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Sazed's agent [discuss]


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I had a theory that the agent Sazed was looking for was going to be Kaladin. While nothing contradicts this theory (as the balance between protecting and killing is obvious), the evidence I thought I had turned out to be wrong or weak. The weak piece of evidence I have remaining is the glowing eyes. Kaladin's eyes glow yellow. We know colors associated with the shards on Roshar are blue for Honor, (as shown in the honor springs color and the tint of stormlight) Green for Cultivation (towerlight is more green and green is a nature-y color) and finally red for Odium(obviously red glowing eyes, color of voidlight ect). Yellow is not associated with any power hence my thought of an outside shard. Unfortunately my other piece of evidence was the voice who accepted Kaladin's fourth oath, but that was Dalinar not an outside force. Anyway just posting this to potentially say I called it, but if anyone has any other evidence or reasons why this is wrong let me know.

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Kaladin is definitely a perfect person to protect and destroy. But as of now, Kaladin can't leave Roshar (because of his spren bond, he's bonded to the system) and even if he could, he wouldn't have a reason for it. He'd rather stay with his friends and his family (he's a very rooted person). He would need to be on Scadrial to permanently act as Harmony's sword though, and I honestly don't see how or why he would get there. 

Mistborn Era 2 has very good hints at who the sword might be, since one of the characters in there is literally refered to as a sword. I'm pretty sure that's him (although there's some ambiguity about it).

On a side-note:

1 hour ago, chaotixxs said:

red for Odium(obviously red glowing eyes, color of voidlight ect)

Voidlight is actually violet, as is the flame in Odium's core that Dalinar sees when Rayse makes him see into his Spiritual aspect (or well, whatever he does in the vision in Oathbringer). The red glowing eyes of the Fused are because of corrupted Investiture. It's the same reason why red Investiture is seen on other occasions that are most probably not connected to Odium, for example at one point in Mistborn Era 2. (Just as an aside, I'm aware that this doesn't add anything to the main point.)

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Yeah I agree it's not likely. I mostly just had a thought, but I'm not ready to give up Kaladin having extra shardic influence outside of the three. That's not only because of the eyes, but also because he stays awake while the other radiants are knocked unconscious. While it could be explained by his being on the brink of the fourth ideal (knowing it but being unable to say it) there are other third oath radiants. I would assume at least some are close to the fourth. The other radiant who is conscious is Lift, and that's because she's powered by lifelight aka Cultivation's power. It's possible Kaladin is drawing on another shard, explaining the eyes and staying awake

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On 12/8/2020 at 3:09 AM, chaotixxs said:

I had a theory that the agent Sazed was looking for was going to be Kaladin. While nothing contradicts this theory (as the balance between protecting and killing is obvious), the evidence I thought I had turned out to be wrong or weak. The weak piece of evidence I have remaining is the glowing eyes. Kaladin's eyes glow yellow. We know colors associated with the shards on Roshar are blue for Honor, (as shown in the honor springs color and the tint of stormlight) Green for Cultivation (towerlight is more green and green is a nature-y color) and finally red for Odium(obviously red glowing eyes, color of voidlight ect). Yellow is not associated with any power hence my thought of an outside shard. Unfortunately my other piece of evidence was the voice who accepted Kaladin's fourth oath, but that was Dalinar not an outside force. Anyway just posting this to potentially say I called it, but if anyone has any other evidence or reasons why this is wrong let me know.

Odium color is often associated with red, but also with gold/yellow. His metal is a gold/yellow, the environment in his visions are always gold, the light he emanates is gold, so the gold eyes is him becoming like Moash, like Vyre.

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