longer? You mean I might not last ... as me? Just how is this forum set up? I think I have a lot to read before I can truly understand what's going on here and maybe I'll falter! In just what way, I don't know. Gaah! I hope not! I feel like I've just begun! On the other hand, maybe that's an intriguing thing. I definitely have some exploring to do!

  13. I don't think I introduced myself when I originally joined 17th Shard. If I did, I don't remember. That's not what I'm about. I've been into Brandon's novels for many years now and very much looking forward to the continuance of The Stormlight Archive. It might surprise you all to know that I've not read Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. I now have it in my iBooks, less Brandon's contributions.

    I've attended a Brandon book-signing (at which Harriet was present) and was happy to receive the signatures of both dignitaries within my TWOK volume. Come this winter (i.e.: once I'm no longer reading paperbacks outside in the sunshine of my backyard), I'm determined to read the complete Wheel of Time series ... all of which I own as e-books. (I cannot read these outdoors; it doesn't work on my iPad.)

    Anyway, I know what I know; I don't know a lot! I'm happy to be here and look forward to learning from all of you that can teach me! Thanks, everyone!

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