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Posts posted by bdoble97

  1. Good chapter just wanted more. I'm sure I am not the 1st one to say this. But forcing KL away from fighting and have to look inward at himself will probably get him to speak the 4th ideal/ oath. But he is probably going to be going to a dark place before he gets there. Also I do t this I I want Kaladin in armor. I LOVE shard plate I have always been a tank in any video game I played so the big bulky armor is so cool to me. But Kaladin just doesn't fit in armour 

  2. Sorry if this was already talked about. Shallan and Formless. I have two idea is this her 4th. Personality who's doing the stuff for the ghostblood or  could formless be her unborn child. I don't it's her unborn child but I like the idea. Plus I can't wait to find out the memories that she has forgotten. 

  3. Great topic. When I read the title I said out loud hell yea I'm addicted to Stormlight Archives hahha. Tou bring up good points. Kaladin has been depending on storm light to solve alot of his problems when he fights he probably also use it in every day thing that he doesn't even realize 

  4. 36 minutes ago, Potus said:

    Hmmm. There seems to be a few options on who killed Ilalai. 

    1) Ishnah is working for the ghostbloods. Would be a little lame if this was the truth since it seems too obvious. 

    2) One of "The Three" did it. Could end being a dissociative episode sort of issue. Where one of the Three can take over quickly but repress the memories of what they did. I find it odd that Radiant would do it, with her being the last personality mentioned touching Ilalai. Would have thought Veil, but maybe Radiant has a deep hatred of a person who has caused her new family enormous harm and strife. 

    3) Some actual Ghostblood assassin that is unknown to us. 

    I really want there to be a 4th evil personality. Could get really creepy and scary. If Adolin is with Shallan a d the 4th takes over and trys to kill Adolin that would be crazy suspenseful 

  5. 5 hours ago, Chana said:

    When I first read the chapter it was obvious to me that Ialai poisoned herself, there was so much focus on her drinking the wines and making Shallan drink them and then drinking the last one alone (right after literally calling it deadly) and I was very surprised Shallan didn't think of that. But I love the idea of Shallan unknowingly Soulcasting her blood - though she didn't have much experience with it, a year has passed and Jasnah did say in OB they need to train it so it's not that far fetched she's alright at it. Though I feel then it would be mentioned in passing earlier to forshadow it or something. While Isnah would be a likely candidate for GB spy - having her say that she knows a thing or two about poisons literally right after poisoning someone is a bit on the nose. And then since Shallan made her look for clues, we wouldn't get full picture of the situation and it'd be just annoying. It still is a possibility but I don't want that to happen. 

    It would be fun if it turned out that multiple people killed Ialai at the same time. As in, she drank poison herself cause she was trying to escape a possibly more painful death Restares/Mraize might give her - she was sure she's going to die anyway. And the Shallan added more poison to her blood cause Veil wanted to/the fourth persona did it. And on top of that GB poisoned her when she was restrained. 

    I also find it surprising Mraize keeps giving her assignments that align with what Dalinar wants, like I get the idea at the beginning to kinda lure her in, telling her to do stuff she would do anyway but it's been ages, you'd think by know she would get like a proper assignment.

    As for her going on a downward spiral I really hope it doesn't affect her relationship with Adolin too much. My boy deserves some happiness. It might be wishful thinking but after all not all mental problems have to put a strain on a relationship, depends on the nature of the problem and if she's going to struggle mostly with her past and things like that, he might be actually very helpful with that and provide support - probably not but a girl can dream

    What if the the Ghostbloods are all other personalitys of Shallan and that's why the mission have been inline with Dalinars. 

    Adolin will stay with her no matter what happens in my opinion. I thi k they will be going on a epic adventure due to the cover. 


    5 hours ago, Chana said:

    When I first read the chapter it was obvious to me that Ialai poisoned herself, there was so much focus on her drinking the wines and making Shallan drink them and then drinking the last one alone (right after literally calling it deadly) and I was very surprised Shallan didn't think of that. But I love the idea of Shallan unknowingly Soulcasting her blood - though she didn't have much experience with it, a year has passed and Jasnah did say in OB they need to train it so it's not that far fetched she's alright at it. Though I feel then it would be mentioned in passing earlier to forshadow it or something. While Isnah would be a likely candidate for GB spy - having her say that she knows a thing or two about poisons literally right after poisoning someone is a bit on the nose. And then since Shallan made her look for clues, we wouldn't get full picture of the situation and it'd be just annoying. It still is a possibility but I don't want that to happen. 

