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Literary Study Thesis on the Cosmere


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I really didn't know where else to put this, but technically, it's a fan work and I really feel the urge to share it with someone in the world (the above picture is the title page). So, yeah, the title summarizes it pretty well: I just got my diploma thesis (which is, of course, the Austrian equivalent to a Master's thesis since we have a solid - albeit ever-decaying - tradition of doing things a bit differently than the rest of the world) graded and printed. This has been in the making for more than a year and it took me an inspirational retreat into a hut in the middle of nowhere, heavy shoulders from carrying half of our institute's library stock to my home as well as gallons of black, green and more experimental variations of tea. It also, somewhat oddly, got me into reading amazing authors not named Brandon (especially Dan Simmons, whose Hyperion-books I can wholeheartedly recommend), since I had to get away at times and also needed to broaden my by then relatively limited sf-horizon.

In the end I feel immensely proud to put a work of mine in my Cosmere-shelf (see picture - it's the green one ;) ). IMG_20200828_113820869.thumb.jpg.808679b74985fd569c4bd0b1e4594612.jpg

I'm even more proud I managed to balance my enthusiasm for the Cosmere and the constraints of scholarly writing in a way that makes me happy to have started this endeavor. I can finally say I know why I chose 'There's always another secret' as one of the inscriptions for the amazing Alethi bookmarks I ordered from Mi'chelle more than 7 years ago, which - incidentally - was also when I started my English language studies. This journey has indeed been a satisfying one.

Also, for other students or scholars: Go and study Brandon's works, will you? From my own bibliographical study and subsequent work I can assure you that this barren field is ripe for plowing and cultivating.

Lastly, here's the link via my university's library: https://unipub.uni-graz.at/download/pdf/5332929

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10 minutes ago, I Used To Be A Fish said:

This has got to be one of the most comprehensive fan works ever seen.

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It appears you have taken all of my upvotes.


I should think that it is at least the one which probably took the most time in and of itself, but considering the quality I'm seeing in this section I'm not so sure :D

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  • 2 years later...

Congratulations, and I'm so happy this community has helped you in your research. I know that first hand from half of my extended essay for IB being on Stormlight, and how useful Shardcast episodes were to the early stages, even before I joined the team. 

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