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Just now, Lecky Twig said:

"Yeah" Drae said "I'll give you a pass."

"So don't worry. You aren't seeing ghosts." She looked at Kelsier for a second, and then looked back at Drae. Should I tell him that he is right here... No. He'd just freak out. She started laughing again. 

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Just now, Lecky Twig said:

"You mock me." Drae slumped lower in his seat. He bit his lip to stop it from trembling of course she mocks me, I'm nothing but a living joke. 

"I'm so sorry... But... Uh..." She started laughing again. "Look across the table." She burst out laughing.

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Just now, Lecky Twig said:

"You mock me." Drae slumped lower in his seat. He bit his lip to stop it from trembling of course she mocks me, I'm nothing but a living joke. 

"I doubt she is, there a lot of thing that look like ghost ben aren't. Could you described the moment you saw that "ghost"?"

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2 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"I'm so sorry... But... Uh..." She started laughing again. "Look across the table." She burst out laughing.

"I don't want to." He refused to acknowledge that a certain someone might be sitting just across the table from him.

3 minutes ago, mathiau said:

"I doubt she is, there a lot of thing that look like ghost ben aren't. Could you described the moment you saw that "ghost"?"

"Then why is she laughing? She laughs at me. She mocks me." 

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Just now, Lecky Twig said:

"I don't want to." He refused to acknowledge that a certain someone might be sitting just across the table from him.

"Then why is she laughing? She laughs at me. She mocks me." 

"Nervous laughter. She's trying to fight today's weirdeness with laughter. And yes the person you refuse to acknowledge is probably double-steel" more likely double-everything "so he could easily pass as a ghost"

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Just now, Lecky Twig said:

"I don't want to." He refused to acknowledge that a certain someone might be sitting just across the table from him.

"Then why is she laughing? She laughs at me. She mocks me." 

"I am laughing at the situation. I am not laughing at you." She said it as she was able to start to stop laughing. "It is kind of ridiculous, but... Well... Today has just been one of those really weird days. I'm honestly just glad that I'm not the only one who is having trouble processing life." She looked at Drae. "Besides, today I have passed out, went into shock, and had a nervous breakdown. I wouldn't mock you for having problems like that. It would make me a hypocrite." She said that very seriously. 

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Just now, Lecky Twig said:

Drae clenched his jaw tight and prayed to the Survivor that Adilie and Lash would stop taking about the thing that could potentially be sitting across the table from him.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who is... Struggling right now." She said softly. She sighed, and shook her head.

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10 hours ago, Lecky Twig said:

Drae clenched his jaw tight and prayed to the Survivor that Adilie and Lash would stop taking about the thing that could potentially be sitting across the table from him.

Kelsier raised a brow, leaning back slightly, lips twitching as he suppressed his own laughter. The irony of someone praying TO him that people would stop talking ABOUT him was... amusing to say the least.

Eryn shook her head. “Not ghost anymore,” she noted. “Has body now. And you work for.”

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1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Kelsier raised a brow, leaning back slightly, lips twitching as he suppressed his own laughter. The irony of someone praying TO him that people would stop talking ABOUT him was... amusing to say the least.

Eryn shook her head. “Not ghost anymore,” she noted. “Has body now. And you work for.”

Ladashwy sighed. And that is why I'm an atheist.


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1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Kelsier raised a brow, leaning back slightly, lips twitching as he suppressed his own laughter. The irony of someone praying TO him that people would stop talking ABOUT him was... amusing to say the least.

Eryn shook her head. “Not ghost anymore,” she noted. “Has body now. And you work for.”

"Wait, that's the theory that's true?" Many theories had been made to explain how the Survivor could have, well, survived being stabbed by the Lord Ruler's spear. One of them was 'he died and and been replaced by a cognitive shadow, Adilie had never liked that theory because 'most of the population are worshipping a piece of power believing to be Kelsier' was too dark of a joke, even for her. And of course it was the true one. "So... you're actually a spren? Of Ruin or Preservation?"

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5 minutes ago, mathiau said:

"Wait, that's the theory that's true?" Many theories had been made to explain how the Survivor could have, well, survived being stabbed by the Lord Ruler's spear. One of them was 'he died and and been replaced by a cognitive shadow, Adilie had never liked that theory because 'most of the population are worshipping a piece of power believing to be Kelsier' was too dark of a joke, even for her. And of course it was the true one. "So... you're actually a spren? Of Ruin or Preservation?"


That’s an in-world theory among Cosmere scholars... but how would Adilie know of it? 

