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planetary shard?


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is the planet of sel going to become the new shard holder of devotion and dominion? we know that it is becoming more sentient as the power settles into it's cognitive aspect and that since it cognitive realm reflects all sentient creatures thought so the planet does have all three aspects necessary to properly wield a shard but the thing that might be very fun to have happen is wishing for something to happen a city might wish that an invading army fails/ are stopped this might reflect onto the planet that then acts upon those wishes

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1 hour ago, stormbourne said:

is the planet of sel going to become the new shard holder of devotion and dominion? we know that it is becoming more sentient as the power settles into it's cognitive aspect and that since it cognitive realm reflects all sentient creatures thought so the planet does have all three aspects necessary to properly wield a shard but the thing that might be very fun to have happen is wishing for something to happen a city might wish that an invading army fails/ are stopped this might reflect onto the planet that then acts upon those wishes

I kind of like this theory.

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If you had an AI like M-Bot with subroutines that simulate emotions, if it was written well enough, could it attract a spren?

Brandon Sanderson

I will RAFO that for now, I have been asked it a bunch. Let's just say, AI in the cosmere are going to be an interesting thing to explore. We will explore that.

Skyward release party (Nov. 6, 2018)

A spren is just a tiny piece of a Shard! :o

Brandon said that AI will be interesting, and a planet that becomes sentient enough to take up a Shard is very interesting...

I am a massive fan of this theory! My only questions are that, could the planet Shard leave the planet? And if the planet does take up the Shard, would it just dissolve like a normal person who takes up a Shard? Because then Fordjell would be destroyed and I would be sad.

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
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1 minute ago, Butt Ad Venture said:

Brandon has said that AI will be interesting, and a planet that becomes sentient enough to take up a Shard is very interesting...

I am a massive fan of this theory! My only questions are that, could the planet Shard leave the planet? And if the planet does take up the Shard, would it just dissolve like a normal person who takes up a Shard? Because then Fordjell would be destroyed and I would be sad.

well what happens with a human that take up a shard is to my understanding is that their physical essence is spread across the planet but with the planet it's already that way so is unlikely to dissolve

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Relevant WoB. 


The Young Pyromancer

Theoretically, if the Dor-- ifSel became a Shard, would-- The biggest limiter on Shards is the Vessel's mind, would that be more limiting or less limiting?

Brandon Sanderson

...If the Dor were itself to become a Shard combining Devotion and Dominion, and were to pick up a Vessel? Because they're still Shards, they just don't have a Vessel.

The Young Pyromancer

So the land couldn't be Vessel?

Brandon Sanderson

The land itself? Of Arelon or of--

The Young Pyromancer

Of Sel.

Brandon Sanderson

The land of Sel would not count as a Vessel. You would say in terminology right now that Dominion and Devotion do not have Vessels in the same way that other Shards do.

Skyward Seattle signing (Nov. 10, 2018)


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15 hours ago, Calderis said:

The land of Sel would not count as a Vessel. You would say in terminology right now that Dominion and Devotion do not have Vessels in the same way that other Shards do

i really like the idea of the planet becoming sentient enough to act as a vessel of the shards. The Wob above is very relevant too but it could be word play. 

Land itself would not count as a vessel but if the planet becomes sentient enough, would it manifest itself into some kind of Seoul/Skaze, you know like spren on Roshar? Would such a manifestation then capable of acting as a vessel? Has not stormfather's holding the largest remnants of honor prove that it should be possible. how is a sentient spren of the Highstorms any different?

and do not have a vessel in the same way that other shards do, also does not discount that there may be a new vessel already but a different kind of vessel.


I also thought the two shards had splintered on Sel... is that not true?

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53 minutes ago, The traveller said:

Land itself would not count as a vessel but if the planet becomes sentient enough, would it manifest itself into some kind of Seoul/Skaze, you know like spren on Roshar? Would such a manifestation then capable of acting as a vessel? Has not stormfather's holding the largest remnants of honor prove that it should be possible. how is a sentient spren of the Highstorms any different?

The Stormfather contains the Cognitive Shadow of the man Tanavast who held honor. He is not the Shard. Nor could he become it. 



What happens when a... spren picks up a Shard?

Brandon Sanderson

What do you mean picks up a Shard? Shardblade or Shard of Adonalsium?


Picks up a Shard of Adonalsium.

Brandon Sanderson

A spren is a Shard of Adonalsium so it just--


Picks up one of the big ones like could a spren do the same thing that Kelsier's spirit did after he--

Brandon Sanderson

*hesitantly* It's like you're asking if electricity can gain a charge of electricity and get electrified. Does that make sense? I mean-- It's a question that doesn't make a lot of sense.

If a Shard were to somehow-- They would just combine into a bigger Shard and get larger-- if that makes sense?


The foundation of that question was I thought that maybe the Stormfather spren was basically doing what Kelsier's spirit did.

Brandon Sanderson

Oh, um *sighs* Not really... It's really a not really There's some similarities but it's a not really. It's not quite a RAFO though. more of a--


More of a "doesn't quite work that way".

Brandon Sanderson

--doesn't quite work that way but you're thinking along the right lines?

Bands of Mourning release party (Jan. 25, 2016)


55 minutes ago, The traveller said:

I also thought the two shards had splintered on Sel... is that not true?

Well... It is and it isn't true. 

Sel is the most ss that it is because Odium didn’t know how to properly Splinter Shards yet. So he shoved them into the Cognitive to keep anyone from picking them up. 



I thought, like, at one of the signings you told me that when Odium was on Sel and Splintered the Shards there, the reason he did the Cognitive Realm hack was because he was not yet experienced in Splintering stuff.

Brandon Sanderson

Right. He did not want what happened to happen, but he didn't know that he didn't want what happened to happen.


What I was getting at is, I could never find a recording of you saying "He was not experienced. He didn't want the power to be taken by anyone, and that's the only solution he could figure out." Does that sound like something you would say?

Brandon Sanderson

That is something I would say, yes... There are better ways to do what he wanted to do, which he later did a better job with. But there's not a lot of experimenting he could do.


Limited number of subjects, right?

Brandon Sanderson


JordanCon 2018 (April 20, 2018)

So while the Shards are in a state that achieves the same thing, they were still whole when they were shoved together in the Cognitive Realm. 

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