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Dah Pie

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  1. So here are some of the WoB's I've asked that haven't been recorded. Me: can an iron feruchemist through the constantly storing and tapping weight become a sort of sevant and be able to store the weight of their metal mind's? Brandon: that would make things a lot easier for me. So sevanthood wasn't something that I planned for Feruchemy because there are positive and negative magic systems and Feruchemy is neutral. Though thinking about it tapping and storing in a metal mind is kind of like stretching a balloon. But it wasn't in my original outline Me: So in Mistborn era one Trellgisem is dualistic religion worshiping Trell and his brother Nalt. Trell seems to be significant in the cosmere is Nalt also signifegent in the Cosmere? Brandon: Yes they are Me: *digging for a RAFO* The Trell we see in White Sands isn't just a coincidence though? Brandon: Trell was in the first book I wrote and I deliberately chose to keep him in the graphic novel interpretation
  2. Sure I'd also love to get my pet theory about Odium absorbing the greater part of Ambiton's power get shut down. Some recent WoBs seem to be indicating against it but I can always ask at least. I'm Brainless on discord I'll DM you there.
  3. I'm excited to be able to go to my first signing at MisCon. I have a bunch of questions to ask about Iron feruchemy. Before I ask him does anyone know if an iron mind gets lighter when a skimmer is storing weight?
  4. I have a theory about the nature of Odium after reading Oathbringer. Oathbringer Spoilers Ahead
  5. The other possibility I see is that maybe Venli's spren is actually Eshonai as it seems that as parshman die they can become spren it seems like it could be possible.
  6. From what I've heard he said he's working on the next Rithmaster book then Stormlight 3 (Stones Unhollowed?) so it might be out in 2015 if we're lucky.
  7. Hello all I've been lurking around for a little while now and decided I might as well add my opinion's to this melting pot. I've read most of the published cosmere novels (only missing out on some of the novella's I think). I have all sorts of random things that come to me so I might as well share them. Looking forward to going to a Q&A and getting RAFOed when I ask if Hoid sings in the shower.
  8. So just as a random thought on the whole thing. I know this idea's been tossed around a little but what if all of Roshar was a great shell. And as all greatshell's have spren (I think there's a WoB that says something like this) what if Cultivation was Roshar's spren.
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