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Okay, so I was having a thinky think in the shower and realized that Hoid was storing memories in Breaths like how a Feruchemist would store memories in a Coppermind. Useing one investiture for the use of another, kind of like compounding, using allomancy to get feruchemical traits. The metallic arts have the most crossover of all the magic systems, but they are by no means the only ones, and I think this is a nice example. I'm not sure if Hoid is a feruchemist (The coppermind doesn't say so, and we do not know any other way of getting it after birth. Maybe harmonium would grant it if burned, or Sazed can make people Feruchemist like he can make Spook Mistborn.) but it's still the same principle, instead of using metal to store memories, he is using breaths as its container. Thoughts?

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1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

This actually appears to be a natural part of the function of Breath, based on a similar event in Warbreaker.

Really? What event?

1 hour ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Okay, so I was having a thinky think in the shower and realized that Hoid was storing memories in Breaths like how a Feruchemist would store memories in a Coppermind. Useing one investiture for the use of another, kind of like compounding, using allomancy to get feruchemical traits. The metallic arts have the most crossover of all the magic systems, but they are by no means the only ones, and I think this is a nice example. I'm not sure if Hoid is a feruchemist (The coppermind doesn't say so, and we do not know any other way of getting it after birth. Maybe harmonium would grant it if burned, or Sazed can make people Feruchemist like he can make Spook Mistborn.) but it's still the same principle, instead of using metal to store memories, he is using breaths as its container. Thoughts?

I had this same thought, like, we know Hoid is trying to have access to every kind of magic right? We don’t know why, but he is. However, the only way to become a Feruchemist if you aren’t born one is via Hemalurgy, and Hoid wouldn’t want to put himself under the influence of Ruin (now Harmony) like that. So my guess was that he did the next best thing and hacked Breath somehow to be able to do some of the same things Feruchemy can. 

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1 hour ago, Dannex said:

Really? What event?


When Vasher and Vivenna rescue a girl that was being trafficked. The girl is understandably traumatized and Vasher said that he has a command that can fix that. He tells Vivenna walk out of hearing distance so we don't find out what he got the girl to say but Vivenna did sense the girls Breath flicker. When Vivenna came back the girl had forgotten the entire event and her trauma was gone. 

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42 minutes ago, Dancer said:

When Vasher and Vivenna rescue a girl that was being trafficked. The girl is understandably traumatized and Vasher said that he has a command that can fix that. He tells Vivenna walk out of hearing distance so we don't find out what he got the girl to say but Vivenna did sense the girls Breath flicker. When Vivenna came back the girl had forgotten the entire event and her trauma was gone. 

Oooooooh yeah, I forgot about that scene. Huh. Good catch. Do we know if the girl had more than one Breath?

I wonder if we can extrapolate anything from the fact that her Breath ‘flickered’. Maybe Vasher temporarily took her Breath, modified it, and gave it back?

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