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Screamer Spern using Bronze?

Aspiring Writer

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Okay, I spend WAY too much time on Coppermind, but I was scrolling through and I saw a nice little tidbit that Allomancers burning bronze can detect feruchemists to some extent, but have trouble as they detect more physical uses of Investure. This immediately reminded me of the Screamers in Oathbringer, who could detect people using surges, except for light weaving. So are the Screamer Spern using bronze (Clarification, I am not saying they're burning metal, am saying are they using the same power) and could a Mistborn like Hoid put up a coppercloud to hide himself and others? Can a Mistborn using bronze detect what kind of surge someone is using? 

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2 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Okay, I spend WAY too much time on Coppermind, but I was scrolling through and I saw a nice little tidbit that Allomancers burning bronze can detect feruchemists to some extent, but have trouble as they detect more physical uses of Investure. This immediately reminded me of the Screamers in Oathbringer, who could detect people using surges, except for light weaving. So are the Screamer Spern using bronze (Clarification, I am not saying they're burning metal, am saying are they using the same power)

With the clarification, I think yes. I'd guess bronze-burning and screamer spren are likely using the same kind of sensitivity-to-investiture mechanice.

2 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

and could a Mistborn like Hoid put up a coppercloud to hide himself and others?

I would guess yes.

2 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Can a Mistborn using bronze detect what kind of surge someone is using? 

I would guess yes - with practice. We've also had it WoBbed that a bronze-burner would be able to detect the Rhythms.

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