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The reaction of light


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Hi, I'm new to the forums so please let me know if I've done anything wrong with spoilers and if so how to change things.
Now, we have been told that Investiture cannot be destroyed, only redistributed. If this is the case then could someone explain what happens during the reaction between anti-light and light? Surely the Investiture is not destroyed so what happens to it? Is the energy given off by the explosion then somehow turned back into Investiture?

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17 minutes ago, AntiTCM said:

Hi, I'm new to the forums so please let me know if I've done anything wrong with spoilers and if so how to change things.
Now, we have been told that Investiture cannot be destroyed, only redistributed. If this is the case then could someone explain what happens during the reaction between anti-light and light? Surely the Investiture is not destroyed so what happens to it? Is the energy given off by the explosion then somehow turned back into Investiture?

You're fine on spoilers, as far as I know.

So, what is happening with anti-light is that it is either A: being destroyed completely, which, as you brought up wouldn't make sense given what Brandon has said about it, or B: The investiture is being converted to energy. This is similar to how real-life anti-matter works, fits with what we know, and would cause big explosions.

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Just now, Nameless said:

You're fine on spoilers, as far as I know.

So, what is happening with anti-light is that it is either A: being destroyed completely, which, as you brought up wouldn't make sense given what Brandon has said about it, or B: The investiture is being converted to energy. This is similar to how real-life anti-matter works, fits with what we know, and would cause big explosions.

Either way there, it's no longer Investiture. Unless the energy could somehow convert back? I'm terrible with completely understanding these physics.

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1 minute ago, AntiTCM said:

Either way there, it's no longer Investiture. Unless the energy could somehow convert back? I'm terrible with completely understanding these physics.

Converting to things besides investiture is different from being destroyed. We have seen Nightblood converting objects into investiture, so we know it is possible.

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17 minutes ago, AntiTCM said:

Either way there, it's no longer Investiture. Unless the energy could somehow convert back? I'm terrible with completely understanding these physics.

Brandon has described that in the Cosmere Matter, Energy, and Investiture all all really just the same thing but in different forms

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3 hours ago, AntiTCM said:

Either way there, it's no longer Investiture. Unless the energy could somehow convert back? I'm terrible with completely understanding these physics.

This is in fact similar process to... Burning allomanticly Atium. Atium is pure Investiture and is converted entirely into futursight and faster processing (mean energy). After being burned, atium-Investiture is dispersed and regrowh in Time. So with anti-light and light will be similar.

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Mostly just not put spoilers in topic titles. It's pretty hard with subjects like this to balance saying what the topic is about without giving things away, so I don't blame you one bit here.

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This WoB is juicy for trying to contemplate stuff like our thoughts.



Is there a quantum of Investiture? Just as how the photon (the quantum of light) is the force carrier particle of electromagnetism, is there a force carrier particle for Investiture, and do you have a name for it? (My follow up question would involve string theory, but I'll leave that one for later.)

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, there is a quantum of Investiture, though it acts very oddly in the cosmere.

True Investiture is a purely Spiritual Realm thing. In the cosmere, there are two alternate planes of existence, with their own specific laws. Some of them, as you've undoubtedly notice, behave similar to ideas in String Theory.

/r/books AMA 2015 (May 24, 2015)


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