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On 3/16/2020 at 0:53 PM, Failsafe said:

A magical Scantron grants everyone their powers. Each correct answer grants you another page to your spellbook. Correct answers matter much more than actual knowledge.

Spellbooks are actually practice test workbooks, and good test taking skills are needed to actually use them. Each spell is preceded by a multiple choice question. The letter you choose directly corresponds to an instruction. Be careful. Some of the wrong answers can be deadly. Each page may only be used once

But what happens if you get a bad test score? Well, you can always pay to retake it. But if you run out of pages, or can't afford it, you forfeit your magic all together. 

Already a thing

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On 3/27/2020 at 3:49 AM, Failsafe said:

Hmm. Math homework you say? 

When used as a firestarter, the resulting ashes have varying magic properties. The harder the homework, the more powerful ashes.

A fellow man of culture, I see

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Every smoke detector is imbued with the power to give people magical abilities. When a smoke detector detects smoke (love that sentence) it'll target the nearest person and give them MAGIC. Depending on the source of the smoke, a person can receive a different form of magic. Take for example a burning math notebook. Smoke detected by such will give the nearest person the ability to go through their next math assignment twice as fast and twice as accurately.

Due to this power, people carry around little smoke detectors, matches, and different fuels for the fire. The most common are coal and wood, which grant you the ability to fly and turn invisible respectively, though sometimes you'll run into some oddballs (take for example Shallan's hair. Burning that will instantly make you fall in love with Adolin regardless of your gender).



Edited by Channelknight Fadran
Almost forgot the prompt...
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Remember the magic system Brandon talked about where diseases give you powers? Allergic reactions are like that. While you are in the middle of the allergic reaction, you have magic powers, but as soon as it's over, you are back to normal. So while in anaphylactic shock you can see the future, hives make you invisible but only where the hives are. Watery eyes give you emotional manipulation. Headaches let you read minds. Puffy tongue let's you understand any language. 



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Some people get born with the ability to take a postcard and turn it into a pocket dimension that fetures the place on the postcard. 

In order to get born with this ability your mother needs to send at least 50 postcards during your pregnancy (to make the mail gods happy), the more pos cards she sends the greater are the chances that you will have powers are rising. 

Also in this universe its dangerous to open mail because the mail gods might smite you for infadelity.

Fourm games

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The more forum games you play, the more powers you get. The type of power depends on the game, and the strength on how often you post there. These powers are granted by a few Sharders who have reached godlike status. 


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Water has shifted phases and become like a jelly. The only way to consume it is by drenching it in motor oil. But if you eat the water plain in its jelly form it grants the power to stop inanimate objects in time. But the more oil consumes and destroys this property. Thus wars have started over the oceans.

Sidenote: Because the water is in blocks of jelly. Hundreds of people choke trying to consume it.


Pencil sharpeners

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Pencil sharpeners are used for divination. Whether the tip breaks or not is a portend of what may come to pass. Though sometimes things snatch and swallow up the whole pencil.



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The type a beard a man wears will determine what power their spouse will have!

Below are some beards. Here's what each one does:

Clean Shaven: Their spouse shall not be magical.

Short Stubble: Your spouse can instantly boil, freeze, or evaporate water at will. Very useful for the cook.

Medium Stubble: Your spouse will automatically know the location of her nearest living family. Very useful for hide-and-seek.

Long Stubble: Your spouse is immune to spider bites. Very helpful when climbing through the jungle.

Full Beard: Their spouse can solve any math problem in their head. Very useful when it comes to getting a degree in mathematics.

French Fork: Your spouse has skin that can't be penatrated by sharp points. Very useful for basically any situation.

Ducktail: Your spouse has infinitely good aim when it comes to shooting guns. Headshots are guaranteed when aiming at a duck.

Circle Beard: Your spouse can draw anything she's thinking of with ease. Very helpful when in a drawing duel with Shallan.

Goatee: Allows the spouse to be able to imitate any noise they've heard.

Extended Goatee: Same as the regular Goatee but increases the spouse's ability to win in a game of Charades.

Imperial: Increases the chances of one's spouse becoming the next monarch.

Van Dyke: Increases the spouse's brainpower when it comes to redneck engineering.

Anchor: Gives the spouse a pinpoint sense of direction when they're sailing.

Balbo: Gives the spouse the ability to communicate telepathically.

Mutton Chops: Eeeewww, why would anyone wear this beard? It's nasty! Anyone who marries a man with this beard instantly dies.

Friendly Mutton Chops: Anyone who's married to this guy can make their friends laugh at basically anything-- of which the most common is their husband's choice in facewear

Verdi: Gives the spouse the ability to discern the near future.

Garibaldi: Grants the spouse the ability to plug anything in perfectly. No wiggling required.

