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Long time lurker here, finally decided to sign-up to participate. I've always been a sci-fi/fantasy fan; one day long ago, when searching for a new book to read, I stumbled upon Way of Kings, and I absolutely loved it! It brought me right into WoR, which I finished before finding out that these books were part of a larger universe created by Brandon. After I found that out I had to read everything and then listen to it all over again. I love the worldbuilding and the unique magic systems, but most of all, I love how the Cosmere is all interconnected, and with each book, more is revealed. Looking forward to being part of the group! Cheers.


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Welcome to the Shard! So happy to have you come join us especially if you've been lurking for a while. Gotta turn that turkey-lurkey to turkey-workey :P

And hey, don't quote me on this but I'd say that was meant to be :D That is so perfect you ran into WoK and loved it, it is truly an amazing book! Finding out it's all connected is like unlocking the secret elixir or something we can all totally feel you on needing to read everything all over again from there.

That interconnected aspect is SO what makes these so awesome too. Everything new gives so much more context to everything old it is so awesome to look for those connections! Have you read any non-Cosmere yet?

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