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Nazh's Roshar map

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I noticed that on Nazh's map of the Rosharan system, there are 10 uninhabitable planets. Each has some sort of symbol. The Edgedancer symbol appears on Vev, for example. Do each of the 10 orders correspond to a different planet? (some sort of connection in their spiritweb?) Also, Roshar itself has a different sign. Is this a symbol of Surgebinding in general?

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2 minutes ago, Hoid the Drifter said:

There happen to be 10 gas giants

there didnt just so happen to be 10 gas giants.

im sure Uncle Ado set that up knowing full well, what would happen.

those planets would become integral to the magic system


i feel like they are super important in soulcasting

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Herald (paraphrased)

Is there more significance to the 10 other planets around the Rosharan star system and them being gaseous? We know that Roshar's moons have unnatural orbits; so there seems to be some astronomical manipulation in the system.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes there is significance of 16 in cosmere and 10 in Rosharan system.

Herald (paraphrased)

The outer 10 gas giants in the Rosharan system suggest a tie to the number 10 that predates the arrival of the current Shards. Is the prominent numerology we see around the cosmere an inherent property of the planets, rather than the Shards who invest them?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


Herald (paraphrased)

Would Ashyn/Braize share the 10-centric numerology of Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes 10-centric is for the entire Rosharan planetary system...wait Braize is 9-centric.

Arcanum Unbounded San Francisco signing (Nov. 30, 2016)



The depiction of the 10 Rosharan Gas Giants. Discarding the glyphs and the names, were the colors of those giants in the star chart a cultural projection, or does it have physical basis in how they appear in the Rosharan sky?

Isaac Stewart

All these maps are products of the cultures and eras they came from. The mapmaker in this instance is probably using reference from all over the Cosmere, and the reference he used for this system came from Roshar itself. Since it's unlikely that the mapmaker has visited all the planets in all these systems, he has to rely on others for much of the information. I suspect he has the same questions you do about this particular map, though he rendered it based on the best information he could find. : )

Isaac Stewart r/Stormlight_Archive AMA (Oct. 1, 2019)


Edited by Honorless
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