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Shallan and her blade


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I am about halfway trough word of radiance, and I noticed something strange: it has already happened 2 times that a shardblade  appears in Shallan's hand, and she seems to not care.

I mean, she overthings about literally everything, and she doesn't give credit about a shardblade appearing in her hand?

The question is: did I miss something in the previous books, will it be explained later, or is it actually stange?

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48 minutes ago, StanLemon said:

Noticing that she doesn't seem to care is a good catch actually and is important to her character arc. But explaining further would be a pretty big spoiler


My guess is that aganist Tyn it wasn't the first time she used it, and that it has something to do with her father's death (in the first book she admitted she killed him)

I don't want spoilers, but I had to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Edited by Stefano
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1 hour ago, Stefano said:


My guess is that aganist Tyn it wasn't the first time she used it, and that it has something to do with her father's death (in the first book she admitted she killed him)

I don't want spoilers, but I had to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Oh no, you've done quite the opposite of missing something. Well done.

And you'll have yet more questions soon enough, I wager.

There's always another secret.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/27/2020 at 6:39 AM, Stefano said:

I mean, she overthings about literally everything

Hehe, looking back on Shallan...

...she overthinks a lot of things. Except things she doesn't want to think about, which she manages to push back and simply decide to never think about, no matter how important.

Her Shardblade and what happened to her father are examples from her past, but even in this book we have the moment where she learns about how Kaladin was the one that killed her brother... ...and then never thinks of it again, after deciding not to.

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8 hours ago, ftl said:

Hehe, looking back on Shallan...

...she overthinks a lot of things. Except things she doesn't want to think about, which she manages to push back and simply decide to never think about, no matter how important.

Her Shardblade and what happened to her father are examples from her past, but even in this book we have the moment where she learns about how Kaladin was the one that killed her brother... ...and then never thinks of it again, after deciding not to.

I missed that part...

I remember her blaming Amaram, and teh moment when Kaladin talks too much, but she doesn't see him with a shardblade in that moment, and she doesn't know that he is a sourgebinder.

Maybe she connects it later, when she discovers about kaladin's abilities, but there was no obvious connection before. At least, not so obvious like a This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules*ing shardblade appearing in her hand :D

Edited by Stefano
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