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WoTaHoliday, a charity livestream for the Lightweaver Foundation

Cheyenne Sedai

Last year I (Cheyenne), along with Rob from Malkier Talks and Andrew from the Black Tower Podcast wanted to create a charity event from the holidays, and within hours of putting the idea out into the world, the Wheel of Time community jumped in with overwhelming support.

Dates were picked, over 24 hosts were scheduled, and when the Lightweaver Foundation was suggested, the decision was unanimous, and a wonderful event spanning 24 hours was hosted, where we could talk about the books we love, while bringing food and books to the people that need them. 

The Lightweaver Foundation contributes to food pantries & homeless shelters, but also makes sure books are readily available to those in need. Join us on December 11th for year 2 of the Wot-A-Holiday livestream event, supported by the Charity of Time. Help us get books to schools, prisons, hospitals, and homeless shelters. The following are our schedule and promotional poster, as well as the link for the Just Giving page where you can make donations.

WOT-A-HOLIDAY schedule (Instagram Post).png

Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/wotaholidaylive
Livestream: https://youtu.be/fvT_UXgXWeA 

I will be at the opening and closing ceremonies, since I am on the planning committee, as well as the Westlands Fashion segment with some wonderful artists and Katie Sedai from Dragonmount, as well as with Fantasy for the Ages along with Ilana and Alfonsina, my cohosts on Worldhoppers. I hope that if you’re a fan of the Wheel of Time, whether it be the books or the show you can join us, and if you’re able, donate to this wonderful cause that the Lightweaver Foundation furthers. We are uncertain if Brandon will be able to join us at some point, or if we will only have a short video from him like we did last year, but regardless, this is a cause I believe in and would like to invite you to participate in as well.



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