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Diagram-Taravangian could see beyond his...


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I was rereading the parts of the Diagram given in WoR and, well first I found evidence Taravagian has set up Szeth to become Truthless and that he most likely had access to fortune that day, but then I read the last one


Clarifies to: "There has to be an answer. What is the answer? Stop. The Parshendi. One of them. Yes they are the missing piece. Push for the Alethi to destroy them outright before this one obtains their power. It will form a bridge."

When I first read WoR I thought this refereed to Eshonai, after reading RoW not only does this obviously refer to Rlain*, the Bridger of Minds. This also means he could see he'd become Odium and beyond, since Rlain has yet to become a danger to Taravagian's plans. And then there's this one


You must become king. Of Everything.

That one never really made sense, Oathbringer proved Taravangian becoming king of Roshar would have no effect in his bargain with Odium, it would still only have saved Kharbranth. Now it means Taravangian will try to become Adonalsium, he will not stop at shattering the shards for the same reason he will never really be king of Sel while the Dor exists and he will never be king of Threnody while the Evil exist.

@Leuthie suggested the "One parshendi" could actually refer to Venli and the Everstorm, it's possible but I think the everstorm would still had happen if the Alethi had tried to win the war instantly as all what Venli needed to make it happen was the Listener being desperate, on the other hand Rlain would never had become a part of bridge four if they had.


Of course if the past month have taught me anything it's that I know far less about the Cosmere than I think and my theories often end up WoBed within the day, so feel free to point any incoherences you see :)

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6 hours ago, mathiau said:

I was rereading the parts of the Diagram given in WoR and, well first I found evidence Taravagian has set up Szeth to become Truthless and that he most likely had access to fortune that day, but then I read the last one

When I first read WoR I thought this refereed to Eshonai, after reading RoW not only does this obviously refer to Rlain, the Bridger of Minds. This also means he could see he'd become Odium and beyond, since Rlain has yet to become a danger to Taravagian's plans.

"One of them...destroy them outright before this one obtains their power."  The one he's talking about is Venli. She obtained the power to bridge the Everstorm into the Physical. If the Pershendi were destroyed before Venli was given Ulim, the Everstorm would have been further delayed or stopped.


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1 minute ago, Leuthie said:

"One of them...destroy them outright before this one obtains their power."  The one he's talking about is Venli. She obtained the power to bridge the Everstorm into the Physical. If the Pershendi were destroyed before Venli was given Ulim, the Everstorm would have been further delayed or stopped.

It's possible, I think if the Alethi had tried to destroy the Parshendi Venli would just have given them stormform instantly and they'd have created the Everstorm before Rlain could be sent as a spy and joined bridge four, but it's possible.

As @Elegy said the Everything being capitalized already implies he want to be king of the all cosmere so the part about him trying to become Adonalsium should still hold.

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6 minutes ago, mathiau said:

It's possible, I think if the Alethi had tried to destroy the Parshendi Venli would just have given them stormform instantly and they'd have created the Everstorm before Rlain could be sent as a spy and joined bridge four, but it's possible.

As @Elegy said the Everything being capitalized already implies he want to be king of the all cosmere so the part about him trying to become Adonalsium should still hold.

But the king is lowercase. Becoming Adonalsium is equivalent to becoming the king of Everything? 

Genius T had to figure out that there were Shards, and multiple Shards, and those Shards were once part of a whole, and that whole was for all intents and purposes "god". That these Shards had mortal Vessels. That he could become a mortal Vessel. That he could grab more Shards and become this "god". All in service of saving mankind on Roshar.

Then he described it as being "king. Of Everything."

Keep in mind, that he filled a room and everything in it with words in hundreds of languages existing and not. All to say that he needs to become god to solve the problem. So genius!

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1 minute ago, Leuthie said:

But the king is lowercase. Becoming Adonalsium is equivalent to becoming the king of Everything? 

Genius T had to figure out that there were Shards, and multiple Shards, and those Shards were once part of a whole, and that whole was for all intents and purposes "god". That these Shards had mortal Vessels. That he could become a mortal Vessel. That he could grab more Shards and become this "god". All in service of saving mankind on Roshar.

Then he described it as being "king. Of Everything."

Keep in mind, that he filled a room and everything in it with words in hundreds of languages existing and not. All to say that he needs to become god to solve the problem. So genius!

He knew where the parshendi where when no one should have knew that, he seemed to realize where the oathblades were in the middle of a sentence (and while writing two sentences at one too) and the way he talks about the wanderer is just too weird ("I glimpse at his implications, and the world opens to me. I shy back. Impossible. Is it?"). He definitely had access to fortune or some strange kind of connection that day. Since the herald knew of Adonalsium it doesn't seems much more impossible Genius T knew about him too than him knowing the where the parshendi were, or that the Everstorm existed.

My hypothesis is closer to "he filled a room and everything in it with words in hundreds of languages existing and not to both explain how to become God, trick dumb T and everyone else so he become Odium, set things up for when his there and probably guide him at the beginning of his time as Odium"

The fact that "king" is lowercase is surprising indeed, the King of Everything would be Adonalsium or something higher, but the king of Everything? I don't know.

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17 hours ago, Leuthie said:

But the king is lowercase. Becoming Adonalsium is equivalent to becoming the king of Everything? 

Genius T had to figure out that there were Shards, and multiple Shards, and those Shards were once part of a whole, and that whole was for all intents and purposes "god". That these Shards had mortal Vessels. That he could become a mortal Vessel. That he could grab more Shards and become this "god". All in service of saving mankind on Roshar.

Then he described it as being "king. Of Everything."

Keep in mind, that he filled a room and everything in it with words in hundreds of languages existing and not. All to say that he needs to become god to solve the problem. So genius!

Cultivation's entire plan was to prune T so that he could find himself in a position to take up Odium.  His boon/curse was given to him in order for his genius to create the Diagram, and for his intense compassion to mold him for the Shard.  So, is it not reasonable to assume that the entire point of the Diagram was to set off a series of events that would eventually lead to Taravangian and Rayse being in the same location, at the same time, along with Nightblood, as well as on one of his most compassionate days?  


If Cultivation essentially created the Diagram herself, which I think is pretty evident given what happened, then of course the entire point would be for him to Ascend.  Taravangian didn't know that becoming king of Everything meant becoming a god, but that's what happened isn't it?  I guess what I'm trying to say is that the Diagram holds no credibility if what actually happens isn't what the Diagram predicted would happen.  The genius in the Diagram isn't the goal of the plan, but the extensive and complex path that it laid out in order for that plan to be executed.  Yes, it doesn't seem genius to come up with the idea to become god in order to save the world, but Taravangian didn't even realize that was the plan all along.

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