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Duralumin/Nicrosil and a Basic Lashing



What would happen if a Surgebinder used duralumin enhanced Basic Lashing on an object? I assume that the Lashing would create a gravitational pull of more than a single normal Lashing, like what Szeth did to a balcony in the prologue for WoK, but since this Surge requires a constant flow of Stormlight, would it be like a very strong punch or am I completely wrong here? 

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20 minutes ago, ScadrianTank said:

What would happen if a Surgebinder used duralumin enhanced Basic Lashing on an object? I assume that the Lashing would create a gravitational pull of more than a single normal Lashing, like what Szeth did to a balcony in the prologue for WoK, but since this Surge requires a constant flow of Stormlight, would it be like a very strong punch or am I completely wrong here? 

presumably it would dump the surgebinder's entire store of stormlight into the lashing for a single, extremely powerful, lashing.  the basic lashing doesn't dissipate immediately once you aren't feeding stormlight to it, it as some duration before it wears off so the affected object would basically launch itself in the direction of the lashing, and would continue accelerating in that direction fr a little while before normal gravity reasserts itself, at which point it will continue coasting on momentum for a time.  for the amounts of stormlight that we see windrunners commonly using, this honestly might be enough to get somethin into orbit, assuming that it doesn't get destroyed on the way up by other objects or the force of the air itself.

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2 hours ago, Karger said:

Duralumin enhances the speed at which investiture is used but it does not necessarily use all of your investiture immediately.  You would get a much more powerful and possibly more efficient lashing.

suppose it depends on how much duralumin vs how much stormlight.  I've always assumed that it was possible to have leftover metals after a duralumin burn, but I don't think we've ever actually seen a case where someone burning duralumin had any reserves remaining of the metals they had been burning.  but I' also reasonably sure that the Radiants tend to have way more investiture on hand than mistborn do, most of the time.

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On 1/9/2021 at 1:01 PM, ScadrianTank said:

What would happen if a Surgebinder used duralumin enhanced Basic Lashing on an object? I assume that the Lashing would create a gravitational pull of more than a single normal Lashing, like what Szeth did to a balcony in the prologue for WoK, but since this Surge requires a constant flow of Stormlight, would it be like a very strong punch or am I completely wrong here? 

Assuming a duralumin nat windrunner burning it, they would exhaust all their stormlight in one lash. If they had enough stormlight for 10 lashes when they burned it, what they lashed would take off like they used 10 lashes at once then, or in other words 11 g forces in that lashes direction all at once. It would also immediately provide 10 X the healing instantly. If they did that on themselves think wind burn, whiplash, loss of conciousness, and an immediate need to replenish their stormlight to control their trajectory.

Using a duralumin burn to enhance a reverse lash might be smarter, for example launching a boulder into a thunderclast with a duralumin burn reverse lash or the thunderclast into the boulder if the boulder is massive enough.

In a Skybreaker division surges might be like unleashing a nuclear or thermic grenade with the heat effect of division. I would hate to even imagine the decay effect of division amped by duralumin. Everything in a 10 mile radius sphere turned to dust except some person's aluminum jewelry? A whole mountain in front of you turned to dust or molten slag except the aluminum deposits?

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It would work



Would a Duralumin Gnat Surgebinder be able to use duralumin to do a super Surge?

Brandon Sanderson

This (Duralumin+Surgebinding) would work.

General Signed Books 2019 (July 2, 2019)

Paladin Brewer

If a person had the power of Mistborn and other powers like Surges, could he use duralumin to power the Surges?

Brandon Sanderson

This is possible.

Skyward Houston signing (Nov. 19, 2018)

I think the effect would "just" be a super strong Basic Lashing to crush or punt people even harder/further. Much stronger than a punch, I'd say.

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