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New Unmade theory


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The Sibling told Navani that if Raboniel was able to find all 4 gems, it would become an Unmade.  This got me thinking.  It seems then that Unmade are created from spren corrupted by Voidlight.  However, these do not seem to correlate with known spren orders.  We know that the nine roughly correlate to orders of Knights Radiant.  My theory is that each of the ten Surges had a spren associated with it.  Nine of these have been corrupted, and turned into the Unmade.

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I was thinking about what Unmade would tie to each order and came up with these so far:

  • Nergaoul was trapped in a ruby so maybe tied to Dustbringers? (the Thrill is all about losing control, Dustbringer Oaths center around control; Order's polestone is a ruby)
  • Moelach= Truthwatchers? (both deal with futuresight, even if it's unique to Renarin, but the difference is that Truthwatchers heal while Moelach brings Death Rattles)
  • Ashertmarn= Elsecallers (Ashertmarn is all about debauchery, excess, and mindless indulgence, while Elsecallers' Divine Attributes are Wise and Careful?) I'm not exactly sure about this one though
  • Re-Shepir= Lightweavers ("Her primary ability is to spawn the Midnight Essence, a type of spren that takes the form of creatures and people they see around them and try to understand humankind by mimicking them." - Coppermind) Lightweavers make illusions, Re-Shepir makes illusions, etc.

I think I remember seeing a WoB that the connection between Orders and the Unmade was more nebulous than straightforward, but I'd have to look.

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8 hours ago, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

I don't think the unmade correlate to specific surges. The one that bonded with Amaram granted all of them, for example, so that seems off if it was tied to one specific

That is a good point. Is it possible that the corruption made it do that, though, instead of...whatever it was originally supposed to do?

Another point to consider is how Ba Ado Mishram figures into this. If binding her somehow ruined more than just the Parshs’ Connection, but somehow messed up everything on Roshar, to some extent (like Kelek says), why would that have happened? If she was something else before, like one of these theoretical spren, what would she have done/still be doing or tied to that would permeate the whole planet?

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1 hour ago, Nebelskind said:

That is a good point. Is it possible that the corruption made it do that, though, instead of...whatever it was originally supposed to do?

Another point to consider is how Ba Ado Mishram figures into this. If binding her somehow ruined more than just the Parshs’ Connection, but somehow messed up everything on Roshar, to some extent (like Kelek says), why would that have happened? If she was something else before, like one of these theoretical spren, what would she have done/still be doing or tied to that would permeate the whole planet?

Something related to how the different Lights/Investitures or bonds interact, maybe? It seems Ba-Ado-Mishram's capture affected "all souls belonging to Roshar" (according to the Sibling), and yet creatures like the Honorspren don't seem to have noticed it directly, while the Sibling outright lost their ability to properly generate Towerlight. There has to be some factor that determined just how clear the effect was on each. It must have been something that affected everything on Roshar, sure, but of the spren, only the Sibling seemed to see a direct relation between the binding of Ba-Ado-Mishram and their power loss, so either the rest of the spren weren't aware of all the details or they just generally blamed the Recreance(?), taking into account things like the implication that deadeyes weren't really a thing prior to the Recreance either.

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