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Credit Chinkoln and The Unknown Order for the name and origin idea respectively

Conch Canin (color)

Lesser spren

The Conch Canin is an ancient breed, almost dating back to the Shadow days, and is most well known for its two most prominent  qualities, it’s astounding intelligence and it’s strong, perhaps infamous fear of highstorms. Due these factors it has been deemed the perfect archetypal candidate for many songs and folk tales. These stories usually take the form of the axehound seeing something of value, a piece of bread or the like, and will challenge another animal (usually a chull or a cremling) to a battle of wits. At first it will appears as though the Conch Canin has the upperhand, using some trick to its advantage, but then, just when it seems like the axehound has won, the other animal will start to pretend there is a high storm coming, the Canin, losing it’s nerve, will then flee in search of shelter, leaving the other animal to reclaim its prize, as well as something from the axehound. There are numerous variations of the tale, some featuring more exotic animals, others ending with the axehound winning, and, interestingly, one where there actually was a highstorm, causing the chull to pupate and preventing both from enjoying their coveted prize.


Chinkoln and The Unknown Order for the name and origin idea respectively

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