    It would be fun if it turned out that multiple people killed Ialai at the same time. As in, she drank poison herself cause she was trying to escape a possibly more painful death Restares/Mraize might give her - she was sure she's going to die anyway. And the Shallan added more poison to her blood cause Veil wanted to/the fourth persona did it. And on top of that GB poisoned her when she was restrained. 

    I also find it surprising Mraize keeps giving her assignments that align with what Dalinar wants, like I get the idea at the beginning to kinda lure her in, telling her to do stuff she would do anyway but it's been ages, you'd think by know she would get like a proper assignment.

    As for her going on a downward spiral I really hope it doesn't affect her relationship with Adolin too much. My boy deserves some happiness. It might be wishful thinking but after all not all mental problems have to put a strain on a relationship, depends on the nature of the problem and if she's going to struggle mostly with her past and things like that, he might be actually very helpful with that and provide support - probably not but a girl can dream

    What if the the Ghostbloods are all other personalitys of Shallan and that's why the mission have been inline with Dalinars. 

    Adolin will stay with her no matter what happens in my opinion. I thi k they will be going on a epic adventure due to the cover. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Ascended said:

    To continue in this vein, is it possible that her personalities or at least one was twisted by the midnight mother and or sja Anat? Thus leading to a sleeper personality

    Oh I love this idea that the midnight mother twisted a personality a sleeper killer Shallan/Dexter personality. Great job haha

  7. 1 hour ago, Kaladin's Girl said:

    I don't like the cover. :angry: Should have included Kalidan on the cover.

    He has already been on a cover. I love this cover. Mabye we could get a inside the cover like of him like we have gotten for the past 2 books 

  8. I have a theory that Shallan has a 4th personality and that 4th personality murdered Ialai. This 4th personality has been doing stuff off screen for the past couple of books a d is a agent for the ghost bloods Shallan and Adolin will be looking for this ghostblood agent and some creepy stuff will happen. With Shallan trying to fight off the 4th personality.

  9. 2 hours ago, Subvisual Haze said:

    Drank the suicide wine, delivered a "someone is going to kill me, there's a traitor amongst you!" idea to Shallan just to mess with her.  Ialai was a ruthless spymaster for Sadeas, why not go out in an incredibly dramatic way that sows discord amongst your enemies?

    That's a great point 

  10. 10 minutes ago, GoWibble said:

    so, yes, the landscape kind of looks supernatural, but there are plants and other stuff very close nearby. I don't think that 'underwater' in Shadesmar is described as having flora

    I was think that they where just at the shore line. But who knows 

  11. 2 minutes ago, doomrat said:

    OK, so if we ignore for a minute that we know Shallan and Adolin are supposed to be going to Lasting Integrity, and just consider who owns a giant black obelisk in Shades Mar, its clearly the cryptics, no?

    I like that idea. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Child of Hodor said:

    It really could be. I was rereading, Shallan touches Ialai, thinks how disgusted at Ialai she suddenly feels. Adolin and Shallan say 3 sentences to each other and Shallan notices Ialai slumping in the soldiers arms. She's dead very soon after that. 

    Shallan could have soulcast some of her blood when she touched Ialai. Wouldn't need a needle. 

    Soulcasting the blood such a cool Stormlight way to deliver the posin. Sad we have to wait a week to read more. 

  13. @Karger . You know what, after thinking about it whenever I have interactions with people like this it's because they're already going downhill and are causing a disruption in the group home that they live in or out in public so I really don't have any interactions with people with these type of disorders when they're just having a normal day. So I can't really talk about this because I don't know enough about it. But I do love the character of Shallan and hope to gain. A insite on someone with this disabilities normal day today Living because Brandon Sanderson stating he has spoken to people with these type of disability correct. Hopefully that made sense doing voice to text while driving home shhhhh dont tell anyone I'm texting while driving haha

  14. @karger I did not know that still sounds creepy to me. I have delt with people that talk to them self's at work most times they are intoxicated by alchohol or drugs and it's a  extremely hostal situation. But I am in no way an expert. Interacting with people that have conditions like this. I just love Shallan she is so fun to read. Also what if Shallan had a 4th personality that was working with thghostbloonds now I love that idea.

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