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The Coppermind's Birthday Extravagapalooza!


Did you know it was five years ago this month that 17th Shard and the Coppermind were made? It's been a crazy time. And so, without further ado, Joe and the Coppermind staff decided to do something special to celebrate! It's simple: contributing to the Coppermind in the month of June results in gifts!

That is, any contribution, however small, on any day in June means you get a gift. The larger your overall contribution, the larger the gift will be.

To receive a gift for your contribution, you must have a registered account on the Coppermind, so we can track your edits and hopefully get back to you. Once June is over, we will be going through and attempting to contact all contributors to arrange your gifts and the best way to deliver them. This will be easier if you add some way we can contact you to your user page.

Things that you can win:

  • Gift certificates for Brandon’s store (this includes choosing things from Brandon’s store and us sending you a gift certificate to cover the cost, including shipping)
  • Amazon gift certificates, or any other site which allows us to buy and distribute gift certificates digitally
  • Purchases from amazon wishlists, or any other site which allows us to buy things from wishlists such that both parties stay as anonymous as possible--steam games perhaps!
  • Commissioning of fandom (or other) artists/creators with your wishes (as long as the creator in question is ok with this)
  • Any other sensible suggestions for plunder that we are able to arrange
  • Some combination of the above

Once the giveaway is complete, we will be in contact to ask you to select which you would prefer.

The prize quantity is inevitably going to be fairly subjective, but it’ll be mostly Joe_ST organising the delivery which means you will be pleasantly surprised ;)

  • If all you do is edit a page or couple for spacing/punctuation/spelling your contribution is still appreciated and you’ll probably be offered ~$5 gift certificate or equivalent.
  • If you improve a short article by rewriting it or adding a few new facts or references you’ll be compensated more for it.
  • If you substantially improve or rewrite one of the longer articles on the wiki, or if you complete a stub article, that will get you even more.
  • If you add lots of facts to lots of articles, or add lots of references, or end up rewriting an article so it becomes exemplary, then hats off to you, you’ll be showered with our affections and receive a literal ton of gifts.
  • If you end up enjoying contributing so much that you decide to stick around and help out regularly, you will inevitably never stop receiving gifts and praise from us and from every user of the coppermind.
  • Really though, we plan on being as generous as we possibly can be to hopefully reward your efforts in helping make our wiki a better resource for Brandon’s fans and to encourage you to stick around and continue to help.

If you come to try your hand at wikiying and have any problems or questions we would be happy to help. If your question is a general one, others likely have the same question, so please send us an ask here or post in the 17S forum so we can clarify things for everyone. If you would prefer to ask something privately, feel free to note this in your ask or send a pm.

Oh and for those of you who want to help but really don’t want any compensation, that is totally ok, you can add a note to that effect on your user page or to out-right decline when we come to organise things with you after June.

This is just part one of 17th Shard's birthday extravagapalooza. Stay tuned for even more awesomeness!


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 If my trimming is too extensive, I've saved a copy of the page on my laptop - I can revert it afterwards. 

The wiki does versioning anyway - you can compare previous edits, and I would imagine you can, or at least admins could, revert to previous versions anyway. I think, anyway.

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The wiki does versioning anyway - you can compare previous edits, and I would imagine you can, or at least admins could, revert to previous versions anyway. I think, anyway.

True :) Adamir, we can look at that once we see your final Jasnah draft. I look forward to it!

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The Stormfather page is in pretty atrocious condition, unless the one I've found is a duplicate. I'll probably add a lot of stuff to that.

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Please do. There are, to my knowledge, no duplicate articles, and I don't think anyone has worked on that one.

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Alright. I started earlier, and I've added some stuff just now. I think I'll try and get all the obvious information in, and then give it an actual format.

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I have to say this is an incredibly awesome birthday-palooza campaign. I have been wanting to help more with the Coppermind, but recent work deadlines have been a major impediment to that. I really doubt I will be able to contribute much during this month, but I'm excited that it is being worked on!

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It makes me laugh inside that it says "no matter how small"

I really did make an update where I added a period.


I'm staying tuned. What next?

The Gargoyle legion awaits your command.

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Yeah, still working on a plot summary of "11th Metal"

Should have it done and uploaded by Wednesday.

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Dang it, didn't end up finishing my Terachin article in time. Ah well, I'll still put it up soon, even if it's too late for this. :)

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