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Theoretical Question(Dalinar’s powers)


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Ello, all. Was listening to the part of the audiobook when Navani observes Shallan and Dalinar make the map when a random idea popped in my head. More of a question than a theory. This is for the peeps that are more knowledgeable about the cosmere magic systems/realmatic theory. 

It has to do with Dalinar being different from past bondsmiths and all the things that make that the case as well as Ishar trying to steal Dalinar’s bond. 

We’ve told a few times, mostly in RoW, that a bondsmith unchained/Dalinar are capable of unimaginable things. How they’d be “unimaginable” is fairly obvious to me when I think of all the insane things you could do by manipulating and controlling connection throughout all three realms(the power being based in the spiritual). Sooo, all of this brought the question into my head.

 Could Dalinar theoretically create/destroy nahel bonds as well as maybe elevate an Radiant past an ideal manually without the Radiant or sprens consent/radiant needing to “earn” the ideal? Could he, say, take an an ideal away from an Radiant(an obvious simple example that’s completely for example purposes, Dalinar putting Kaladin back to the third ideal)? 

At first I dismissed it cus even if it is possible I didn’t ever see Dalinar doing something like that. Then I thought of two things. One is possible foreshadowing and the other is a scene/arc I think would be awesome. 

1. So far we’ve seen Dalinar being impulsive with the Stormfather and his Bondsmith powers. One example is Dalinar “tugging” on his bond with the SF in OB to activate the oath gate. The other is when the SF takes Dalinar into the storms in RoW. Top this tendency with Dalinar potentially working for Tarodium and I could sooo see Dalinar manipulating a nahel bond on a impulsive decision whether it be for the greater good in the moment or Tarodium commanding him too. Would be an excellent further demonstration of a Bondsmith “unchained”. 

2. A Knights Radiant version of an execution, but instead of being killed their bond is severed. This is unlikely because of the mechanics and elements in play that would make a severed bond execution pointless. Like if a Radiant did something to warrant a severed bond in all likelihood the bond would have already been severed by the spren or a broken ideal/oath. BUT it would be so awesome if Brandon could figure out a way to do this in a way that would make sense. Strictly from a thematic view point, it would be an amazing scene. We’ve seen division among the radiants of this era(dustbringers/skybreakers/willshapers). Couple that with the fact that most of them have vastly different approaches to their own ideals and I could see it making sense to have Radiant “execution”. A member of the dustbringers could so something that literally all other 9 orders disagree with and feel is wrong but it could still fall into Dustbringer ideals and we have a situation where a bond needs to be severed, agreed on by the majority of orders, and the Dustbringer still having their bond in place for the “execution” because in their minds, they followed their ideals. 


Sorry, this ended up being longer than I thought because I ended up thinking more and more down this rabbit hole as I was typing lol. Obviously, everything should be taken as speculation and theoretical. I just think all of it would be a super awesome element to show up even if Brandon has to bend the rules a bit in order for it to make sense. Would be worth it imo. What y’all think? 

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8 hours ago, Kered said:

A member of the dustbringers could so something that literally all other 9 orders disagree with and feel is wrong but it could still fall into Dustbringer ideals and we have a situation where a bond needs to be severed, agreed on by the majority of orders, and the Dustbringer still having their bond in place for the “execution” because in their minds, they followed their ideals. 

I feel like the Lightweavers are the ones most likely to do this, not the Dustbringers :lol:

Agreed, it could be interesting. The one thing is that we don't know if he can sever Connection, or only transfer it. I don't think it's unimaginable that he could cut it off, but we'll have to wait and see for sure, and I could see arguments for why he might not be able to.

As for manually forcing a Radiant to a higher Ideal, I think it's theoretically possible, but might cause permanent damage to the spiritwebs of both the spren and the Radiant because you're trying to force them together when they aren't compatible.

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