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3 or 4 color-based magic systems

Guest Somebody from Scadrial

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial

Ok so I've been keeping these in my pocket for a while now. I've created four color-based magic systems and three worlds one is known as Fictiki the other is called Callain and the finale one is called Shapara I've included a spoiler for each world with three sections: magic, world history/culture and curses/sayings (because curses are fun)

Callain (name pending)




White: White is considered the second least powerful color because if it stops touching it's makers skin it will dissolve. It is the best at holding an edge but unlike blue cannot cut black.

Red: Red explodes at varying levels of power and "fragility" depending on its vibrancy (more vibrant equals weaker but easier to explode) although this is the same for every other color it is unknown

Orange: Orange will explode in one direction only. Otherwise it works the same as red

Yellow: Yellow generates energy with ease and will give slight (or strong) shocks to anyone but their maker

Green: Green is the most flexible of the colors (physically) and is also an extremely bad conductor it is very similar to rubber although it has a different texture

Blue: Blue is the only color that can cut black and is the third toughest color and has a melting point so high it is nearly impossible to melt. It is also considered the second most useful color.

Purple: Purple is considered the least useful color however unbeknownst to most people it can absorb the material and powers of other colors

Black: Black is often considered the most useful color as it is nearly impossible to dissolve and can exist no matter how far away it is from its maker. It is also the toughest color.

World history/culture:





Rainbow of all, by the, what in the, etc

White cursed

Not the smartest blue in the rainbow and smart as blue

That one's got a red temper

They can focus as hard as orange

What a green (pushover)

That one's as tough as black

That's one black determined all right







This one has two magic systems so here they are

Aurorian magic: this magic is light-based as well as color-based so here are the colors:

White: White is pretty much useless except as a flash of light

Red: Red is hot when used and increases the temperature of fire

Orange: Orange is only able to generate heat in one direction and has no effect on fire however it will increase the temperature of water

Yellow: Yellow can give small or large shocks depending on how bright it is 

Green: Green makes plants grow and doesn't give off shadows

Blue: Blue can create semi-solid light and decreases the temperature of water

Purple: Purple is also largely useless but it does absorb brightness from other magic. It also decreases the temperature of fire

Black: Black magic will hang in the air until it is dismissed

World history/culture:


Ok so I've thought about this one the most so here goes

World description: The world is entirely made up of different types of clay. As all clay is magic this allows for drinkable liquid clay and such. On each pole (no the poles are not cold this will be explained in a second) there is a towers that radiates heat, these towers are identical. Clay-based magic gets weaker the farther from the towers you are. Light-based magic is just as strong on the opposite side of the world from it's native island as it is on said native island. The planet is largely split up into two continents with 8 giant bridges crossing the clay oceans. In the oceans there is only one island that is larger than Greenland.





Shapara (name slightly less pending)


Magic (least thought about):


Extremely rare "shapers" can change the shape of objects

White: Extremely fragile and very similar to glass

Red: Extremely flammable and stiff

Orange: Capable of getting and holding extreme heat

Yellow: Is a superconductor but it does not increase in heat

Green: Extremely flexible and hard to snap

Blue: Is the easiest to shape and becomes puddy like after shaping

Purple: Will act as any of the other colors depending on which is closest and if two are just as close it will act as one in the order these descriptions are placed in

Black: Cannot be shaped


World history/culture (once again least thought about):


Don't have time will add later

No curses because I haven't thought about this one much

Also 900th topic in CC woowoo

Edited by Somebody from Sel
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From what I've read this seems like a cool idea, but I'm a bit confused about how these magics actually work. I feel like I've read an Ars Arcanum without actually having read the book (which I haven't because I don't think you've written them), but could I get some background on what the magic actually is? What exactly do you mean when you say that a certain color has a certain power?

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
2 hours ago, Mage said:

From what I've read this seems like a cool idea, but I'm a bit confused about how these magics actually work. I feel like I've read an Ars Arcanum without actually having read the book (which I haven't because I don't think you've written them), but could I get some background on what the magic actually is? What exactly do you mean when you say that a certain color has a certain power?

Generally that's the power that that color has so black tends to be strong and last a long time, white is weak and momentary, red expends power in all directions, orange channels it. Go ahead and ask me questions about the magic. It's not like I haven't defined them, it's that I couldn't find a good place to put some of the facts.

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What I mean is how do people use the magic? Do they just touch something of that color, then they can access the power that is associated with that color? Can only certain people do this color magic? Does it vary from planet to planet? To give an analogy its like you told me that zinc riots, without telling me that allomancers ingest metals and then have access to certain abilities.

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
7 minutes ago, Mage said:

What I mean is how do people use the magic? Do they just touch something of that color, then they can access the power that is associated with that color? Can only certain people do this color magic? Does it vary from planet to planet? To give an analogy its like you told me that zinc riots, without telling me that allomancers ingest metals and then have access to certain abilities.

