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Hello fellow Sanderson Fans.  I just watched a video that challenged me to "flood social media" with Gratitude every day from now until Thanksgiving.  I am not on traditional social media -- this forum is the closest I get to interacting online -- so this is the best I can do! I was inspired by a recent post by @Kingsdaughter613 who shared specifically how a character treated another character with compassion and patience affected her.  Her post touched me and I will read the relationships between those characters differently now. I am hoping that more people will chime in on this thread and share how they have been blessed by Sanderson and his writings. These can be specific, or general -- but please post spoilers in the hidden tags if you need to reference a specific book.  Perhaps Sanderson will see this thread and realize how grateful we are for his writing and insights that he shares with us -- and if he doesn't then I will have been uplifted by others who share gratitude for these stories.

I'll start off with something that happened to me today.  I picked up my 13 year daughter from Jr High today and she was so excited to share with me what she had read in Rhythm of War during the school day.  We talked about the book and the characters and discussed what we think will happen later in the book.  She had written down specific page numbers with quotes that she felt were important.  I am so grateful that Brandon Sanderson has written books that the whole family can enjoy. I don't have to pretend to be interested in what she is reading because we are both truly engaged with these books.  It was my son (who is now an adult) who first introduced me to Sanderson -- and I am so grateful that we have found something interesting to discuss.  In short, these books have strengthened our relationships and continue to provide hours of conversation and wholesome entertainment.

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On 11/20/2020 at 4:53 PM, JoyBlu said:

Hello fellow Sanderson Fans.  I just watched a video that challenged me to "flood social media" with Gratitude every day from now until Thanksgiving.  I am not on traditional social media -- this forum is the closest I get to interacting online -- so this is the best I can do! I was inspired by a recent post by @Kingsdaughter613 who shared specifically how a character treated another character with compassion and patience affected her.  Her post touched me and I will read the relationships between those characters differently now. I am hoping that more people will chime in on this thread and share how they have been blessed by Sanderson and his writings. These can be specific, or general -- but please post spoilers in the hidden tags if you need to reference a specific book.  Perhaps Sanderson will see this thread and realize how grateful we are for his writing and insights that he shares with us -- and if he doesn't then I will have been uplifted by others who share gratitude for these stories.

I'll start off with something that happened to me today.  I picked up my 13 year daughter from Jr High today and she was so excited to share with me what she had read in Rhythm of War during the school day.  We talked about the book and the characters and discussed what we think will happen later in the book.  She had written down specific page numbers with quotes that she felt were important.  I am so grateful that Brandon Sanderson has written books that the whole family can enjoy. I don't have to pretend to be interested in what she is reading because we are both truly engaged with these books.  It was my son (who is now an adult) who first introduced me to Sanderson -- and I am so grateful that we have found something interesting to discuss.  In short, these books have strengthened our relationships and continue to provide hours of conversation and wholesome entertainment.

I’m so glad to know I inspired you! Fun Fact: My girl was born November 28th. So every Thanksgiving we celebrate her birthday and give thanks to God for all the growth she’s done over the year. In Hebrew we call it a Seudas Hodaa - A Feast of Praise!

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@Kingsdaughter613 what a wonderful way to celebrate a feast day! 

@EddyJ and what a drought breaker this past week was. A new Stormlight book, a juicy newsletter, and a release party. It was almost too much excitement for one day. One of the better days of 2020 for sure! 

Now for my gratitude post for today. 

I am grateful for all the times that Sanderson writes about failing. I was the kid in highschool who had mostly straight A’s with the occasional D. If I couldn’t be an A student then why bother? When I fail I fail miserably. I’ve realized that as I’ve gotten older that my little fails don’t always need to turn into big fails — but it takes a lot of effort to stop myself when I’m headed down the failing path. I’ve also learned that failures mean that I’m trying and that there is a lot I can and should learn from my failures. This is hard for me. I will share some of my favorite Sanderson quotes about failing that have helped me understand and apply and deal with these principles in my life. 



Every single thing I’ve tried since I left Idris has failed miserably, she thought, continuing to dress. I failed as a revolutionary, I failed as a beggar, and I failed as a sister. What am I supposed to do? Find him? I don’t even know where to start. She looked away from the pack. Failure. It wasn’t something she’d been accustomed to, back in Idris. Everything she’d done there had turned out well. Maybe that’s what this is all about, she thought, sitting. My hatred of Hallandren. My insistence on saving Siri, on taking her place. When their father had chosen Siri over her, it had been the first time in her life she’d felt that she wasn’t good enough. So she’d come to T’Telir, determined to prove the problem wasn’t with her. It’d been with someone else. Anyone else. As long as Vivenna wasn’t flawed. But Hallandren had repeatedly proved that she was flawed. And now that she’d tried and failed so often, she found it hard to act. By choosing to act, she might fail—and that was so daunting that doing nothing seemed preferable.



He smiled. “Oh, and one thing. Please, please don’t depend on me too much. I mean that. I’m not going to be of much help. If your plots come to a head—if things go wrong at the last moment and you’re in danger or distress—don’t think of me. I will fail you. That I promise from my heart with absolute sincerity.”

Mistborn: Well of Ascension


“When he was here, even our failures were part of his plan.”