Dutch: Gives the spouse the ability to speak dutch.

Bandhoiz: Allows the spouse to automatically know her own blood sugar levels.

Beard Style Women Love - Best 20 Short & Long Beard Styles For Men

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
Homosexual relationship supported!
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On 3/30/2020 at 0:32 AM, Channelknight Fadran said:

Every smoke detector is imbued with the power to give people magical abilities. When a smoke detector detects smoke (love that sentence) it'll target the nearest person and give them MAGIC. Depending on the source of the smoke, a person can receive a different form of magic. Take for example a burning math notebook. Smoke detected by such will give the nearest person the ability to go through their next math assignment twice as fast and twice as accurately.

Due to this power, people carry around little smoke detectors, matches, and different fuels for the fire. The most common are coal and wood, which grant you the ability to fly and turn invisible respectively, though sometimes you'll run into some oddballs (take for example Shallan's hair. Burning that will instantly make you fall in love with Adolin regardless of your gender).

Welp, time to burn my math textbooks!


1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

The type a beard a man wears will determine what power their spouse will have!

Below are some beards. Here's what each one does:

Clean Shaven: Their wife shall not be magical.

Short Stubble: Your wife can instantly boil, freeze, or evaporate water at will. Very useful for the cook.

Medium Stubble: Your spouse will automatically know the location of her nearest living family. Very useful for hide-and-seek.

Long Stubble: Your spouse is immune to spider bites. Very helpful when climbing through the jungle.

Full Beard: Their spouse can solve any math problem in their head. Very useful when it comes to getting a degree in mathematics.

French Fork: Your spouse has skin that can't be penatrated by sharp points. Very useful for basically any situation.

Ducktail: Your wife has infinitely good aim when it comes to shooting guns. Headshots are guaranteed when aiming at a duck.

Circle Beard: Your spouse can draw anything she's thinking of with ease. Very helpful when in a drawing duel with Shallan.

Goatee: Allows the spouse to be able to imitate any noise they've heard.

Extended Goatee: Same as the regular Goatee but increases the spouse's ability to win in a game of Charades.

Imperial: Increases the chances of one's spouse becoming the next monarch.

Van Dyke: Increases the spouse's brainpower when it comes to redneck engineering.

Anchor: Gives the spouse a pinpoint sense of direction when they're sailing.

Balbo: Gives the spouse the ability to communicate telepathically.

Mutton Chops: Eeeewww, why would anyone wear this beard? It's nasty! Anyone who marries a man with this beard instantly dies.

Friendly Mutton Chops: Anyone who's married to this guy can make their friends laugh at basically anything-- of which the most common is their husband's choice in facewear

Verdi: Gives the spouse the ability to discern the near future.

Garibaldi: Grants the spouse the ability to plug anything in perfectly. No wiggling required.

Dutch: Gives the spouse the ability to speak dutch.

Bandhoiz: Allows the spouse to automatically know her own blood sugar levels.

Hey come now, change the first two instances of 'wife' with 'spouse' too. Also people need to be married for it to work? Can't they just be in a relationship? Why necessarily a sexual or romantic relationship? A bro can't give another bro a power with the glory of his beard? :(

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4 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Imperial: Increases the chances of one's spouse becoming the next monarch. 

If the polyamorists hear this we’ll have a dynasty on our hands :ph34r: 


(@polyamory sules - you guys should make a dynasty and rule the world. Maybe I’ll be rewarded for the idea :ph34r:

Also here, you forgot to give a new one - being nervous 

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The duration for which a person is nervous can be compensated later on, for the exact same duration of time, which a person can exchange with a duplicate of themselves to do their work. This doppelganger will behave exactly like the real person (right down to the nervousness), while the original person can spend their time relaxing in a pocket dimension serving as their ideal world.

The exchange cannot be initiated while the person is nervous, a period of nervousness only recharges the amount of time that they can spend switched with their doppelganger.



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Warthogs have magical powers such as extreme strength, invisibility, ability to change size at will, and they rule the world. There is a black market trade in warthog meat, which allows you to use a specific one of their powers, based on the area that the meat comes from, for a length of time, based on the amount that you eat. The Warthog rulers are desperately trying to stamp out the trade in warthog meat.



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Dirty Socks

The dirtier your socks are the more powerful you become, however, it also makes you less healthy.

For example, the Emperor of the world is 237 years old and he hasn't taken off his socks since he was three, he is an all powerful immortal being but he is also in incredible pain. He is the only person to survive such filthiness.

For the power to hold you must wear the socks throughout the entire ordeal, which is why you can't simply buy dirty socks on the black market wnd get powers (however there is a black market for socks, because the emperor doesn't want too many powered people).


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