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Can a Hemalurgic Nicrocil spike steal any general investiture to grant the heightenings?



                If an individual can obtain a piece of investiture that stays with them rather than being converted to kinetic investiture or leaking out, they gain certain benefits. We can see these benefits with those who hold a number of bio-chromatic breaths or a Dawnshard, but most other magic systems don’t allow the investiture to stay with the practitioner, which prevents them from gaining heightenings.

                However, a hemalurgic nicrocil spike can steal general investiture, granting it to someone. My question is if someone took, for example, stormlight held by a surgebinder, would this investiture leak out as it normally would, or, since the spike itself is holding it, would it stick to the person enough to grant them the heighteinings?  

Could a person even do this, since hemalurgy primarily steals from the spiritual realm? If this is the case, what kinds of investiture (other than Divine Breaths) would be viable for a nicrocil spike?

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I assume that if you Spiked the Stormlight out of one person and into another, it would default to providing the typical benefits of Stormlight (healing, energy, no need to Breath) rather than the effects of Breaths. With any example I think it would preserve the "tuning" of the stolen Investiture and take additional steps to convert it into some form that actually acts like Breath, be it stormlight or Dor or Allomancy. 

On the other hand, if you spike a bunch of raw Stormlight or breath out of a Person, I could see there being a whole system of strange effects it might be capable of, depending on the Bind Point used and thus the location in the Spiritweb that the Investiture is being injected into.  

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Hmmm, offhand I'm not sure you could get enough Stormlight out of one person to grant Heightenings. Maybe if you created multiple spikes from separate Radiants who are filled to the brim. You'd need to have that special table used in Hemalurgy to make sure the spike goes into the host as quickly as possible, I imagine Stormlight would leak out of a Hemalurgic spike faster than most things. Also, a spren or Herald might have enough Investiture for that to be possible with one spike.

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I just realized another issue with attempting to gain the heightening via Hemalurgy.

Since each investiture has a different sensory effect, such as Allomancy having a warm, burning feeling, or stormlight giving you a burst of energy, would gaining heightenings via hemalurgy cause you to feel different from gaining them by gathering bio-chromatic breaths? As Marsh describes his spikes in Mistborn: The Final Empire, they would constantly throb, and the more investiture you have the stronger the feeling, so would you just be in incredible pain all the time?

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10 hours ago, Honorless said:

I think with the Dawnshard comment that Brandon made, he just said Heightening-like effect, collecting Investiture of various other types or a mix would not give the same effects.

When I say 'heightening' what I mean is that by holding lots of innate investiture of some kind you get effects that are similar to what you'd get by holding lots of bio-chromatic breaths, which on Nalthis is known as the heighteings. Kind of like how there is Yolish lightweaving, and Rosharan lightweaving; they have very similar abilities and have the same name, but are still distinct.

Sorry about the miscommunication there.

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