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Steel pushing Nightblood


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Invested objects resist other investiture. A big example of this is Feruchemical metalminds resisting being pushed. But Intent changes how things work. What if an allomancer wielded Nightblood, and communicated with him. Nightblood agreed to letting himself be pushed, so the allomancer tried. This is the conundrum. An invested object resists being pushed, but has given its consent and its Intent it to be pushed. What would happen?

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I don't think it works like that. If it did, I'd expect Wax to be able to push his own metalminds, which if he could do, he just needs to store up a bunch of weight in an iron ball and then launch it around and no other allomancer would be able to push on it. I feel like we'd have seen it if he could do that.

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It's not a factor of Intent, it has entirely to do with how Invested the thing being pushed/pulled is and Nightblood is astromonically heavily Invested. The reason that pushing something Invested is harder is because you have to work through the Investiture of the object; Nightblood can't just 'turn off' its Investiture and allow itself to be pushed.

Edited by Weltall
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But I feel like this would be somewhat like Harmony. Even though Ruin and Preservation have different Intents, they can still work together because they share a goal. If Nightblood and an allomancer could share a goal, the Investiture might not play a role, or maybe it could even be used to boost the push making as powerful as if duralumin had been used.

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2 hours ago, Chinkoln said:

Even though Ruin and Preservation have different Intents, they can still work together because they share a goal. If Nightblood and an allomancer could share a goal, the Investiture might not play a role, or maybe it could even be used to boost the push making as powerful as if duralumin had been used.

Investiture Does Not Work That Way. Yes, you can hack systems in various ways and fuel one with another but you can't just say 'Hey, Nightblood's Invested so I must be able to use that Investiture to power some other ability'. It's like suggesting that if you gave Susebron a medallion for A-Steel, a coin and a metal vial he could somehow execute super-pushes because he really wants to and you can't just ignore very clear WoBs that the amount of Investiture is what's important and that it's an inherent property of all Investiture. I'll give you another example: You can't use Lashings on someone else wearing Shardplate, even if you're both full Radiants and you can literally talk to your spren and say 'hey, would you play nicely with this other Investiture so we can fly?'. Doesn't. Work. That. Way.

Also, your analogy is flawed: Sazed's two Shards are still in conflict and this is manifested mainly in how he find it difficult to act and also in how harmonium is so unstable. This is something Sazed has no control over even though he's one mind directing both intents.

Edited by Weltall
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I'm pretty sure holding investiture is would be like gaining mass, it makes bodies tend to resist magic. I don't think we've ever seen intent affect that, and i doubt it would.

15 hours ago, HSuperLee said:

I don't think it works like that. If it did, I'd expect Wax to be able to push his own metalminds, which if he could do, he just needs to store up a bunch of weight in an iron ball and then launch it around and no other allomancer would be able to push on it. I feel like we'd have seen it if he could do that.

but I don't think that's a fair argument because I doubt that a feruchemist can affect the intent of a metalmind. hell, does a metalmind even have an intent?  

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