Ok so it's different for every planet and every magic for Callain (name pending) some people have the power and the more power that dissolves, the more likely that there will be another person who can use the magic (they call them by the color they can use if they can use multiple they go by whichever they want)

For Fictiki one magic can be used by everyone. The other magic is similar to Sel based magics where you have to be born on a certain island to have access to the magic

For Shapara (name slightly less pending) there are extremely rare shapers who can touch a color and change its shape

Edited by Somebody from Sel
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Ok. I think I'm starting to get it. I've got a question about Callain, to use a color do they have to find something that is that color, and then touch it to access the magic, or do they kind of create their own color?

I guess my confusion is what magic users actually do when they use magic. What physically happens?

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
4 minutes ago, Mage said:

Ok. I think I'm starting to get it. I've got a question about Callain, to use a color do they have to find something that is that color, and then touch it to access the magic, or do they kind of create their own color?

I guess my confusion is what magic users actually do when they use magic. What physically happens?

For Callain? Well they create the colors in Callain: the normal colors don't matter so much

For Fictiki they create light and that light has different effects

For Shapara well Shapara's weird. In this one they touch things that are a certain color and then they can move it and change it's shape. Moving them more pushes them more towards the above listed textures and strengths

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
1 minute ago, Mage said:

Ok, sounds cool. Are you planning on writing stories that feature these magics?

Yes I have a few more grammar lessons before I do though and I might not get time to post them until summer 

Also I have already started working out how the story works and some key points

Edited by Somebody from Sel
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14 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

Ok so I've been keeping these in my pocket for a while now. I've created four color-based magic systems and three worlds one is known as Fictiki the other is called Callain and the finale one is called Shapara I've included a spoiler for each world with three sections: magic, world history/culture and curses/sayings (because curses are fun)

Callain (name pending)

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White: White is considered the second least powerful color because if it stops touching it's makers skin it will dissolve. It is the best at holding an edge but unlike blue cannot cut black.

Red: Red explodes at varying levels of power and "fragility" depending on its vibrancy (more vibrant equals weaker but easier to explode) although this is the same for every other color it is unknown

Orange: Orange will explode in one direction only. Otherwise it works the same as red

Yellow: Yellow generates energy with ease and will give slight (or strong) shocks to anyone but their maker

Green: Green is the most flexible of the colors (physically) and is also an extremely bad conductor it is very similar to rubber although it has a different texture

Blue: Blue is the only color that can cut black and is the third toughest color and has a melting point so high it is nearly impossible to melt. It is also considered the second most useful color.

Purple: Purple is considered the least useful color however unbeknownst to most people it can absorb the material and powers of other colors

Black: Black is often considered the most useful color as it is nearly impossible to dissolve and can exist no matter how far away it is from its maker. It is also the toughest color.

World history/culture:

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Rainbow of all, by the, what in the, etc

White cursed

Not the smartest blue in the rainbow and smart as blue

That one's got a red temper

They can focus as hard as orange

What a green (pushover)

That one's as tough as black

That's one black determined all right




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This one has two magic systems so here they are

Aurorian magic: this magic is light-based as well as color-based so here are the colors:

White: White is pretty much useless except as a flash of light

Red: Red is hot when used and increases the temperature of fire

Orange: Orange is only able to generate heat in one direction and has no effect on fire however it will increase the temperature of water

Yellow: Yellow can give small or large shocks depending on how bright it is 

Green: Green makes plants grow and doesn't give off shadows

Blue: Blue can create semi-solid light and decreases the temperature of water

Purple: Purple is also largely useless but it does absorb brightness from other magic. It also decreases the temperature of fire

Black: Black magic will hang in the air until it is dismissed

World history/culture:

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Ok so I've thought about this one the most so here goes

World description: The world is entirely made up of different types of clay. As all clay is magic this allows for drinkable liquid clay and such. On each pole (no the poles are not cold this will be explained in a second) there is a towers that radiates heat, these towers are identical. Clay-based magic gets weaker the farther from the towers you are. Light-based magic is just as strong on the opposite side of the world from it's native island as it is on said native island. The planet is largely split up into two continents with 8 giant bridges crossing the clay oceans. In the oceans there is only one island that is larger than Greenland.


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Shapara (name slightly less pending)

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Magic (least thought about):

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Extremely rare "shapers" can change the shape of objects

White: Extremely fragile and very similar to glass

Red: Extremely flammable and stiff

Orange: Capable of getting and holding extreme heat

Yellow: Is a superconductor but it does not increase in heat

Green: Extremely flexible and hard to snap

Blue: Is the easiest to shape and becomes puddy like after shaping

Purple: Will act as any of the other colors depending on which is closest and if two are just as close it will act as one in the order these descriptions are placed in

Black: Cannot be shaped


World history/culture (once again least thought about):

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Don't have time will add later

No curses because I haven't thought about this one much

Also 900th topic in CC woowoo

These look cool! I would RP on them if I had enough time. :P

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