Mistborn: Hero of Ages


Belief isn’t simply a thing for fair times and bright days, I think. What is belief—what is faith—if you don’t continue in it after failure. . . .



Success no longer brought only wealth, and failure no longer only poverty—

Way of Kings


“Past failure does not prove that there is not chance in the future, yes?”



“Do you wish,” Wit asked, “that you could go back to not being able to see?” “No,” she whispered. “Then live. And let your failures be part of you.”

Rhythm of War


“Well, I do try. I simply fail.


I just … I just want to stop failing the people I love.…

The Emperor’s Soul


Ashravan’s nature that had led him to failure, but a person was no more one flaw than they were one passion.

Words of Radiance 


“Expectation. That is the true soul of art. If you can give a man more than he expects, then he will laud you his entire life. If you can create an air of anticipation and feed it properly, you will succeed. “Conversely, if you gain a reputation for being too good, too skilled . . . beware. The better art will be in their heads, and if you give them an ounce less than they imagined, suddenly you have failed. Suddenly you are useless. A man will find a single coin in the mud and talk about it for days, but when his inheritance comes and is accounted one percent less than he expected, then he will declare himself cheated.” Wit shook his head, standing up and dusting off his coat. “Give me an audience who have come to be entertained, but who expect nothing special. To them, I will be a god. That is the best truth I know.”

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Today I am grateful for the beautiful art work that accompanies the books. The maps, illustrations, sketches, and the chapter heading designs are all incredible and add so much to the story. Thank you to  @Isaac Stewart for making this all possible. Reading a Sanderson book is truly more than just the words on a page. The art work sometimes is its own puzzle to solve and has hidden clues that I delight in once I fully understand the piece. My reading is enhanced and my experience with the book is better because of the attention and beauty of the art. 

I also am grateful for all of the fan out out there and for the talent that others share. I truly enjoy seeing how other people imagine the characters and admire the talent others have. 

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Today I am grateful for all the birthday cakes that the Sanderson Stories have inspired. I could only find 3 cakes on my quick search — but I know there were more and that there will be more. (My daughter is already asking for a Doomslug cake for her next birthday). I have better photos of the lifesize shardblade cake but I can’t locate them right now! (Gotta gets those digital photos organized)





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I am grateful for the variety of stories that Sanderson writes. The first Sanderson book I bought was the ‘Rithmatist and then the Alcatraz books. While WarBreaker was the first book I read. My family is constantly rereading and quoting those Alcatraz books.  We’ve all read Skyward & Starsight. The different reading levels have served as “gateway drugs” into reading. Each of my kids has “fallen in love” with reading with different series. Box Car Children, Harry Potter, Greek Mythology, etc. Those are the first books that they devoured and reread and after they read those books they liked reading. 

I currently have a 6th grader who has never enjoyed reading. She has never read an entire series of anything on her own at her appropriate  grade reading level before and only the easiest books on the Battle of the Books list. With everyone else in the house rereading Stormlight in preparation for the release of Rhythm of War she decided to pick up Way of Kings. Never in a million years did I think she would finish it. It’s been about 6 weeks now and she finished WoK, WoR, read Edgedancer in one day, and is now working her way through OB. She tells me that the stories are actually interesting and she loves the different perspectives. So thank you Sanderson for giving my daughter something worth reading! She will be blessed throughout her life with her discovery of good literature and I’m grateful.

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12 hours ago, The Silverlight Scholar said:

I am grateful that Brandon Sanderson has created books that can bring so many different people together and create such a wonderful community.

Me too @The Silverlight Scholar

I am so grateful that I’ve been able to attend so many release parties and signings (it makes it easier living in Utah) and to meet so many of you online and in person. I truly missed it when Rhythm of War came out. It just wasn’t the same for me as being there in person. After reflecting in what was different (because we got more screen time with Sanderson) I realized that it was the energy in the room, talking to others, seeing people dressed up, listening to their theories and questions, and striking up conversations with strangers who shared a common interest. 

I’ve also enjoyed meeting you all virtually and learning from you. I’m grateful for the fandom, the parties (even the virtual ones), and the camaraderie that exist in this universe Sanderson has created. Thank you to the people who run this site.  Thank you Sanderson for bringing us all together. #GiveThanks









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I'm grateful that Brandon writes stories that have a moral imperative. They are entertaining first and foremost, but I think everyone comes away from reading one of Brandon's books with a drive to be a better person.

I'm thankful too for this community. This is the only forum that I care to participate in, and the people here are as kind as they are intelligent. 

@JoyBlu those are amazing cakes!! 

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Mok Turtle Soup said:

@JoyBlu those are amazing cakes!! 

Ahh thanks! I’ve always enjoyed making cakes for my kids. I do admit that the life size shardblade was a bigger project than I originally imagined it. We had to invite a lot of people over to help us eat it all. But it was a lot of fun to create. Looking at those photos kinda made me stop and think. There is no way I could invite that many people over today with Covid restrictions. 

I agree with you about being a better person after reading a Sanderson book. His stories are uplifting. 

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Tonight we’ll be having my girl’s birthday party!

And we now had the party and she loved it! She actually got to eat at her party for the first time! She had pumpkin pie and corn bread and stuffing, and a little whipped cream. It was really nice.

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