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Sleepwalking Experiences


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Basically the title. Anyone have any good stories? Have you ever sleepwalked? Ever seen anyone else? Doesn’t have to technically be sleepwalking, any funny stories about people mostly asleep are welcome.:P

Was inspired to make this by my brother, who fell asleep about an hour ago, just ‘woke up’ and thought it was morning, so he was frantically getting ready for school. He was almost certainly asleep, or mostly asleep, I doubt he’ll remember it in the morning. He was dumping out his laundry hamper looking for pants, acting all stressed and anxious that he was gonna be late XD. We got him back in bed, but he still seemed concerned that he was missing school. :P

I have many other stories like that about my brother, he is notorious for sleepwalking. I’ll share some more later. 

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I have had some instances of me being so tired that when my sister woke me up to tell me goodbye or happy birthday, I would respond and then wake up not remembering it. My biggest case of sleep-waking was when one day, I woke up with my mom next to me on my bed and I asked why she was there. She said that i ran and knocked on her door in the middle of the night and slept next to me to make sure I stayed there. I had no memory of this and asked if I said anything or had my eyes open. She said she didn't remember.

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I've had a few sleepwalking stories, though nothing recent. A few times I would apparently run into my parents' room, eyes open, and talk to them about something nonsensical, or sit up and say something during a sleepover. The usual way that I can tell I was sleepwalking is if someone else saw me do it, but I didn't remember... which brings me to the most dramatic instance.

We had gone to a cookout the evening before, and apparently there was something in the food that didn't sit right, as my brother got sick. I, of course, thought I was fine, but apparently I was wrong. I learned in the morning that I had gotten out of bed, walked into the bathroom, and thrown up in the sink. I then told my mom, who has heard the noise, that I was fine, then went back to bed. All without waking up.

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This happened probably 10 or more years ago.

I was sitting on the living room couch playing video games (like you do), and from where I was sitting I could see three quarters of the way down the hallway leading to the bedroom I shared with my brothers. It was the middle of the day and my little brother was napping. He'd been in there a couple hours.

At some point, the bedroom door slammed open and my brother came speed-walking down the hallway toward the living room, hysterically screaming, "GIVE ME BACK MY FINGER!" in a weird husky/raspy voice that sounded sort of like he was trying to imitate an old man.

I honestly can't remember exactly what happened next. Probably I was so traumatized by the event and the subsequent involuntary evacuation of my bowels that my brain graciously wiped that from my memory. ("wiped", lol)

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So this just happened. My brother is asleep, and I heard him mumbling in his sleep, so I went to check on him. He’s sorta mumbling and rolling around a little bit, when all of a sudden he sits straight up, looks directly at me, says “I don’t even remember what happened”, and immediately falls back over. So that’s fun.

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I've sleepwalked quite a bit over the years, waking up on the couch, knocking things over, getting ready for school, ya know, all the regular stuff.

But I never had it as bad as a couple of my sisters. One of my sisters once dove off her bunkbed because she was having a dream about diving into the water. It was pretty funny.

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42 minutes ago, Scarletfox said:

I've sleepwalked quite a bit over the years, waking up on the couch, knocking things over, getting ready for school, ya know, all the regular stuff.

But I never had it as bad as a couple of my sisters. One of my sisters once dove off her bunkbed because she was having a dream about diving into the water. It was pretty funny.


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4 hours ago, Scarletfox said:

I've sleepwalked quite a bit over the years, waking up on the couch, knocking things over, getting ready for school, ya know, all the regular stuff.

But I never had it as bad as a couple of my sisters. One of my sisters once dove off her bunkbed because she was having a dream about diving into the water. It was pretty funny.


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I was once staying at a motel 6, (we were on a road trip and we couldn’t find any free hotels) and I went to sleep late, then I woke up and my dad told me that in the middle of the night, I had slept walk and was leaning over him and staring at him while he slept, then we woke up and was completely freaked out. 

then another time I apparently had grabbed my scriptures and asked my mom to read them in an Australian accent mixed with a Texan Accent. 
yea, I’m a special person lol. 

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20 hours ago, Maddie The Succulent said:

I was once staying at a motel 6, (we were on a road trip and we couldn’t find any free hotels) and I went to sleep late, then I woke up and my dad told me that in the middle of the night, I had slept walk and was leaning over him and staring at him while he slept, then we woke up and was completely freaked out. 

then another time I apparently had grabbed my scriptures and asked my mom to read them in an Australian accent mixed with a Texan Accent. 
yea, I’m a special person lol. 

lol that's hilarious Maddie.

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When my brother sleepwalks and my mother finds him, she asks him math questions to see if he's awake.

He did math in his sleep at least once, but couldn't figure out how many mammoths were in our basement until he woke up.

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On 3/21/2022 at 6:10 PM, Tani said:

When my brother sleepwalks and my mother finds him, she asks him math questions to see if he's awake.

He did math in his sleep at least once, but couldn't figure out how many mammoths were in our basement until he woke up.


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