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© Eristhe (Natalie Martin)

Herald of the Night


Hey guys! I've been doing a project based on the first Mistborn book recently. I did this piece as a final, and Iit got picked up by the 17thShard group on dA, which made me think people here might want to see it too. It's based on this passage:

"Shards of colourful glass spun in the air, spraying before a small figure clad in a fluttering mistcloak and carrying a pair of glittering black daggers. The girl landed in a crouch, skidding a short distance on the bits of glass, mist billowing through the opening behind her. It curled forward, drawn by her allomancy, swirling around her body. She crouched for just a moment in the mists, as if she were some herald of the night itself."

Thanks for viewing! The dA page is here: http://eristhe.deviantart.com and my project is here, if you're interested in seeing more: http://thefinalempire.wordpress.com


© Eristhe (Natalie Martin)

From the category:

Mistborn Art

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This simply fantastic! One of the best pieces of fan-art that I've ever seen. And coupled with one of my favorite Mistborn passages! I wish there was a way I could upvote you for an image.

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Oh gosh, thank you everyone! You are all very kind. :)

I could get on that desktop size request! Would you prefer it cropped down, or extended out? What resolution is your monitor?

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I have a school project where we need to create a splash screen linked to a website. I'd been going to use Inkthinker's Vin, but this is spectacular.

Seriously, one of my primary reactions to news about the movie adaption is "eeeee, Vin's awesome crashing through stained-glass windows on the big screen!"

Seconding desk-top size requests!

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