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MBI Updates, Cycle Two is Open


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No one on these forums probably travels to the Mistborn RPG, but that could be because this ball has gone on forever, so nobody could do anything. Maybe you don't care, but Cycle Two of the RP is now open, so stuff can happen again. Check it out: http://mistbornrpg.17thshard.com/index.php?showtopic=503

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i think part of the problem is that MBI is basically dauntingly huge, and that's probably why it doesn't see an influx of new people. I know i've considered joining a few times pretty much since it started, but i go over and look and am all "man...there's so much stuff everywhere! D: " and then pretty much drop the idea :P

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The easy way around that is to create a character who's coming to Luthadel for the first time. Then you and your character can learn what's been going on together!

Actually, every time i've considered joining, that's the sort of character I thought about, though i'm not sure if it would be allowed. (not because of "OMG OVERPOWERED!11!1!!!" reasons but for "outside the normal social structure" reasons)

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It's surprisingly easy to get integrated into the storyline. Yeah, a lot of stuff is going on all over the place, but usually your character is only going to be aware of a small part of it, and you'll learn as you go along right along with your character. Everyone loves plotting (join us on AIM and you'll see!) and we welcome new people. :D

Don't be intimidated!

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Well, it's sort of hard to be a hermit in Luthadel, Hemalurgic or otherwise. :P And yes! We also love infodumping over skype, so if you do want to know exactly what's going on, we can help you out there too. It'll just take a lot of time.

EDIT: You can go here for a brief summary of the main, overarching storylines. Much of the main buildup to the now-memetic Ball is summed up in that post, if in a very general kind of way. There's also a longer exchange here, spanning several posts. Hope that helps!

Edited by KChan
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Well, a skaa Mistborn has just attacked the ball itself. Most of the Rebellion's stuff is going down in Part 3, which is happening right now. But since so few PCs are actually needed for Part 3, we decided to go ahead and open up Cycle 2 as well.

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so I shouldn't create Herman the Hermalurgic hermit? :(

No :P

Wasn't the rebellion supposed to be doing something big at the Ball? Is that coming?

Just a few characters, though.

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The resuming of progress inspired me to do what I've been slowly working through for a long time: finish reading the Luthadel section (basically all the plot, but not all the out of character and Ars Arcanum things). I have read many of the character apps, basically any that were characters that played a large part. I started with reading the Casuana Ball because I always liked the ball scenes in the trilogy. It's still my favorite part of the RP, but once I'd read that, I had to read the rest, so I started from the bottom (except for the silly boards, which I saved for last) and worked my way up.

A few comments/questions:

@KChan: Was this forshadowing intentional? (If so, it was epic, given that those were posted nearly a year apart.)

Marisha is probably my favorite character.

Viridian and Nerid are probably my favorite couple (although if Lucille/Kardin ever became canon outside the musical, the sheer absurdity while retaining a kernel of logic might win me over).

Everything with groups of Delissia/Efram/Aldwin/Lucille/Sanna together was great. Particularly when it involved a fountain.

I didn't know posts this short were allowed :P .

Riordan's Pity Parade was inspired.

You all are great (and crazy, but I suspect most of us at 17th Shard have a bit of insanity).

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I'm glad you are enjoying the plot. I still enjoy reading some of those older posts, and Marisha is a favorite character of mine as well. As for the Aldwin thing, I think it very well might have been. Many of the things that are paying off now we've had planned for over a year, and I know the Aldwin/Luci dance was one of them.

That being said, we're always coming up with new ideas and plots, so one shouldn't worry about that when thinking about making a new character ;) (hint, hint) :D.

EDIT: And as far as post length goes, I currently hold the record for the shortest. You can try to take that away from me, but it's gotta make sense within the story :P haha.

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@KChan: Was this forshadowing intentional? (If so, it was epic, given that those were posted nearly a year apart.)

