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Terris: Wrought of Copper and Mistborn film rights lapse


Crafty Games has revealed what the first supplement to the Mistborn Adventure Game will be: Terris: Wrought of Copper. We at 17th Shard had thought its next supplement would be an Alloy of Law-era one, but this is not the case. That doesn't mean we aren't excited--to the contrary! Crafty Games has worked with Brandon to develop material that provides a detailed look at the Terris Dominance and its people, which is definitely not something we saw much of in the original trilogy.

Other than that, details on the supplement are scarce, but Crafty Games will be having three Google+ Hangouts where they will reveal more, and the first one is actually tomorrow:

will be an overview discussing "what players, Narrators and fans can expect to find in this book."

will discuss the Rules as well as "all-new insights into the awesome power of Feruchemy."

will discuss "adventuring in the Terris Dominance."

We'll keep you posted on what is revealed at these Hangouts, so stay tuned, but definitely go watch them if you have time!

In unrelated Mistborn news, the film rights to Mistborn have lapsed last week. Paloppa Pictures had owned the rights, and Brandon says they were wonderful to work with. In fact, news on the Mistborn film over the years had been immensely positive, with Brandon saying he liked Paloppa's progress and their screenplay a lot. However, they were unable to get the film into motion. As such, Paloppa's rights have lapsed, so theoretically, they could be sold to someone else. It's sad we can't see Paloppa's good vision for Mistborn on the big screen, but with the rights available again, we could see a production actually start eventually.

On Brandon's blog, he says any offer for the Mistborn film rights would need to be "very serious" in order for them to consider it. But, you know, if your uncle is J.J. Abrams or something and you love Mistborn, get your people to contact Joel Gotler at Intellectual Property Group. Wow. That sounded way too official for 17th Shard...

Thanks WeiryWriter for your contributions to this article!

Cover illustration for Terris: Wrought of Copper by Tommy Arnold.


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Don't let JJ Abrams get his hands on Mistborn.  He's an egotist who will insist on doing it HIS way, and screw canon.  A JJ Abrams Mistborn movie will involve much violent explosions, lens flares, shaky camera, and plot holes.  


My advice is, get Joss Whedon.  He's hot stuff right now, but he's got the same storytelling style as Brandon has, and his action scenes play out a lot like Brandon's.  They'd work really well together.  

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Actually, the J.J. Abrams joke was one Brandon told at SpoCon. He jokingly said something along the lines of "If someone's uncle was J.J. Abrams and was a big fan of Mistborn, that certainly would help".

That said, I'd much rather have Joss Whedon work on it. Or Joss Whedon work on everything, really.

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Sorry. Crafty Games told us ages ago that the Terris supplement would be before the Alloy one but I guess I assumed everyone would find out through the 17th Shard hivemind (I'll see if I can find a link to where they say this). If there is another update like that, where would you like me to post it?


EDIT: Okay, I could be wrong... but I am, like, 80% sure they responded to this




confirming that Terris would be first. Perhaps they deleted the response because they don't like to give out information they aren't sure of?

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I hadn't heard of it before now, but entirely possible they announced it and I completely missed it. Please let me know if you find the original link announcing it!

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Due to the original plans the Terris-supplement was supposed to be the first digital-only accessories of Mistborn, and AoL the first printed supplement.
 Check the comments of the following facebook-post


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From the first hangout, it appears the Terris supplement is going to be first to print and digital. Digital orders and print preorders are starting on March 3rd.

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There's so much potential for Mistborn to be an awesome movie and I hope hope hope that it will be, but I can see plenty of ways that it could also be a total flop.  What comes to mind is the film adaptation of The Last Airbender.  They had awesome source material, but they lost the soul of the characters going to the big screen when they condensed a season of episodes into a single movie.  For a Mistborn movie to succeed, it can't be about the magic, awesome though it may be.  It has to be about Vin, about learning to trust and love and believe and fight for a better life in a world of ruthlessness, betrayal, hopelessness, and oppression.  The real heart of both a good fantasy novel and a good fantasy movie is what you learn about humanity in the real world.  When I first read the Mistborn trilogy, I was taken aback at just how much there was to learn from these characters.  I just hope any potential director realizes that.

Sorry for the long post, but really, this is why I love Sanderson's works - I come for the fun, but stay for the soul.

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Re: The Terri's Book

I ran the adventure in the book at Gencon and it is very well done. My players got invested fast and the nature of the important decisions that had to be made were the source of some major in-character discussions.

It starts off as being hired to find a city Terrisman, who up and killed a high-ranking officiate in the Ministry of Steel at a local shop, before the ripples from that event but ends up leading the characters down an unexpected path.

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