“No,” Kelsier said simply. “I’m myself. My soul was tethered by the Well of Ascension, then altered when I held Preservation so I can persist for as long as I choose.” He smirked. “Though there are other theories, which I don’t ascribe to. Unlike some I actually remember the process.” 

His eye narrowed and his smile grew dangerous again. “But care to explain how you came to know of those theories - or of Spren? We don’t exactly have those on Scadrial.”

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Just now, Kingsdaughter613 said:

“No,” Kelsier said simply. “I’m myself. My soul was tethered by the Well of Ascension, then altered when I held Preservation so I can persist for as long as I choose.” He smirked. “Though there are other theories, which I don’t ascribe to. Unlike some I actually remember the process.” 

His eye narrowed and his smile grew dangerous again. “But care to explain how you came to know of those theories - or of Spren? We don’t exactly have those on Scadrial.”

Kelsier's smile pointed at Adilie actually scared her enough enough she dropped her usual detached expression, replaced with a more transparent terrified one. She had expected the Survivor to have recognized her origins immediately -small people with relatively dark skins effectively didn't exist on Scadrial. But no he had not he was interested in her, which could be good or bad, but was anyway terrifying. "My grandparent were... immigrants of some sort, and my grandmother loved talking about ghosts" That and they had taken her to their birth world when she was ten to see if she had the gift of their people -she had not, and if you didn't meet any spren during that travel you were doing something wrong.

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15 minutes ago, mathiau said:

Kelsier's smile pointed at Adilie actually scared her enough enough she dropped her usual detached expression, replaced with a more transparent terrified one. She had expected the Survivor to have recognized her origins immediately -small people with relatively dark skins effectively didn't exist on Scadrial. But no he had not he was interested in her, which could be good or bad, but was anyway terrifying. "My grandparent were... immigrants of some sort, and my grandmother loved talking about ghosts" That and they had taken her to their birth world when she was ten to see if she had the gift of their people -she had not, and if you didn't meet any spren during that travel you were doing something wrong.


Actually, Scadrians come in all sizes and colors. There aren’t races in a traditional sense and everyone is kind of mixed. Makes it an easy place to hide worldhopping origins.

“Threnodite?” He asked thoughtfully. “Or Rosharan? Though you’re short for the latter. Higher gravity could do that though.”


Even short Rosharans are tall... mumbles about the unfairness of lower gravity.


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Just now, Kingsdaughter613 said:

“Threnodite?” He asked thoughtfully. “Or Rosharan? Though you’re short for the latter. Higher gravity could do that though.”

"Selish actually."


Actually, Scadrians come in all sizes and colors. There aren’t races in a traditional sense and everyone is kind of mixed. Makes it an easy place to hide worldhopping origins


Oops. I thought only Terris were black and that they tended to be tall.


Even short Rosharans are tall... mumbles about the unfairness of lower gravity.


<--is a real life version of short ones are tall

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7 minutes ago, mathiau said:

"Selish actually."

“Interesting,” he said thoughtfully. “Shadows aren’t common there. Nor are Spren, unless you’re counting Seons and Skaze.” He laughed suddenly. “Good on your grandparents getting off; Sel isn’t an easy place to travel from.” 

He turned to Zola, his smile softening to something more genuine. “Her grandparents come from another planet, Sel. Would you like to see something from there?”

Eryn sighed. “Getting late,” she warned. “Zola will need bed soon.”

”Don’t worry.” The Sovereign waved a lazy hand. “I won’t keep her up too late.”


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Just now, Kingsdaughter613 said:

“Interesting,” he said thoughtfully. “Shadows aren’t common there. Nor are Spren, unless you’re counting Seons and Skaze.” He laughed suddenly. “Good on your grandparents getting off; Sel isn’t an easy place to travel from.” 

He turned to Zola, his smile softening to something more genuine. “Her grandparents come from another planet, Sel. Would you like to see something from there?”

Eryn sighed. “Getting late,” she warned. “Zola will need bed soon.”

”Don’t worry.” The Sovereign waved a lazy hand. “I won’t keep her up too late.”

"Sure! Is that where you want to go?"

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7 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"Sure! Is that where you want to go?"

“Among other places,” Kelsier agreed. Then he stood up. “Come on, Zola. I’ll introduce you to Ene.”

Eryn stood as well, following.



Brandon essentially told us he has a Seon. I just think Ene suits him - it can mean trickery and outwitting people. Seems fitting.


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Just now, Kingsdaughter613 said:

“Among other places,” Kelsier agreed. Then he stood up. “Come on, Zola. I’ll introduce you to Ene.”

Eryn stood as well, following.

Zola stood up. "Who's Ene?"


Totally didn't think you were about to introduce Zola to a member of the Shard. Nope!


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