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Dalinar Kholin, a formal portrait


It's been forever since I last did any SA art (nearly a year, holy crap), and I finally got around to doing more! I'd meant to try drawing some other characters but ended up going back to my comfort zone, heh. This is another military-style Dalinar portrait, based off of a couple of existing ones I happened upon. (I envisioned this as something Dalinar "I-don't-do-politics" Kholin was forced into dressing up and posing for, probably by Navani)

I kept his face pretty much how I had him before, with Polynesian, East/South Asian, Middle Eastern and Native American refs all mashed together. Maybe he doesn't look wrecked enough but we can pretend that the painter (me) idealized him a bit. I have no idea how to do costume design, so this was totally done on the fly and not super creative, and probably too typically Western. It's also been a while since I've read the books so I don't trust my memory of any smaller details... but anyways, sorry for rambling, feedback is appreciated as always! Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of doing SA fanart especially with RoW coming soon, but who knows with my attention span :')

From the album:

Stormlight Character Paintings

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I really love the tone, and your color scheme. I think anyone who saw this without reading the books would be able to tell that he is weighed down General. It’s awesome!

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