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What's your favorite Sanderson book? It would have to be the Emperor's Soul. I have no idea what it is about this novella, but it absolutely floored me.

Favorite character in a Sanderson book? Lightsong the Bold. 

What, besides read, do you like to do? I'm a musician; there's some ridiculous stuff I've composed over on my youtube channel (Joe Byerly). Other than music, I love spending time playing VR and other video games! Basically, I'm just a huge nerd. Thanks for the great questions!! What about you?

Thank you, Evi, Honorless! 

Adran, I am apparently an Edgedancer! How about you? Favorite pastime is video games. 

Mist, my favorite magic system would have to be BioChromatic Breath, partly because there are many mysteries surrounding it, mostly because it's so dang cool. You?

Scarletfox thank you!! My favorite animals are cats. We have a few and they're super-sweet and get the zoomies every night. Yours?

Darkfinder, not quite!! I have a stack I need to read: Wax & Wayne 2 & 3, Secret History, 11th Metal, Allomancer Jak, White Sand 2 & 3. What about you? 

Thanks for reaching out, y'all!! 



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2 hours ago, stormlyte said:

Scarletfox thank you!! My favorite animals are cats. We have a few and they're super-sweet and get the zoomies every night. Yours?

I love cats too!! But I'm afraid that I like foxes more. They're everything I aspire to be, especially because they're clever. And we both have red hair, which is super rare where I live, so I have a camaraderie with them.

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