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6 hours ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

The Picture of Dorian Perrywinkle

My footfalls echo down the moonlit corridor, I shudder involuntarily knowing  that horrible picture hangs in semi darkness before me.

I draw closer, it's terrifying form emerges from the shadows, lit by flickering light from my candle.

A juggling clown, painted on the blackest velvet.

From now on whenever I reread the book, I’m imagining the portrait as this :P

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On 22/05/2020 at 10:39 PM, Ammanas said:

The Labyrinth

Everyone knows the stories of The Minotaur were only used to frighten children. That’s why she felt confident to enter the the labyrinth.  So engrossed in the task that she almost missed the hot breath upon her neck and the gigantic figure that now loomed over.

Hay isn’t that like someone from the Percy Jackson series in the labyrinth?

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We held each other tightly, bathed in the glow of the afternoon sun, and love, made and remade.

I smiled into your stormy eyes and saw my entire future swirling there.

Until you say, “ I can’t leave her.”

And I become a grain of sand in the dry desolate desert. 

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Remember the Times

Twenty four times he tipped his hat, twelve times their wallets were snatched.

Twelve times he knocked, six times she wished he would leave.

Six times she cracked an egg, three times she belched when the omlette was gone.

Two times he died, one time for good.


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Hoid. Roamer - by Galladon in the Purelake. Dust. The King's Wit. Imperial Fool of the Rose Empire. Topaz. Drifter. Cephandrius. Lunu'anaki. Cephandrius Maxtori. Midius - a name Hoid uses in an unpublished work; when Ash uses this name she is probably referring to Hoid. 

(His real name remains unknown.)

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I love all these so much what the heck. 


My heartbeat is all I can hear. My nerves are shot, my voice shaky, but i'm not here for me. I'm here for My best friend, who passed away two months ago. This was her dream, and I'm going to fulfill it. Trembling, I step on to the stage.

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Dried Blackbane Leaves

He tried to tell her how sorry he was that he couldn’t continue, that it was the end of the line for him. He tried to tell her how tired he was of trying to save people, and failing.

His hand fell through the cage slats, eyes lifeless.

He tried.

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The Power of Love

He saw her again. He heard the blood in his ears and his vision swam.

An electrical jolt shivered his spine, tingled his fingers. What a feeling!

Looking at his phone, to his surprise, her powers of seduction by induction got his battery to 100 percent.

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9 hours ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

The Power of Love

He saw her again. He heard the blood in his ears and his vision swam.

An electrical jolt shivered his spine, tingled his fingers. What a feeling!

Looking at his phone, to his surprise, her powers of seduction by induction got his battery to 100 percent.

Or powers of induction by seduction? What a novel idea!



Zyanya smiled to herself as she traversed the maze gardens with ease. For 450 years, she watched as the gardens blossomed and grew, matching her development. The maze became surer in creating new passages as she shed the incertitude of her youth.

A maze as beautifully dark as she is.

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Solving Xeno's Paradox

I walk across the room to the door, now I'm halfway there.

From the halfway point to the door I walk, now I'm halfway between those two points. 

Knowing I'll never reach the door, I do the sensible thing and take a nap.

But I'm only half-asleep.

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Slowly, I wake from sleep. I move to get ready, but the knob to the bathroom wont turn. I try harder, but it wont budge. Then my hand suddenly goes through the door, then the rest of me. I look in the mirror. Nothing is there. Am I a ghost? 

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Slow Death

How I wish to lose the ability to smell.
Because I scent your sweetness in the air and it makes me hate my aching bones, my old age, my inability to run after that intoxicating aroma of you.

You have left me and all I do is wait for death.

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 Poor Clown

The spinning object wobbles, it's eccentric motion plays out like all tragedies.

A small perturbation causes the deviation from its perfect rotation. The orbit becomes sloppier, the inevitable bad end foretold in the spiraling disorder.

The wobbling pie falls from the pole, real tears trickle over painted ones.

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A dark planet, lit by no sun.

There is a dark planet of awesome size, lit by no sun. An invisible titan, all thick black forest and jagged mountains and deep, turbulent oceans. It is so far away, so desolate, so impossibly, terrifyingly dark. One day, we will go there. It's so close now. You reach out...

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Here's a chipper little number I call


Tell Me About The Future Alexa...

A fount of red sprays across the robots chrome shell.

Every heartbeat leaks life. Over the fading wasteland of asphalt and steel his mind projects daisies in a grassy field.

A metal cockroach crossing his face blocks the robot's reflection in his dead eyes.

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3 hours ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

Here's a chipper little number I call


Tell Me About The Future Alexa...

A fount of red sprays across the robots chrome shell.

Every heartbeat leaks life. Over the fading wasteland of asphalt and steel his mind projects daisies in a grassy field.

A metal cockroach crossing his face blocks the robot's reflection in his dead eyes.

Ooooooooooh so grim. Wasteland types.

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An Apple A Day

I ran out of apples yesterday. The doctors are coming for me. My bunker will not hold them back for long. I have a day, maybe two, before they finally catch me. Tell my family that I love them and I'm sorry I won't make it home for the holidays.

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12 hours ago, Quitecontrary said:

Ooooooooooh so grim. Wasteland types.


The storefront shone crimson in the light of the dying sun. Most people died after the planetoid collided with the sun, but Daria hadn't.

She entered the candy shoppe looking for the waxy vampire lips that she knew would be there. In bright cartoony letters the package read "A-Pack-'o-Lips"

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You scream and speak and sob until your throat aches and your lungs burn, but no one's there to listen. No one's there to care. You scream your fury to the skies, you wish and weep and wail, but the only evidence of your agonies is the rapidly fading echo.

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1 hour ago, Gears said:

An Apple A Day

I ran out of apples yesterday. The doctors are coming for me. My bunker will not hold them back for long. I have a day, maybe two, before they finally catch me. Tell my family that I love them and I'm sorry I won't make it home for the holidays.

And now, the weather.


I spray the baby powder into empty space, and the grid comes to life. Motzart plays in my ear. I go up, under, sideways, twisting through the lasers. Sweat drips from my brow as I emerge from the lights. They fade behind me as the baby powder settles. I bow.

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Flourescent lights buzzed.

The earth groaned, the rocks cracked and split. Slimy tentacles with razor jaws emerged. The sheriff dropped his pork rinds in shock.

The black, fell limbs retreated to deep within the earth with their prize.


That was the last bag of pork rinds in town.

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Old giants, burning cold in the vast, varied universe. Light through fragile flesh. Beautiful, burning fire, dancing in the night. Anger, simmering beneath the surface, stoking the flames. Flesh, blood, sinew, the component parts of the bodies we inhabit. Your heart beating in your chest. Violent, burning passion.

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Hospital Vespers

"I can't reach it," You say weakly, pointing to the camera in the ceiling.
I cover it from seeing your bleak hospital room. I turned around to find you kneeling.
And before the nurses came and took you away, I stood there on a chair and watched you pray.


This story is based off of a lyric from a song by the Weakerthans, called Hospital Vespers.


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