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Another Mod to Cover Timezones?


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With those spam bots popping up when the US mods not online, it may be a good idea to appoint another mod from the European timezones to deal with problems.


I would volunteer but I'm only online during this time on weekends, Monday to Thursday I have to earn a living.


But maybe there's someone who could check in during the midday/afternoon hours in Europe (MEZ) which seems to be the time not covered by mods right now.

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I agree that this would be a pretty good idea. Those things are really annoying, and tend to pop up between about 3 AM to 6 AM EDT (my time), when most of the mods are not active. I second this idea, though of course if the admins don't want to add more mods now there's no reason to do it.

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This is not a bad idea. I would not use this as a main argument, though. It might work to counter the Spam bots more efficiently, but I think a tighter account-creation security might do that even better.


In my opinion, it would be well to appoint a mod (or two) in Europe (and possibly one in Asia as well) to increase the times moderators are on-line and available. Even though some of you seem to be quite liberal with your sleeping schedule (along with one or two night-owls), there is usually a huge gap in the middle of the day CET where no moderators are on-line.

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We actually have a general mod (like myself, can take care of spam) in the UK. Joe ST is a brit to my understanding. So the sensible thing here is to lay all the failings of spam bot destruction at his feet, obviously!



We are aware of the situation, though, and Chaos is currently working on giving all normal mods the ability to squash spambots as well.

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We actually have a general mod (like myself, can take care of spam) in the UK. Joe ST is a brit to my understanding. So the sensible thing here is to lay all the failings of spam bot destruction at his feet, obviously!



We are aware of the situation, though, and Chaos is currently working on giving all normal mods the ability to squash spambots as well.


Joe St's British? Unsurprising. The mustache on his profile picture is one of the most British pieces of facial hair I have ever seen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this is a great topic XD, I apologise to everyone for failing to police the boards in my timezone correctly, I have no excuse other than laziness... too busy grooming my beard ;)


Don't feel bad about the time spent grooming. That beard is epic enough to count as a public service.

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