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Thaidakar is...


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I think Thaidakar is Kelsier.

What makes me think this is the fact:

  • When Shallan breaks from the Ghostbloods she mentions Wit also calls him the 'Lord of Scars'
  • The fact Wit mentioned he’d met him on other worlds
  • Wit said he'd go back to his planet and slap him around again (Their tussle at the Well of Ascension)...
  • Iyatil being from Scadrial, the south specifically, where Kelsier is worshipped and this may have been passed on to Mraize
  • Kelsier couldn't visit Roshar because in person because  Rosharns are too far beneath his level to be worthy of more   he is a cognative shadow bound to Scadrial.


When we last left Kelsier he was consumed by the need to prepare his world against other threats from the Cosmere. I also think he was mentally damaged during the time of his death, he never seemed quite right after.

I remember a WOB where Brandon said if Kelsier joined the Ghostbloods he’d be the leader within two years. I think this was a little tongue in cheek comment. The guys a master schemer. 

I have just finished the book and I am a little shaken by all that happens so this isn’t exactly a full on dissection of facts and quotes like others post so I apologize. 


Edited by AerionBFII
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6 hours ago, AerionBFII said:

I think Thaidakar is Kelsier.

What makes me think this is the fact:

  • When Shallan breaks from the Ghostbloods she mentions Wit also calls him the 'Lord of Scars'
  • The fact Wit mentioned he’d met him on other worlds
  • Wit said he'd go back to his planet and slap him around again (Their tussle at the Well of Ascension)...
  • Iyatil being from Scadrial, the south specifically, where Kelsier is worshipped and this may have been passed on to Mraize
  • Kelsier couldn't visit Roshar because in person because  Rosharns are too far beneath his level to be worthy of more   he is a cognative shadow bound to Scadrial.


When we last left Kelsier he was consumed by the need to prepare his world against other threats from the Cosmere. I also think he was mentally damaged during the time of his death, he never seemed quite right after.

I remember a WOB where Brandon said if Kelsier joined the Ghostbloods he’d be the leader within two years. I think this was a little tongue in cheek comment. The guys a master schemer. 

I have just finished the book and I am a little shaken by all that happens so this isn’t exactly a full on dissection of facts and quotes like others post so I apologize. 


We’ve been discussing this... check the other threads on this forum. We’re intent on wringing every last drop out of this before we can start bringing it up on the Mistborn forum.

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