Why yes. Yes it was. I'm impressed you noticed! :D

And wow, you're really dedicated to sit there and read through all of that. The only reason I can do it is that I've been there from the beginning, so I can follow threads as they happen. XD As for Luci/Kardin? RAFO. :P

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I'm glad you are enjoying the plot. I still enjoy reading some of those older posts, and Marisha is a favorite character of mine as well. As for the Aldwin thing, I think it very well might have been. Many of the things that are paying off now we've had planned for over a year, and I know the Aldwin/Luci dance was one of them.

That being said, we're always coming up with new ideas and plots, so one shouldn't worry about that when thinking about making a new character ;) (hint, hint) :D.

I wondered, as most characters don't seem to make a habit of discussing fountains. Then again, there are some things that only Aldwin could come up with.

And I'm not planning to join as a character for now...but perhaps at some point (Thanks for hinting with the subtlety of Delissia). I would have to feel like I had enough time to do him/her justice (and at the moment, I don't trust that). But I plan to keep reading, so if I decide to make a character, I'll know what's been happening.

Edit because KChan has now posted:

Why yes. Yes it was. I'm impressed you noticed! :D

And wow, you're really dedicated to sit there and read through all of that. The only reason I can do it is that I've been there from the beginning, so I can follow threads as they happen. XD As for Luci/Kardin? RAFO. :P

I started with the Casuana ball and finished reading it while it was static, so Aldwin's...dampness was fresh in my mind.

And it was an easy thing to read a little bit at a time of. If I started reading the trilogy, I would have a very difficult time stopping (and consequently wouldn't have done anything I actually needed to). But I could read just a page or few of MBI on occasion (or more before the semester started). I've been reading little by little for months.

It was very strange to read of Kardin because, although I knew of him from the character app, I always think of her as Sanna. And I shall AFO when something is there to R.

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Thank you! :D It's really cool to know that someone's following our characters. They're so much fun to write and plot for (and we have many, many, many things plotted. Bwahaha. Mostly evil things. :D )

Marisha is very glad to have some support. xD I'm really happy you like her! And Nerid and Sanna too. :D

You'd be welcome to come join us, time constraints or no, I hope you will consider it!

You might have the shortest post, Comatose, but I've still got the longest application! HA.

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Thank you! :D It's really cool to know that someone's following our characters. They're so much fun to write and plot for (and we have many, many, many things plotted. Bwahaha. Mostly evil things. :D )

Marisha is very glad to have some support. xD I'm really happy you like her! And Nerid and Sanna too. :D

You'd be welcome to come join us, time constraints or no, I hope you will consider it!

You might have the shortest post, Comatose, but I've still got the longest application! HA.

Evil things? I hope not all at Marisha; she's suffered quite a lot in the Casuana ball. And, empathetically, so has Nerid.

Thanks for the welcome; I will think about it. Perhaps during a break I'll create a character.

What is your longest application? I was under the impression that the oldest person other than Rashek had that honor (I haven't been tracking, but that one was really long). Edit: Nevermind, hadn't seen your post about Willem. That's definitely longer.

Are you planning to draw your own characters? I love your drawing of Lucille (and the one of Kelsier).

A thought I had... Nerid would have liked my Keyboard Harmony teacher - she likes polka (a lot) and expected us to know a little about it. And she plays the accordion.

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Um...eheh...um...well, definitely not all at Marisha and Nerid... ^__^;; I have evil things planned for other characters too...But there's definitely some more trouble headed their way.

And thanks again! :D I keep meaning to draw some of them, but I get sidetracked every time I sit down. I mean to draw other peoples' characters, too; I have a whole lineup of sketches that I really need to work on.

Nerid would totally love your keyboard harmony teacher and her accordion. :D He still needs the chance to dance a polka, though I'm not sure if he'll get it. Maybe next cycle...

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I dunno, I have a couple things planned that are downright evil. ;) And as for character art, you can see a few doodles in my gallery, and I'm working on a character study for Camille on and off when I get time to draw.

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