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3 people touched by cultivation


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Anyone find it interesting that cultivation interfered with the nightwatcher 3 times. One of those individuals went on to possess Odium, Dalinar is tightly linked to Honor, and Lift is tightly linked to Cultivation?


Very tinfoil theory is that she was picking the 3 replacements for the shards.

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It’s a very good theory and I can see it for Taravangian and Dalinar. But Lift is the one I have trouble seeing because it means that Cultivation is actively planning for her own demise, RoW seems to indicate that she is planning for the good of the Cosmere and I don’t think she’d be happy seeing her shard go to someone as wayward as Lift. ThAt being said she ascended Taravangian to Odium and that seems super bad for the Cosmere to me. 

I also think from a literary perspective having multiple characters ascend starts to take away the awe of it. So the less characters we have do it the better. 

i must say I do like the idea of Dalinar ascending time Honor only to lose the Battle of Champions and have Odium in charge of another Shard. That seems very very dangerous. 

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I saw this too, and my take on it was that Cultivation has set up Dalinar to take Honor and Lift to take Cultivation (obviously Taravangian was set up for Odium) and then 

Mistborn HOA onward spoilers


Cultivation pulls a Vin, kamikazes Odium, sending her and Taravangian to the Beyond, and Lift can take Cultivation and Dalinar can take Odium as well.


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10 hours ago, Xerun said:

It’s a very good theory and I can see it for Taravangian and Dalinar. But Lift is the one I have trouble seeing because it means that Cultivation is actively planning for her own demise, RoW seems to indicate that she is planning for the good of the Cosmere and I don’t think she’d be happy seeing her shard go to someone as wayward as Lift. 

It is entirely possible that in her vision of the future, she knows that she is going to die. In Mistborn, Preservation knew that he was going to die, so he did what he could and then prepared a plan for a series of temporary holders, with a major one at the end.

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23 hours ago, tipbruley said:

Anyone find it interesting that cultivation interfered with the nightwatcher 3 times. One of those individuals went on to possess Odium, Dalinar is tightly linked to Honor, and Lift is tightly linked to Cultivation?


Very tinfoil theory is that she was picking the 3 replacements for the shards.

With Todiums ascension this theory has gone from possible to plausible. The least likely part has already happened. 

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On 12/15/2020 at 3:19 PM, tipbruley said:

Anyone find it interesting that cultivation interfered with the nightwatcher 3 times. One of those individuals went on to possess Odium, Dalinar is tightly linked to Honor, and Lift is tightly linked to Cultivation?


Very tinfoil theory is that she was picking the 3 replacements for the shards.

It’s possible that this is the plan, but I suspect that that plan is going to be unsuccessful no matter what. For example, TOdium is very clearly a disaster, and that alone might tip her other plans over.

Sidenote that people around here (not necessarily you) give Cultivation way too much credit and are tempted to use her as a deus ex machina for the entire series. Guys, Tanavast and Rayse are both dead! Why do you think she’s infallible?

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On 12/17/2020 at 0:59 AM, Shadow Icarus said:

I actually really like this theory, however, it has one major flaw; Honor was splintered by Odium long ago and can no longer be taken by a vessel. That is unless I am wrong and there is some way to repair a splintered shard that I am unaware of.

It can be done, though it would take effort, and it does seem like a Bondsmith's powers are probably uniquely suited to actually accomplishing it.  Think about the scene in Oathbringer where Dalinar helps put the statue back together, but doing basically that with the shards of Honor.  the more I think about it, the more plausible I think it actually is.  We already have seen that his powers can affect spiritual aspects, not just physical.

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On 12/19/2020 at 0:18 PM, Dunkum said:

It can be done, though it would take effort, and it does seem like a Bondsmith's powers are probably uniquely suited to actually accomplishing it.  Think about the scene in Oathbringer where Dalinar helps put the statue back together, but doing basically that with the shards of Honor.  the more I think about it, the more plausible I think it actually is.  We already have seen that his powers can affect spiritual aspects, not just physical.

Also “Unite them” has a dawn shard feel to it as well. 

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